ASP.NET MVC中 使用邮件模板的两种方式

I 使用Formatwith nuget解析出object的属性值

1. install package FormatWith

2. Add a View to check the result

@model string
    Layout = null;



3. Controller
public ActionResult FormatWithTest()
           string emailContent = "{CurrentTime} - {Name}".FormatWith(
                    CurrentTime = DateTime.Now, Name = "ddd"

            return View("Result", model: emailContent);

II 使用razor engine+自定义view解析出HTML
1. install package razorengine

2. template view 
@model emailResearch.Controllers.EmailVm
    Layout = null;



3. email view model
 public class EmailVm
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string Content { get; set; }

4. usage
public ActionResult FormatUseRazor()
            var viewModel = new EmailVm()
                Title = "ABC",
                Content = "aaaaa"
            string template = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/Views/Hello" +
            var body = Razor.Parse(template, viewModel);

            return View("Result", model: body);
