jquery插件treetable 的使用



    jQuery treetable

jQuery treetable

Download the latest release from the jQuery Plugin Registry or grab the source code from Github. Please report issues through Github issues. This plugin is released under both the MIT and the GPLv2 license by Ludo van den Boom.

Basic jQuery treetable Example
Tree column Additional data 操作
Node 1: Click on the icon in front of me to expand this branch. I live in the second column. 删除 添加子节点
Node 1.1: Look, I am a table row and I am part of a tree! Interesting. 删除 添加子节点
Node 1.1.1: I am part of the tree too! That's it! 删除 添加子节点
Node 1.2: Look, I am a table row and I am part of a tree! Interesting. 删除 添加子节点
Node 2: I am another root node, but without children Hurray! 删除 添加子节点

jquery插件treetable 的使用_第1张图片

  • jquery插件treetable 的使用_第2张图片
  • 大小: 28.4 KB
  • 查看图片附件
