

    def buildModel(self):
        loss_pre = sys.float_info.max
        nonzeros = self.trainMatrix.nnz
        hr_prev = 0.0
        sys.stderr.write("Run for BPR. \n")
        for itr in xrange(self.maxIter):
            start = time.time()
            # Each training epoch
            for s in xrange(nonzeros):
                # sample a user
                u = np.random.randint(self.userCount)
                itemList = self.trainMatrix.getrowview(u).rows[0]
                if len(itemList) == 0:
                # sample a positive item
                i = random.choice(itemList)
                # One SGD step update
                self.update_ui(u, i)
            # Show progress
            if self.showProgress:
                self._showProgress(itr, start, self.testRatings)
            # Show loss
            if self.showLoss:
                loss_pre = self._showLoss(itr, start, loss_pre)
            if self.adaptive:
                if not self.showProgress:
                hr = np.mean(self.ndcgs)
                self.lr = self.lr * 1.05 if hr > hr_prev else self.lr * 0.5
                hr_prev = hr
         1.  nnz       Number of stored values, including explicit zeros.

    2. numpy.random.randint(lowhigh=Nonesize=Nonedtype='l')

Return random integers from low (inclusive) to high (exclusive).返回一个随机数

3.  rowsLIL format row index array of the matrix

4. numpy.random.choice(asize=Nonereplace=Truep=None)

Generates a random sample from a given 1-D array.a=itemlist生成的一个随机样本

5. update_ui()函数是自己写的 One SGD step update

6. sys.float_info.max Python所能处理的浮点数的最大值

7.__init__  构造函数,在生成对象时调用


class Recommender(object):

class MFbpr(Recommender):

def update_ui(self, u, i):
        # sample a negative item(uniformly random)
        j = np.random.randint(self.itemCount)
        while self.trainMatrix[u, j] != 0:
            j = np.random.randint(self.itemCount)
        # BPR update rules
        y_pos = self.predict(u, i)  # target value of positive instance
        y_neg = self.predict(u, j)  # target value of negative instance
        mult = -self.partial_loss(y_pos - y_neg)
        for f in xrange(self.factors):
            grad_u = self.V[i, f] - self.V[j, f]
            self.U[u, f] -= self.lr * (mult * grad_u + self.reg * self.U[u, f])
            grad = self.U[u, f]
            self.V[i, f] -= self.lr * (mult * grad + self.reg * self.V[i, f])
            self.V[j, f] -= self.lr * (-mult * grad + self.reg * self.V[j, f])


   self.userCount = self.trainMatrix.shape[0]   训练矩阵的第一维的长度
   self.itemCount = self.trainMatrix.shape[1]

    def predict(self, u, i):
        return np.dot(self.U[u], self.V[i])


 # Partial of the ln sigmoid function used by BPR
    def partial_loss(self, x):
        exp_x = np.exp(-x)
        return exp_x / (1.0 + exp_x)


       for f in xrange(self.factors):
            grad_u = self.V[i, f] - self.V[j, f]
            self.U[u, f] -= self.lr * (mult * grad_u + self.reg * self.U[u, f])
            grad = self.U[u, f]
            self.V[i, f] -= self.lr * (mult * grad + self.reg * self.V[i, f])
            self.V[j, f] -= self.lr * (-mult * grad + self.reg * self.V[j, f])

 是模型学习公式【U即q,V即q,lr即学习速率 α,mult即lnσ(xuij),即下面公式的,reg是正则化参数



 def _showProgress(self, itr, start, testRatings):
        end_itr = time.time()
        if self.userCount == len(testRatings):
            # leave-1-out eval
            # global split
            self.evaluateOnline(testRatings, 1000)
        end_eval = time.time()

【1】使用 弃(留)一法交叉验证 离线模型evalute



    def evaluate(self, testRatings):
        self.hits = np.array([0.0] * self.userCount)
        self.ndcgs = np.array([0.0] * self.userCount)
        self.precs = np.array([0.0] * self.userCount)
        for rating in testRatings:
            u = rating[0]
            i = rating[1]
            res = self.evaluate_for_user(u, i)
            self.hits[u] = res[0]
            self.ndcgs[u] = res[1]
            self.precs[u] = res[2]


def evaluate_for_user(self, u, gtItem):
        result = [0.0] * 3
        map_item_score = {}
        # Get the score of the test item first.
        maxScore = self.predict(u, gtItem)
        # Early stopping if there are topK items larger than maxScore.
        countLarger = 0
        for i in xrange(self.itemCount):
            score = self.predict(u, i)
            map_item_score[i] = score
            if score > maxScore:
                countLarger += 1
            if countLarger > self.topK:
                # early stopping
                return result
        # Selecting topK items (does not exclude train items).
        if self.ignoreTrain:
            rankList = Utils.TopKeysByValue(map_item_score, self.topK, self.trainMatrix.getrowview(u).rows[0])
            rankList = Utils.TopKeysByValue(map_item_score, self.topK, None)

        result[0] = self.getHitRatio(rankList, gtItem)
        result[1] = self.getNDCG(rankList, gtItem)
        result[2] = self.getPrecision(rankList, gtItem)
        return result

【2】在线反馈验证 evaluateOnline







    def evaluateOnline(self, testRatings, interval):
        testCount = len(testRatings)
        self.hits = np.array([0.0]*testCount)
        self.ndcgs = np.array([0.0]*testCount)
        self.precs = np.array([0.0]*testCount)
        intervals = 10
        counts = [0] * (intervals + 1)
        hits_r = [0.0] * (intervals + 1)
        ndcgs_r = [0.0] * (intervals + 1)
        precs_r = [0.0] * (intervals + 1)
        updateTime = 0
        for i in xrange(testCount):
            if i > 0 and interval > 0 and i % interval == 0:
                # Check performance per interval:
                sys.stderr.write("{}:  =\t {}\t {}\t {}\n".format(
                        i, np.sum(self.hits) / i, np.sum(self.ndcgs) / i, np.sum(self.precs) / i))
            # Evaluate model of the current test rating:
            rating = testRatings[i]
            res = self.evaluate_for_user(rating[0], rating[1])
            self.hits[i] = res[0]
            self.ndcgs[i] = res[1]
            self.precs[i] = res[2]
            # statisitcs for break down
            r = len(self.trainMatrix.getrowview(rating[0]).rows[0])
            r = intervals if r > intervals else r
            counts[r] += 1
            hits_r[r] += res[0]
            ndcgs_r[r] += res[1]
            precs_r[r] += res[2]
            # Update the model
            start = time.time()
            self.updateModel(rating[0], rating[1])
            updateTime += time.time() - start
        sys.stderr.write("Break down the results by number of user ratings for the test pair.\n")
        sys.stderr.write("#Rating\t Percentage\t HR\t NDCG\t MAP\n")
        for i in xrange(intervals+1):
            if counts[i] == 0:
            sys.stderr.write("{}\t {}%%\t {}\t {}\t {} \n".format(
                    i, float(counts[i])/testCount*100, 
                    hits_r[i] / counts[i], ndcgs_r[i] / counts[i], precs_r[i] / counts[i]))
        sys.stderr.write("Avg model update time per instance: {}\n".format(float(updateTime)/testCount))

使用用户实际上购买的 ground-truth(GT)项目来评价排序列表

采用 Hit Ration(HR)——度量ground-truth(GT)项目是否出现在排序列表上。

def getHitRatio(self, rankList, gtItem):
        for item in rankList:
            if item == gtItem:
                return 1
        return 0

     Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG).——统计命中的次数


   def getNDCG(self, rankList, gtItem):
        for i, item in enumerate(rankList):
            if item == gtItem:
                return np.log(2) / np.log(i+2)
        return 0
    def getPrecision(self, rankList, gtItem):
        for i, item in enumerate(rankList):
            if item == gtItem:
                return 1.0 / (i+1)
        return 0

