laravel 源码分析以及解决relationship sync不触发deleted事件的问题


一个模仿知乎的网站有三张表 questions topics question_topic 
建立了多对多的关系, 然后$question->topic()->sync($topic_list); 竟然无法触发
QuestionTopic Model的deleted事件


sync的确会触发deleted 但是触发的Builder上面的事件 而不是QuestionTopic事件


1. trait Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Concerns\InteractsWithPivotTable  sync
2. function sync中调用了detach方法, detach中进行了delete操作 但是执行的`$query`  

sync是怎么工作的呢? 看下面

     * Sync the intermediate tables with a list of IDs or collection of models.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection|\Illuminate\Support\Collection|array  $ids
     * @param  bool   $detaching
     * @return array
    public function sync($ids, $detaching = true)
        $changes = [
            'attached' => [], 'detached' => [], 'updated' => [],

        // First we need to attach any of the associated models that are not currently
        // in this joining table. We'll spin through the given IDs, checking to see
        // if they exist in the array of current ones, and if not we will insert.
        $current = $this->newPivotQuery()->pluck(

        $detach = array_diff($current, array_keys(
            $records = $this->formatRecordsList($this->parseIds($ids))

        // Next, we will take the differences of the currents and given IDs and detach
        // all of the entities that exist in the "current" array but are not in the
        // array of the new IDs given to the method which will complete the sync.
        if ($detaching && count($detach) > 0) {

            $changes['detached'] = $this->castKeys($detach);

        // Now we are finally ready to attach the new records. Note that we'll disable
        // touching until after the entire operation is complete so we don't fire a
        // ton of touch operations until we are totally done syncing the records.
        $changes = array_merge(
            $changes, $this->attachNew($records, $current, false)

        // Once we have finished attaching or detaching the records, we will see if we
        // have done any attaching or detaching, and if we have we will touch these
        // relationships if they are configured to touch on any database updates.
        if (count($changes['attached']) ||
            count($changes['updated'])) {

        return $changes;

detach 进行了delete操作 但是操作的主体是$query

     * Detach models from the relationship.
     * @param  mixed  $ids
     * @param  bool  $touch
     * @return int
    public function detach($ids = null, $touch = true)
        $query = $this->newPivotQuery();

        // If associated IDs were passed to the method we will only delete those
        // associations, otherwise all of the association ties will be broken.
        // We'll return the numbers of affected rows when we do the deletes.
        if (! is_null($ids)) {
            $ids = $this->parseIds($ids);

            if (empty($ids)) {
                return 0;

            $query->whereIn($this->relatedPivotKey, (array) $ids);

        // Once we have all of the conditions set on the statement, we are ready
        // to run the delete on the pivot table. Then, if the touch parameter
        // is true, we will go ahead and touch all related models to sync.
        $results = $query->delete();

        if ($touch) {

        return $results;


     * Create a new query builder for the pivot table.
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder
    protected function newPivotQuery()
        $query = $this->newPivotStatement();

        foreach ($this->pivotWheres as $arguments) {
            call_user_func_array([$query, 'where'], $arguments);

        foreach ($this->pivotWhereIns as $arguments) {
            call_user_func_array([$query, 'whereIn'], $arguments);

        return $query->where($this->foreignPivotKey, $this->parent->{$this->parentKey});


感谢``  完美解决问题的包`fico7489/laravel-pivot` 
composer require fico7489/laravel-pivot:"*"

