creates an annotation: a piece of text referring to
a data point.
figure.annotate(s=annotation, xy=(x1, y1), xycoords='data',
xytext=(x2, y2), textcoords='offset points',...)
common used parameters:
: string, text information as annotation.xy
: (x,y) position to put the annotationxytext
: (x,y), optional, default=None. Position of label s
: string, optional, default=”data”. String indicates what type of coordinates xy is.textcoords
: string, optional, default=None. String indicates what type of coordinates text is.arrowprops
: optional. If it is not none, it is a dictionary of line properties for the arrow that connects the annotation to the point. An arrow connecting two point (xy
& xytext
) can be optionally drawn by specifying the arrowprops argument.Application can be found in