user apache apache; worker_processes 4; worker_rlimit_nofile 100000; #error_log logs/error.log; #error_log logs/error.log notice; #error_log logs/error.log info; #pid logs/; events { use epoll; multi_accept on; worker_connections 51200; } # load modules compiled as Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) # dso { # load; # load; } http { server_tokens off; include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; sendfile on; tcp_nopush on; keepalive_timeout 20; server_names_hash_bucket_size 128; client_header_buffer_size 4k; large_client_header_buffers 4 32k; client_body_buffer_size 512k; client_max_body_size 20m; gzip on; gzip_disable "msie6"; gzip_min_length 1k; gzip_buffers 16 64k; gzip_http_version 1.1; gzip_comp_level 6; gzip_types text/plain application/x-javascript text/css application/xml text/javascript application/javascript; gzip_vary on; lua_package_path '/usr/local/tengine/lua/?.lua;;'; upstream tomcat_server { ip_hash; server ; server ; # server max_fails=2 fail_timeout=30s; } server { listen 80; server_name; # root /usr/html/lovebuy; location = / { root /usr/html/lovebuy/html; index index.html; } location ~ ^/index.html$ { root /usr/html/lovebuy/html; } location ^~ /subject/ { root /usr/html/lovebuy/html; } # location ~ ^/goods_(\d\d\d).html$ { # # if (-f $request_filename) { # root /usr/html/lovebuy/html; # rewrite ^/goods_(\d\d).html$ /page0$1/goods_0$1.html break; # rewrite ^/goods_(\d+).html$ /page$1/goods_$1.html break; # } # # if (!-f $request_filename) { # # rewrite ^/goods_(\d+).html permanent; # rewrite ^/goods_(\d+).html$1.htm permanent; # } # proxy_set_header Host $host; # proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; # proxy_pass http://tomcat_server; # } location ~ ^/goods_(.*)(\d\d\d).html$ { root /usr/html/lovebuy/html/page$2/; if (-f $request_filename) { rewrite ^/goods_(.*)(\d\d\d).html$ /goods_$1$2.html break; } if (!-f $request_filename) { rewrite ^/goods_(\d+).html http://$host/goods_$1.htm ; # proxy_pass http://tomcat_server ; } # proxy_set_header Host $host; # proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; # proxy_pass http://tomcat_server; } # location ~ ^/goods_(.*)(\d\d\d).html$ { # # root /usr/html/lovebuy/html; # rewrite ^/goods_(.*)(\d\d\d).html$ /page$2/goods_$1$2.html break; # } #/thumbnail目录下的图片请求不经过缩略图模块 location ^~ /thumbnail/ { root /usr/html/lovebuy/upload; } location /lua { default_type 'text/plain'; content_by_lua 'ngx.say("hello, lua")'; } ######################################################### #对类似_100x100.gif/jpg/png/jpeg进行缩略图处理 location ~* _([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\.(gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$ { #匹配文件名规则 # location ^~ /photo/ { #匹配文件名规则 rewrite ^/(upload/)(.*)$ /$2 last; root /usr/html/lovebuy/upload; #点根目录 lua_code_cache off; set $image_root /usr/html/lovebuy/upload; #图片目录 set $thumbnail_root /usr/html/lovebuy/upload/thumbnail; #缩略图存放目录 #果缩略图文件存在,直接返回 set $file $thumbnail_root$uri; if (-f $file) { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /thumbnail/$1 last; } #果缩略图文件不存在,则应用缩略图模块处理 if (!-f $file) { rewrite_by_lua_file /usr/local/tengine/lua/thumbnail.lua; # rewrite_by_lua ' # local command = "/usr/local/GraphicsMagick/bin/gm convert /usr/local/tengine/html/image/photo/2m.jpg /usr/local/tengine/html/image/photo/2m_300x300.jpg" ; # os.execute(command); # '; } } location /nginx-status { stub_status on; access_log off; #加入访问限制 #allow; allow; #deny all; } ##################缓存配置###############################3 location ~ \.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|ico)$ { root /usr/html/lovebuy/; expires 1d; } location ^~ /resources/ { root /usr/html/lovebuy/; expires 30d; } ###################缓存配置-end########################## location / { concat on; #开启concat模块 root /usr/html/lovebuy/; } error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root html; } } }
-- nginx thumbnail module -- last update : 2014/8/21 -- version : 0.4.1 local c = require 'config' --[[ uri :链接地址,如/goods/0007/541/001_328x328.jpg ngx_img_root :图片根目录 ngx_thumbnail_root:缩略图根目录 img_width :缩略图宽度 img_width :缩略图高度 img_size :缩略图宽x高 img_crop_type :缩略图裁剪类型 cur_uri_reg_model :缩略图uri正则规则 ]] local uri = ngx.var.uri local ngx_img_root = ngx.var.image_root local ngx_thumbnail_root = ngx.var.thumbnail_root local img_width,img_height,img_size,img_crop_type = 0 local cur_uri_reg = c.default_uri_reg --[[ 日志函数 log_level: 默认为ngx.NOTICE 取值范围:ngx.STDERR , ngx.EMERG , ngx.ALERT , ngx.CRIT , ngx.ERR , ngx.WARN , ngx.NOTICE , ngx.INFO , ngx.DEBUG 请配合nginx.conf中error_log的日志级别使用 ]] function lua_log(msg,log_level) log_level = log_level or c.lua_log_level if(c.enabled_log) then ngx.log(log_level,msg) end end -- 匹配链接对应缩略图规则 function table.contains(table,element) local i = 1 img_crop_type = 0 for _, value in pairs(c.cfg) do local dir = value['dir'] local sizes = value['sizes'] local uri_reg = value['uri_reg'] _,_,img_width,img_height = string.find(uri,''..dir..'+.*_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)') if(img_width and img_height and img_crop_type==0) then img_size = img_width..'x'..img_height for _, value in pairs(sizes) do if(uri_reg) then lua_log('value[uri_reg]==='..uri_reg) else lua_log('value[uri_reg]===nil,dir='..dir..',cur_uri_reg='..cur_uri_reg) end cur_uri_reg = uri_reg or cur_uri_reg if (img_size == value) then img_crop_type=1 return true elseif (img_size..'_' == value) then img_crop_type=2 return true elseif (img_size..'!' == value) then img_crop_type=3 return true elseif (img_size..'^' == value) then img_crop_type=4 return true elseif (img_size..'>' == value) then img_crop_type=5 return true elseif (img_size..'$' == value) then img_crop_type=6 img_size = img_width..'x' return true end end end i=i+1 end return false end -- 拼接gm命令 local function generate_gm_command(img_crop_type,img_original_path,img_size,img_thumbnail_path) local cmd = c.gm_path .. ' convert ' .. img_original_path if (img_crop_type == 1) then cmd = cmd .. ' -thumbnail ' .. img_size .. ' -background ' .. c.img_background_color .. ' -gravity center -extent ' .. img_size elseif (img_crop_type == 2) then cmd = cmd .. ' -thumbnail "' .. img_size .. '" +profile "*"' elseif (img_crop_type == 3) then cmd = cmd .. ' -thumbnail "' .. img_size .. '!" -extent ' .. img_size elseif (img_crop_type == 4) then cmd = cmd .. ' -thumbnail "' .. img_size .. '^" -extent ' .. img_size elseif (img_crop_type == 5 or img_crop_type == 6) then cmd = cmd .. ' -thumbnail "' .. img_size .. '>" +profile "*"' else lua_log('img_crop_type error:'..img_crop_type,ngx.ERR) ngx.exit(404) end cmd = cmd .. ' ' .. img_thumbnail_path return cmd end lua_log("ngx_thumbnail_root======="..ngx_thumbnail_root) --对照配置文件规定的图片尺寸 if not table.contains(c.cfg, uri) then lua_log(uri..' is not match!',ngx.ERR) ngx.exit(404) else lua_log(uri..' is match!',ngx.ERR) local img_original_uri = string.gsub(uri, cur_uri_reg, '') lua_log('img_original_uri_old===' .. uri,ngx.ERR) lua_log('cur_uri_reg===' .. cur_uri_reg,ngx.ERR) lua_log('img_original_uri_new===' .. img_original_uri,ngx.ERR) local .. img_original_uri) if not img_exist then if not c.enabled_default_img then lua_log(img_original_uri..' is not exist!') ngx.exit(404) else .. c.default_img_uri) lua_log('img_exist='..img_exist,ngx.ERR) if img_exist then lua_log(img_original_uri .. ' is not exist! crop image with default image') img_original_uri = c.default_img_uri else lua_log(img_original_uri..' is not exist!') ngx.exit(404) end end end local img_original_path = ngx_img_root .. img_original_uri local img_thumbnail_path = ngx_thumbnail_root .. uri local gm_command = generate_gm_command(img_crop_type,img_original_path,img_size,img_thumbnail_path) if (gm_command) then lua_log('gm_command======'..gm_command) _,_,img_thumbnail_dir,img__thumbnail_filename=string.find(img_thumbnail_path,'(.-)([^/]*)$') os.execute('mkdir -p '..img_thumbnail_dir) os.execute(gm_command) end ngx.req.set_uri('/thumbnail'..uri) end