这里我推荐一个比较简单的方法,用VLC SDK编写播放器,VLC是一个款平台开源的项目,还提供二进制安装包和开发包,这里我们用windows中的安装包直接安装,安装过程中选择安装sdk和ocx,这样就可以通过VC开发播放器了;
libvlc_instance_t * vlc_ins = NULL;
libvlc_media_player_t * vlc_player = NULL;
libvlc_media_t * vlc_media = NULL;
void CtestVLCDlg::OnBnClickedPlay()
// TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码
vlc_ins = libvlc_new(0, NULL);
if(vlc_ins != NULL)
vlc_player = libvlc_media_player_new(vlc_ins);
if(vlc_player != NULL)
// 通过文件路径创建一个媒体实例,这里是我的测试文件
vlc_media = libvlc_media_new_path(vlc_ins, "F:\\t.avi");
if(vlc_media != NULL)
// 解析媒体实例
// 获取媒体文件的播放长度, 返回 ms
libvlc_time_t duration = libvlc_media_get_duration(vlc_media);
// 此处是获取媒体包含多个的视频和音频轨以及其他类型的轨道信息
libvlc_media_track_info_t *media_tracks = NULL;
int trackCount = libvlc_media_get_tracks_info(vlc_media, &media_tracks);
// 这里是释放内存,但我测试的时候会有问题,还没仔细研究是为何
// free(media_tracks); // crash?
// 把打开的媒体文件设置给播放器
libvlc_media_player_set_media(vlc_player, vlc_media);
// 因为是windows系统,所以需要设置一个HWND给播放器作为窗口,这里就直接使用桌面窗口,这里仅是测试
libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd(vlc_player, /*::GetDesktopWindow()*/ AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd );
// 开始播放视频
void CtestVLCDlg::OnBnClickedstop()
VLC开发播放器,网上有很多资源,这里我推荐一个封装比较简明的资源 “基于VLC的MFC播放器 完整版”,可以再csdn都到这个资源;
if( m = libvlc_media_new_location (m_pVLC_Inst, szUTFName) )
if ( ( m != NULL ) && ( m_pVLC_Player = libvlc_media_player_new_from_media(m) ) )
libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd(m_pVLC_Player, m_hWnd);
// 事件管理
libvlc_event_manager_t *vlc_evt_man = libvlc_media_player_event_manager(m_pVLC_Player);
libvlc_event_attach(vlc_evt_man, libvlc_MediaPlayerEndReached, ::OnVLC_EndReached, this);
libvlc_event_attach(vlc_evt_man, libvlc_MediaPlayerPositionChanged, ::OnVLC_PositionChanged, this);
if( m = libvlc_media_new_location (m_pVLC_Inst, szUTFName) )}
在全局的消息回调中,可以传入自定义参数,可以把当前对象的指针传入,就是 this 指针,然后在类中添加一个函数相应消息,在全局函数中通过this指针调用相关对象的消息函数,实例:
class VLCclass
On_libvlc_event( event );
void OnVLC_LibVlc(const libvlc_event_t *event, void *data)
if (data)
VLCclass * pPlayer = (VLCclass*)data;
pPlayer->On_libvlc_event( event );
This sample code will (try to) play back an URL. There is also an example using SDL for video output.
#include#include #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { libvlc_instance_t * inst; libvlc_media_player_t *mp; libvlc_media_t *m; /* Load the VLC engine */ inst = libvlc_new (0, NULL); /* Create a new item */ m = libvlc_media_new_location (inst, "http://mycool.movie.com/test.mov"); //m = libvlc_media_new_path (inst, "/path/to/test.mov"); /* Create a media player playing environement */ mp = libvlc_media_player_new_from_media (m); /* No need to keep the media now */ libvlc_media_release (m); #if 0 /* This is a non working code that show how to hooks into a window, * if we have a window around */ libvlc_media_player_set_xwindow (mp, xid); /* or on windows */ libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd (mp, hwnd); /* or on mac os */ libvlc_media_player_set_nsobject (mp, view); #endif /* play the media_player */ libvlc_media_player_play (mp); sleep (10); /* Let it play a bit */ /* Stop playing */ libvlc_media_player_stop (mp); /* Free the media_player */ libvlc_media_player_release (mp); libvlc_release (inst); return 0; }
VLC 发送数据到网络:
Here is a small tutorial intended to make a quick tour of the stream to memory module (smem) , included in VLC 1.1.0. This module allows you to write a code which handles the video and audio data read by VLC. This page shows a basic code written in C which uses this module.
/!\ Starting from VLC 2.2, smem uses size_t instead of unsigned int for buffer sizes.
#include#include #include
VLC sends you the data you need via two functions that you define yourself. They will be run before and after the data is rendered. There are two functions for the audio data, and two for the video one. In this example I will just show how to deal with audio data, the process is the same for video handling.
void prepareRender(void* p_audio_data, uint8_t** pp_pcm_buffer , size_t size); // Audio prerender callback void handleStream(void* p_audio_data, uint8_t* p_pcm_buffer, unsigned int channels, unsigned int rate, unsigned int nb_samples, unsigned int bits_per_sample, size_t size, int64_t pts); // Audio postrender callback // Video prerender and postrender callbacks not implemented.
As with every application you build with libvlc, you have to initialize the library. But you also have to tell VLC the address of each callback you wrote. This is made by writing the address in the parameters used to launch VLC.
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // VLC pointers libvlc_instance_t *vlcInstance; libvlc_media_player_t *mp; libvlc_media_t *media; // VLC options char smem_options[256]; sprintf(smem_options, "#transcode{acodec=s16l}:smem{audio-postrender-callback=%lld,audio-prerender-callback=%lld}", // We are using transcode because smem only support raw audio and video formats (long long int)(intptr_t)(void*)&handleStream, (long long int)(intptr_t)(void*)&prepareRender); // We print (as a decimal value) the addresses. Note that you can also define smem-audio-data : this pointer // will be passed to your callbacks (it may be useful to retrive some extra informations) but isn't required at all. const char * const vlc_args[] = { "--verbose=2", // Be much more verbose then normal for debugging purpose "--sout", smem_options // Stream to memory }; // We launch VLC vlcInstance = libvlc_new(sizeof(vlc_args) / sizeof(vlc_args[0]), vlc_args); mp = libvlc_media_player_new(vlcInstance); // To be continued. return 0; }
The smem module sends us the data in PCM format.
The first callback, called prepareRender in this example, locks the mutex and sets the data pointer (i.e. where the data will be written). All you have to do here is to ensure that *pp_pcm_bufferpoints now to a valid array where size bytes can be written.
The second callback, here handleStream, is the place where you can do everything you want with the data you got !
The p_audio_data pointer is linked to the object you set in the command line parameters. It can be useful in order to communicate with the rest of the program.
void prepareRender (void* p_audio_data, uint8_t** pp_pcm_buffer , size_t size) { // TODO: Lock the mutex *pp_pcm_buffer = // TODO } void handleStream(void* p_audio_data, uint8_t* p_pcm_buffer, unsigned int channels, unsigned int rate, unsigned int nb_samples, unsigned int bits_per_sample, size_t size, int64_t pts ) { // TODO: explain how data should be handled // TODO: Unlock the mutex }
The PCM format is very raw, but you may still have to do some small transformations in order to be able to get the exact waveform of the audio stream.
First, the audio data is sent as an array of bytes, but each sample may be coded on more bytes : if you use the unchanged array, the values won't mean anything. The parameter bits_per_sample helps you to know how to tackle this problem.
Then, the data is still in an unsigned format : the negative values have an offset which makes the data look weird.
accepts an sout
string, so this seems to do the trick:
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
libvlc_instance_t *vlc;
const char *url;
const char *sout = "#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2," \
const char *media_name = "Foo";
if (argc != 2) {
return 1;
url = argv[1];
vlc = libvlc_new(0, NULL);
libvlc_vlm_add_broadcast(vlc, media_name, url, sout, 0, NULL, true, false);
libvlc_vlm_play_media(vlc, media_name);
sleep(60); /* Let it play for a minute */
libvlc_vlm_stop_media(vlc, media_name);
return 0;