hadoop Balancer 流程


boolean done = false;
for(int iteration = 0; !done; iteration++) {
  done = true;
  // 打散多个namespace
  for(NameNodeConnector nnc : connectors) {
    // balancer 初始化,定义threshold和线程池大小
    final Balancer b = new Balancer(nnc, p, conf);
    // 主要balance流程,遍历每个datanode
    final ReturnStatus r = b.run(iteration, formatter, conf);
    // clean all lists
    // 未平衡则继续,否则退出
    if (r == ReturnStatus.IN_PROGRESS) {
      done = false;
    } else if (r != ReturnStatus.SUCCESS) {
      //must be an error statue, return.
      return r.code;

  if (!done) {

 * Construct a balancer.
 * Initialize balancer. It sets the value of the threshold, and 
 * builds the communication proxies to
 * namenode as a client and a secondary namenode and retry proxies
 * when connection fails.
Balancer(NameNodeConnector theblockpool, Parameters p, Configuration conf) {
  this.threshold = p.threshold;
  this.policy = p.policy;
  this.nnc = theblockpool;
  cluster = NetworkTopology.getInstance(conf);
  // 初始化mover线程池,默认值1000,是真正执行block拷贝的线程
  this.moverExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(
  // 初始化dispatcher线程池,默认200,是从source的节点选取block的线程
  this.dispatcherExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(
  // 初始化每个datanode上同时拷贝block的并行数,默认值是5
  this.maxConcurrentMovesPerNode =

/* Given a data node set, build a network topology and decide
 * over-utilized datanodes, above average utilized datanodes, 
 * below average utilized datanodes, and underutilized datanodes. 
 * The input data node set is shuffled before the datanodes 
 * are put into the over-utilized datanodes, above average utilized
 * datanodes, below average utilized datanodes, and
 * underutilized datanodes lists. This will add some randomness
 * to the node matching later on. 
final long bytesLeftToMove = initNodes(nnc.client.getDatanodeReport(DatanodeReportType.LIVE));
/* Decide all the nodes that will participate in the block move and
 * the number of bytes that need to be moved from one node to another
 * in this iteration. Maximum bytes to be moved per node is
 * Min(1 Band worth of bytes,  MAX_SIZE_TO_MOVE).
final long bytesToMove = chooseNodes();
/* Start a thread to dispatch block moves for each source. 
 * The thread selects blocks to move & sends request to proxy source to
 * initiate block move. The process is flow controlled. Block selection is
 * blocked if there are too many un-confirmed block moves.
 * Return the total number of bytes successfully moved in this iteration.

一、 initNodes() 操作流程图:

hadoop Balancer 流程_第1张图片

通过计算获得上图中上步4个List,list中的元素是BalancerDatanode(初始化时已经指定:final private static long MAX_SIZE_TO_MOVE 10*1024*1024*1024L//10GB,同时通过overUtilizedDatanodes和underUtilizedDatanodes 计算出overLoadedBytes和underLoadedBytes,规则如下:

// 使用overUtilizedDatanodes中节点
overLoadedBytes += (long)((datanodeS.utilization-avg-threshold)*datanodeS.datanode.getCapacity()/100.0);

// 使用underUtilizedDatanodes中节点
underLoadedBytes += (long)((avg-threshold-datanodeS.utilization)*datanodeS.datanode.getCapacity()/100.0);

最后反回的bytesLeftToMove 就是overLoadedBytes和underLoadedBytes的最大值。

二、 chooseNodes() 操作规则:

优先选取source节点和dest节点同机架:1. overUtilizedDatanodes->underUtilizedDatanodes;2. overUtilizedDatanodes->belowAvgUtilizedDatanodes;3. aboveAvgUtilizedDatanodes->underUtilizedDatanodes(除了aboveAvgUtilizedDatanodes->belowAvgUtilizedDatanodes都有了);

其次选取source节点和dest节点不同机器(无限制):1. overUtilizedDatanodes->underUtilizedDatanodes;2. overUtilizedDatanodes->belowAvgUtilizedDatanodes;3. aboveAvgUtilizedDatanodes->underUtilizedDatanodes(除了aboveAvgUtilizedDatanodes->belowAvgUtilizedDatanodes都有了);


三、 dispatchBlockMoves()  操作:

