

每个 Java 应用程序都有一个 Runtime 类实例,使应用程序能够与其运行的环境相连接。可以通过 getRuntime 方法获取当前运行时。应用程序不能创建自己的 Runtime 类实例。

ProcessBuilder.start() 和 Runtime.exec 方法创建一个本机进程,并返回 Process 子类的一个实例,该实例可用来控制进程并获取相关信息。Process 类提供了执行从进程输入、执行输出到进程、等待进程完成、检查进程的退出状态以及销毁(杀掉)进程的方法。 对于带有 Process 对象的 Java 进程,没有必要异步或并发执行由 Process 对象表示的进程。


import; import; import; import; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: leizhimin * Date: 2008-7-18 * Time: 14:18:27 * Java调用Windows命令测试 */ public class TestCmd { public static void main(String args[]) { testWinCmd(); dirOpt(); } public static void testWinCmd() { System.out.println("------------------testWinCmd()--------------------"); Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); System.out.println(runtime.totalMemory()); System.out.println(runtime.freeMemory()); System.out.println(runtime.maxMemory()); System.out.println(runtime.availableProcessors()); //处理器数 try { //执行一个exe文件 runtime.exec("notepad"); runtime.exec("C://Program Files//Microsoft Office//OFFICE11//winword.exe c://test.doc"); //执行批处理 runtime.exec("c://x.bat"); //执行系统命令 runtime.exec("cmd /c dir "); runtime.exec("cmd /c dir c://"); // //-------------- 文件操作 -------------- runtime.exec("cmd /c copy c://x.bat d://x.txt"); //copy并改名 runtime.exec("cmd /c rename d://x.txt x.txt.bak"); //重命名 runtime.exec("cmd /c move d://x.txt.bak c://"); //移动 runtime.exec("cmd /c del c://x.txt.bak"); //删除 //-------------- 目录操作 -------------- runtime.exec("cmd /c md c://_test"); //删除 } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 执行批处理文件,并获取输出流重新输出到控制台 */ public static void dirOpt() { System.out.println("------------------dirOpt()--------------------"); Process process; try { //执行命令 process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("c://x.bat"); //取得命令结果的输出流 InputStream fis = process.getInputStream(); //用一个读输出流类去读 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis)); String line = null; //逐行读取输出到控制台 while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }




 //PerlExecResult is a user-defined class, It just saves execPerl's results public static PerlExecResult execPerl(){ String[] cmd = { "perl", "", "param1", "param2" }; StringBuffer resultStringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); String lineToRead = ""; //get Process to execute perl, get the output and exitValue int exitValue = 0; try{ Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( cmd ); InputStream inputStream = proc.getInputStream(); BufferedReader bufferedRreader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( inputStream ) ); //save first line if( ( lineToRead = bufferedRreader.readLine() ) != null ){ resultStringBuffer.append( lineToRead ); } //save next lines while( ( lineToRead = bufferedRreader.readLine() ) != null ){ resultStringBuffer.append( "/r/n" ); resultStringBuffer.append( lineToRead ); } //Always reading STDOUT first, then STDERR, exitValue last proc.waitFor(); //wait for reading STDOUT and STDERR over exitValue = proc.exitValue(); }catch( Exception ex ){ resultStringBuffer = new StringBuffer( "" ); exitValue = 2; } PerlExecResult perlExecResult = new PerlExecResult( resultStringBuffer.toString(), exitValue ); return perlExecResult; }
