matplotlib marker 设置


plot(marker = “”)

marker description
. point
, pixel
o circle
v triangle_down
^ triangle_up
< triangle_left
> triangle_right
1 tri_down
2 tri_up
3 tri_left
4 tri_right
8 octagon
s square
p pentagon
P plus (filled)
* star
h hexagon1
H hexagon2
+ plus
x x
X x (filled)
D diamond
d thin_diamond
_ hline
TICKLEFT tickleft
TICKRIGHT tickright
TICKUP tickup
TICKDOWN tickdown
CARETLEFT caretleft (centered at tip)
CARETRIGHT caretright (centered at tip)
CARETUP caretup (centered at tip)
CARETDOWN caretdown (centered at tip)
CARETLEFTBASE caretleft (centered at base)
CARETRIGHTBASE caretright (centered at base)
CARETUPBASE caretup (centered at base)
None, ” ” or “” nothing
... render the string using mathtext.
verts a list of (x, y) pairs used for Path vertices. The center of the marker is located at (0,0) and the size is normalized.
path a Path instance.
