


   * 判断这次请求是不是分布式的请求,根据是不是有zk,
   * 如果是的话,则找到由Router决定的要路由到的多个shard,
   * 并添加多个shard的多个replica的url,用|分隔,放在rb的shard和slices中 
  public void checkDistributed(ResponseBuilder rb) {
    SolrQueryRequest req = rb.req;
    SolrParams params = req.getParams();
    rb.isDistrib = params.getBool("distrib", req.getCore().getCoreDescriptor().getCoreContainer().isZooKeeperAware());// 先检查distrib这个参数,如果指定了则使用,否则默认值是是否启动了zk.
    String shards = params.get(ShardParams.SHARDS);// 参数中指定的shards参数。
    // for back compat, a shards param with URLs like localhost:8983/solr will mean that this
    // search is distributed.
    boolean hasShardURL = shards != null && shards.indexOf('/') > 0;
    rb.isDistrib = hasShardURL | rb.isDistrib;//由distrib、是否使用zk、是否制定了shards三个参数决定一个请求是否是分布式的,即是否要向多个shard转发请求。
    if (rb.isDistrib) {// 如果是分布式的。
      // since the cost of grabbing cloud state is still up in the air, we grab it only if we need it.
      ClusterState clusterState = null;
      Map slices = null;
      CoreDescriptor coreDescriptor = req.getCore().getCoreDescriptor();
      CloudDescriptor cloudDescriptor = coreDescriptor.getCloudDescriptor();
      ZkController zkController = coreDescriptor.getCoreContainer().getZkController();
      if (shards != null) {// 如果在请求的参数中指定了shards,则使用给定的shards
        List lst = StrUtils.splitSmart(shards, ",", true);// 可以指定多个要查询的shard,用英文的逗号分隔。
        rb.shards = lst.toArray(new String[lst.size()]);
        rb.slices = new String[rb.shards.length];
        if (zkController != null) {
          // figure out which shards are slices
          for (int i = 0; i < rb.shards.length; i++) {
            if (rb.shards[i].indexOf('/') < 0) {
              // this is a logical shard
              rb.slices[i] = rb.shards[i];
              rb.shards[i] = null;
      } else if (zkController != null) {// 如果没有指定shards并且使用了zk
        // we weren't provided with an explicit list of slices to query via "shards", so use the cluster state
        clusterState = zkController.getClusterState();
        String shardKeys = params.get(ShardParams._ROUTE_);// shardKeys就是参数中的_route_,这个指定要路由到的shard,对于任何的Router都可以使用这个值(像Implicit这个Router可以使用域的名字来指定要查找的shard)。
        // This will be the complete list of slices we need to query for this request.
        slices = new HashMap<>();
        // we need to find out what collections this request is for.
        // A comma-separated list of specified collections.
        // Eg: "collection1,collection2,collection3"
        String collections = params.get("collection");// 得到collection,可能有多个collection,有,分隔。
        if (collections != null) {
          // If there were one or more collections specified in the query, split
          // each parameter and store as a separate member of a List.
          List collectionList = StrUtils.splitSmart(collections, ",", true);
          // In turn, retrieve the slices that cover each collection from the
          // cloud state and add them to the Map 'slices'.
          for (String collectionName : collectionList) {// 假设只有一个collection.
            // The original code produced _ when the collections
            // parameter was specified (see ClientUtils.appendMap)
            // Is this necessary if ony one collection is specified?
            // i.e. should we change multiCollection to collectionList.size() > 1?
            addSlices(slices, clusterState, params, collectionName, shardKeys, true);// 根据这个collection的路由策略和参数找到所有要请求的shard。这个方法的实现要涉及到docRouter,关于这个博客参见这个博客。
        } else {
          // just this collection
          String collectionName = cloudDescriptor.getCollectionName();
          addSlices(slices, clusterState, params, collectionName, shardKeys, false);
        // Store the logical slices in the ResponseBuilder and create a new
        // String array to hold the physical shards (which will be mapped
        // later).
        rb.slices = slices.keySet().toArray(new String[slices.size()]);
        rb.shards = new String[rb.slices.length];


