// at init timeconst slider = new SliderWidget(caption, state.value, min, max);slider.onChange = function(newValue) { state.value = newValue;}// if state.value changed slider needs to show the new valuefunction updateSlider(newValue) { state.value = newValue;}
const slider = new SliderWidget(caption, state.value, min, max);
slider.onChange = function(newValue) {
state.value = newValue;
// if state.value changed slider needs to show the new valuefunction updateSlider(newValue) {
state.value = newValue;
autofocus: boolean disabled: boolean form: object formAction: string formEnctype: string formMethod: string formNoValidate: boolean formTarget: string name: string type: string value: string willValidate: boolean validity: object ValidityState validationMessage: string labels: object NodeList title: string lang: string translate: boolean dir: string dataset: object DOMStringMap hidden: boolean tabIndex: number accessKey: string draggable: boolean spellcheck: boolean autocapitalize: string contentEditable: string isContentEditable: boolean inputMode: string offsetParent: object offsetTop: number offsetLeft: number offsetWidth: number offsetHeight: number style: object CSSStyleDeclaration namespaceURI: string localName: string tagName: string id: string classList: object DOMTokenList attributes: object NamedNodeMap scrollTop: number scrollLeft: number scrollWidth: number scrollHeight: number clientTop: number clientLeft: number clientWidth: number clientHeight: number attributeStyleMap: object StylePropertyMap previousElementSibling: object nextElementSibling: object children: object HTMLCollection firstElementChild: object lastElementChild: object childElementCount: number nodeType: number nodeName: string baseURI: string isConnected: boolean ownerDocument: object HTMLDocument parentNode: object parentElement: object childNodes: object NodeList firstChild: object lastChild: object previousSibling: object nextSibling: object nodeValue: object textContent: string
disabled: boolean
form: object
formAction: string
formEnctype: string
formMethod: string
formNoValidate: boolean
formTarget: string
name: string
type: string
value: string
willValidate: boolean
validity: object ValidityState
validationMessage: string
labels: object NodeList
title: string
lang: string
translate: boolean
dir: string
dataset: object DOMStringMap
hidden: boolean
tabIndex: number
accessKey: string
draggable: boolean
spellcheck: boolean
autocapitalize: string
contentEditable: string
isContentEditable: boolean
inputMode: string
offsetParent: object
offsetTop: number
offsetLeft: number
offsetWidth: number
offsetHeight: number
style: object CSSStyleDeclaration
namespaceURI: string
localName: string
tagName: string
id: string
classList: object DOMTokenList
attributes: object NamedNodeMap
scrollTop: number
scrollLeft: number
scrollWidth: number
scrollHeight: number
clientTop: number
clientLeft: number
clientWidth: number
clientHeight: number
attributeStyleMap: object StylePropertyMap
previousElementSibling: object
nextElementSibling: object
children: object HTMLCollection
firstElementChild: object
lastElementChild: object
childElementCount: number
nodeType: number
nodeName: string
baseURI: string
isConnected: boolean
ownerDocument: object HTMLDocument
parentNode: object
parentElement: object
childNodes: object NodeList
firstChild: object
lastChild: object
previousSibling: object
nextSibling: object
nodeValue: object
textContent: string
2. 更多的对象需要创建出来。
NodeList // an empty list of children of this buttonHTMLCollection // another empty list of children of this buttonStylePropertyMap //NameNodeMap // the attributesDOMTokenList // the CSS classes as a listCSSStyleDeclaration // an object used to deal with CSSDOMStringMap // empty but used for dataset attributesValidityState // ?? no idea
HTMLCollection // another empty list of children of this button
StylePropertyMap //
NameNodeMap // the attributes
DOMTokenList // the CSS classes as a list
CSSStyleDeclaration // an object used to deal with CSS
DOMStringMap // empty but used for dataset attributes
ValidityState // ?? no idea
最终它将到达渲染按钮的地方。在这里,它必须再次检查100多个CSS属性。比如Text color,Font size,Font Family,Text Shadow,Transform,Animation, Border,Multiple Borders,Background color,Background Image,Background gradient,Is it transparent,Is it on its own stacking context,等等属性。毫不夸张有100多个属性。
1.对查询进行优化,要尽量避免全表扫描,首先应考虑在 where 及 order by 涉及的列上建立索引。
2.应尽量避免在 where
Zookeeper类是Zookeeper提供给用户访问Zookeeper service的主要API,它包含了如下几个内部类
首先分析它的内部类,从WatchRegistration开始,为指定的znode path注册一个Watcher,
* Register a watcher for a particular p
Partially applied function: A function that’s used in an expression and that misses some of its arguments.For instance, if function f has type Int => Int => Int, then f and f(1) are p