- rent [rent]:自己读的是/ə/,像润,实际是/e/,哎的那个和德语类似,和/æ/类似更小的那个。并且那部分e字母都读/e/,所以别读成汉字的e额,坏习惯。
- radical ['rædɪk(ə)l]激进的adj,基础n.:æ
- abode住所 [ə'bəʊd]:ə
本田思域Honda Civic - 摆脱get rid of
- 俚语:killer特别棒的
- real estate房地产 [ɪ'steɪt; e-]
- snatch up猛然抓住 [snætʃ]抢夺
- condo出售的公寓大厦-apartment是出租
- vehicle [ˈviːɪk(ə)l]车子
- briefcase ['briːfkeɪs]公文包(简短的)
- distraction分心 [dɪ'strækʃ(ə)n]的事物:It distract u.
- suck away [sʌk]吸走了
- make sense 有意义,有道理:It makes no sense.
- hassle['hæs(ə)l] n麻烦
- logical合理的['lɒdʒɪk(ə)l]合乎逻辑的
- entrepreneur[ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː(r)]企业家
- potential [pəˈtenʃl] n.潜力
- practice ['præktɪs] n.做法
- revolutionize [,revə'lju:ʃənaiz] vt.彻底改变,变革
- sacrifice ['sækrɪfaɪs]牺牲
- profound [prə'faʊnd]深刻的
- yoga mat瑜伽垫 [mæt]
- decent ['diːs(ə)nt]相当好的,得当的
- primal ['praɪm(ə)l] adj.原始的 urge冲动
- ignite [ɪg'naɪt] vt 点燃=kindle点燃,发亮
- vanish ['vænɪʃ] vt. 消失= disappear
- cling on to 紧紧抓住, [klɪŋ]坚持依附
- fulfillment [fʊl'fɪlmənt] n. 满足
- zip code 邮编
- Minimalism['mɪnɪmə,lɪz(ə)m]极简主义
- the more....the more.....: The more we learn ,the less we konw.
- spend one's time doing sth 花时间做某事
spend one's time on sth 把时间花在某事上
- Even though my condo was nice and comfortable, it was a distraction for me -- something that sucked away my energy, time and money.
- I don’t need stuff to make me happy.
- In fact,the more stuff I have, the more hassle I’m forced to deal with. And a house is the ultimate hassle. 我是认为房子 会变成唯一去追求的东西,而失去了自己生活和自己。
The more I roam(漫游), the more I learn. I network(此处为编织人际关系网) like an addict(瘾君子). I’m constantly meeting and learning from fascinating['fæsɪneɪtɪŋ] people all over the world. It’s not about what I got rid of. It’s what I gained.Letting go of things is one of the best ways to discover yourself.
- 以前自己总认为要不断独处,探求内心才能了解自己,现在知道了去尝试体验所有事情和结交各种人才是更棒更有趣的方式。
Growing up in a middle-class neighborhood, I always heard people say, "Get a good job." "Buy a nicehouse." "Settle down." Etc. Why did so much of life revolve around(以…为中心)having a house? What if that lifestyle isn’t for everyone?
- 以前会纠结买房子的问题,在做答案明了:如果 买房之后,让你几乎为此放弃了整个人生,NO。如果买房让你真正得到满足和幸福,而不只是听别人讲,满足虚荣物欲占有等,YES。所以如果以后我没那么多钱,我会先把中心放在追求更有意义的事情上。
Life wasn’t about the things that I had, but about the relationships that I built with people.
A house doesn’t fill me with passion. It doesn’t energize me. It doesn’t give me purpose. It’s not a source of joy.If a house, an apartment or other stuff gets in the way(阻碍) of my passions, then I should leave it behind.
- 生活不在于你占有了多少东西。其实有发现不是指平常我们购买一些东西。而是指,当你吃撑了但还是非要再买,再吃,和难受了。当你发现自己不应该再看小说了,可是就是不要停下来,当你没有任何需要买的时候也要去超市随便买点什么的时候,这就是你在让物品,填满空虚的心。所以,当你发现自己买/吃/做某事是未来填补空虚的心的时候,停下来。
- 作者说生活不是在于事物,而是在于人。笑来说,幸福的定义,是与他人、社会的正相关。我想了想了,觉得很有道理,虽然没有百分百明白,但我知道,我一定要照做。现在在慢慢领悟更多。
- 当我们选择做什么的时候,的确应该问问自己,这能不能让我有激情,激励我,给我目标感?如果一个房子,一个专业,一个人让你没有激情甚至阻碍你,那就消除,丢掉!
- 房子不是幸福的来源。听到这句话自己有点炸毛,是啊,你说人是不是有毛病,暴食,狂购,看垃圾小说都不可能是a source of joy啊,我们却停不下来。怪不得人最大的敌人是自己。这句话真是最正确不过了。你控制不住自己的本我/大脑/欲望,你让你的大象在拽着你走。那他只会把你引向堕落的深渊。有瘾,其实就是选择多了,脑回路形成吧?
The minute I signed the papers on the sale of my condo, something within me —primal(原始的), deep, and powerful -- was ignited(点燃). I felt free. Completely,truly, internally, externally, and absolutely free.
- less is more。拥有物质越多无形中消耗越多能量。且说明你内心越空虚。所以,极简主义是应该被提倡的,并且应该通过外在改变来达到内心改变。这是可以的。
Minimalism(极简主义) might start with getting rid of your possessions, but it goes much deeper than that. It reorients(重新调整) your mind,helping you focus on the things that truly matter. My minimalism makes my life easy,stress-free and streamlined(合理化的).
- 不仅仅是简化物质达到减负心灵的作用,他还能让你像拨开云雾见日月一样,看到自己内心。哇!我突然发现又夺了一个认识自己的方法!去尝试和结交,外加简化物质!cool!