
玩COD5的时候发现这个Peleliu岛以前完全没听过(拜电视电影所赐只听过Midway,Iwo Jimma,Okinawa什么的...),就上网搜了些资料,结果发现了些有趣的故事,所以特此翻译wiki全文,与大家共享.


有兴趣的话,大家看看吧 :)


1.本文译自wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Peleliu#cite_note-1





1944年9月至11月间的贝里琉岛战役,代号"胶着行动II",是二战时期美国和日本在太平洋战场上最血腥最激烈的一场战役.战斗初期美军只派遣了第一陆战师,后续又增援了第八十一步兵师,就为了占领这个小珊瑚岛上的机场.美军第一陆战师的指挥官William Rupertus少将预言将在4天内完全占领贝里琉岛,而实际上因为日军完善的防御工事体系和强硬的抵抗,这场战役一共打了两个多月才结束.最终,作为太平洋战争中美日双方伤亡率最高的一场攻防战,它成为二战历史上最受争议的战役之一.







日军的主要防守工事在贝里琉岛的制高点 - Umurbrogol山 - 一个由丘陵和悬崖峭壁构成的小山.在Umurbrogol山顶可以看到岛上大部分区域,包括南边的机场.Umurbrogol山上有500多个石灰石山洞,彼此之间还有通道相连.这些山洞多由旷工挖凿出来,继而被日军建筑成防御工事.工兵在洞口安装了滑动式装甲铁门,用于架设大炮和机枪.日军还在山上其他地方修筑工事,安放了81mm和150mm迫击炮,20mm双联机关炮,配备了反坦克和防空小分队.为了防御火焰喷射器和手榴弹,日军驻守的山洞入口通道都是向上的斜坡.这些山洞和碉堡组成了一套巨大的,遍布整个ppl中央地区的防御系统,便于日军战术撤退和重占这些区域,并且巩固了防线.



和日军截然相反,美军用"激烈"的手段警告敌人了他们即将登陆.他们在太平洋战争里的登陆计划几乎完全没有改变过.按照计划,美军选择了在贝里琉岛西南海滩登陆,因为那里离贝里琉岛南部的机场最近.计划是这样的:陆战师一团在Chesty Puller的带领下从贝里琉岛岛最北端登陆;Harold Harris的第五团在中部登陆;Herman Hanneken则率领七团从最南端登陆.第十一炮兵团紧随步兵后登陆.登陆后一团和七团向岛中央推进并保护五团的两翼,以确保五团占领机场的任务.而五团的人则向东推进,把贝里琉岛一分为二.一团的士兵向南挺进攻占Umurbrogol山;七团的士兵则将南部区域里的日军歼灭.只有一个营的军力和第八十一步兵师的部分士兵(剩下的在贝里琉岛南边的昂奥尔岛)作后备.



美军认为这次轰炸行动很成功,海军少将Jesse Oldendorf声称海军已经找不到可以打击的目标了.实际上,绝大部分岛上的日军完全没有遭到任何伤害,连驻守在滩头的日军大队都几乎没有受到损失.在这次行动中,日军使用了不同与以往的开火策略以避免暴露自己.结果美军的轰炸只把岛上机场里的建筑物和飞机炸烂了,而日军士兵则躲在掩体和工事下等待着美军的登陆.


美军陆战队于9月15日早上8点32分开始登陆作战.第一陆战团在北部"白滩"上登陆,同时五团和七团的士兵从中部和南部的"橙滩"上登陆.当登陆艇接近海滩的时候,日军打开掩体的铁门,一时间重型火炮齐鸣.海岬上的日军对美军不断地发射47mm反坦克炮和20mm双联机炮."头三波还好,而后面的人如临炼狱."(Pfc. Marcel (Sal) M. Baldinger,隶属第一陆战师五团三营1053排,第一波登陆"橙滩"的美军士兵之一)到了9点30分,日军共击毁60辆履带式登陆车和DUKW两栖装甲车.

与此同时,一团的士兵很快就在"点"那里陷入了进退两难的困境.指挥官Chesty Puller勉强躲过了一发正中他乘坐的履带登陆车的高速炮弹.他的通讯组也在登陆之前被一发47mm反坦克炮弹打没了.七团在南边也遇到了类似的问题 - 他们的右翼遭到炮火猛烈的袭击,很多履带式登陆车再没登陆前就被击毁,结果士兵们在深至胸口甚至没顶的海水中被日军的机枪狠狠的犁过好几遍.伤亡率高的吓人,勉强活着爬上岸的士兵中有很多人都把枪械装备丢掉了.


15日结束的时候,美军占领了2英里宽的海滩.他们从南边向岛内推进了一英里,但是北边的第一团则没这么幸运,他们被"点"上猛烈的炮火打的挪不了窝.当日美军伤亡1100人,200人战死,900人受伤.美军指挥官仍然乐观的认为日军就要被消灭了,因为他们的防线已经被突破 - 他根本没注意到日军已经改变了以往的作战方式.





在"点"上日军的要塞造成了美军大量的伤亡.一团团长Puller命令三营K连的指挥官George Hunt上尉攻占这个据点.当时George Hunt缺乏补给,并且在还没上岸之前就失去了大多数的机枪;他的一个排在工事之间脆弱的区域被压制了差不多整整一天.剩下的人也限于极度危险之中 - 日军在他们的战线中打开了一个窟窿,切断了连队的右翼.不过很快一个步枪排开始逐个击破日军的据点.在烟幕弹的掩护下,他们用枪榴弹摧毁了日军一个又一个的掩体.当6个20mm双联机炮被摧毁后,一名排长中尉用烟幕弹"弄瞎"了47mm反坦克炮所在的山洞,随即一名下士从山洞的缝隙中扔进了一颗手雷.手雷引爆了47mm炮弹,迫使洞里的日军冲出来.这些日军被全部击毙.



第五团在占领了机场后被派遣去攻占贝里琉岛北边一个更小的岛 - Ngesebus岛.这个岛上有很多日军地面火炮,还有一个正在修建的机场.连接这个小岛和贝里琉岛的是一条堤道,但是五团的指挥官Bucky Harris认为从堤道过去会给日军创造进攻机会,所以他选择了岸对岸两栖登陆.9月28日他在登陆之前先安排了一次轰炸:150mm榴弹炮,舰炮,第十一团的火箭,VMF-114机枪俯冲,还有履带登陆车75mm的火炮一齐砸在了这个小岛上.和之前海军对贝里琉岛的轰炸不同,这次的狂轰滥炸成功的消灭了岛上大多数日军.美军登陆后虽然仍然遭到山洞和掩体里日军的反抗,但是小岛很快被美军占领.整个过程美军共死15人伤33人,日军伤亡470人.


第一团在占领了"点"之后,向Umurbrogol的制高点"血腥鼻头岭"(注:这是美军起的名字)推进.指挥官Puller带领他的士兵对这个高点发动了多次攻击,但是很快都被击退.第一团被困在两座山脊的中间,日军在山脊上的交叉火力让美军的伤亡越来越大.而且,日军只有在能够造成大量伤亡的情况下才开火;当美军伤亡越来越厉害的时候,日军的狙击手开始狙杀抬担架的美军士兵 - 他们知道,只要抬担架的士兵倒下就会有新的士兵补缺,这样日军就可以慢慢的消耗美军兵力.除此之外,日军还趁夜色偷袭美军的散兵坑.美军只好挖可以容下两个人的散兵坑,这样一个人睡觉的时候另外一个人可以放哨.

"血腥鼻头岭"上最血腥的一场战斗发生在一团一营攻击100号高地的时候.指挥官Raymond Davis少校在6天的战斗中共损失了71%的手下.Everett Pope上尉和他的连队深入渗透到山脊中,率领他仅剩的90人攻占他认为的100号高地.一整天的血腥战斗后他终于到达了他认为的制高点,但实际上那只是"血腥鼻头"上的被更多日军占据的另一处山脊.被困在山脊上的Pope建筑了一小块防御区,在这里他的连队整晚被日军进攻,他的士兵很快就用光了子弹,后来不得已只能用匕首和拳头与日军搏斗,甚至用珊瑚礁和空弹药箱来砸日军.最后,Pope和他的士兵终于撑到了天亮.当他们被护送撤离的时候,整个连队只剩下9个活人.Pope上尉因为此役而获得了荣誉勋章.

最终日军对Puller的第一团造成了60%的伤亡 - 这支大约3000人的部队死伤1749人.Umurbrogol山脊的血腥战斗持续了6天之后,第三两栖作战军团总司令Roy Geiger将军派遣第八十一步兵师的部分士兵到贝里琉岛,替换第一团.9月23日,第八十一步兵师的321团战斗梯队在贝里琉岛西边的沙滩上登陆.这里也是Umurbrogol山的最北端.321团,五团和七团同时对Umurbrogol山发动进攻,但是伤亡也非常大.截止10月中,五团和七团在进攻Umurbrogol山的过程中伤亡已经过半.Geiger决定撤出整个第一陆战师,同时派更多的第八十一步兵师团登岛.第323团的战斗梯队于10月15日登陆;到了10月的第三个星期,所有陆战队士兵撤回了Pavuvu.步兵师的士兵在"血腥鼻头岭"和残余的日军又战斗了一个月,才完全占领了贝里琉岛.最后,日军弹尽粮绝,中川向总部发送电报"樱,樱"(意为万名士兵战死,犹如樱花飘落),烧掉军旗和机密文件后切腹自杀.他因此役在死后被连升两级成为陆军中将.中川在守备贝里琉岛的过程中获得日军守备总部11道慰问状,全军通报陆海军最高指挥官的感谢状,很是风光.死后连升两级也是异类 - 冲绳守备司令牛岛满死后也只晋升了一级.(蓝色字与原文内容不同,乃比恰姐译自日本网站 - 多谢比恰姐!)


在Umurbrogol山与日军的战斗被认为是美军在整个二战中最艰苦的一场(原文里就没有"之一").第一陆战师在贝里琉岛战役中严重受创,一直待命整编,直到1945年4月1日冲绳战役的时候才重新回到战场.第一陆战师在贝里琉岛的一个月中伤亡总数超过6500人,占整个师部的1/3以上.在攻占贝里琉岛的过程中第八十一步兵师的伤亡总数也在3000人以上.(此役日军守岛部队阵亡:9838人被俘446 人。美军参战的4.2 万中1684人阵亡,7160人受伤 - 这是其它网站的数据.)


在海军上将William F. Halsey的建议下,美军最终放弃攻占帕劳群岛的雅浦岛.实际上当初Halsey建议美军取消登陆贝里琉岛和昂奥尔岛转而攻占莱特岛.但是Halsey的建议被尼米兹上将驳回.



根据以上资料,COD5游戏中玩家扮演的角色应该隶属在贝里琉岛中央登陆的第五团(游戏里有提示,但我没注意看...- -b),遭受的损失最小.之后在机场遭遇日军坦克和资料也比较吻合.

COD5在临场感和气氛渲染上比COD4更上一层楼.无论是日军的万岁冲锋还是苏联大叔的煽情演说都让人有身临其境的感觉.特别是主角Dimitri从尸体堆里爬出来,听到苏联大叔说"总有一天我们会报仇雪恨,on their land, their people, their blood!"大叔沉着又激昂的这几句话真的让人整个都燃了起来!!XDD


The Battle of Peleliu, codenamed Operation Stalemate II, was fought between the United States and Japan

in the Pacific Theater of World War II, taking place between September and November 1944 on the island of Peleliu.

The U.S. Forces, originally consisting of only the 1st Marine Division, later relieved by

the Army's 81st Infantry Division, fought to capture an airstrip on the small coral island. U.S. Major General

William Rupertus, commander of 1st Marine Division, predicted that the island would be secured within four days,

but due to Japan's well-crafted fortifications and stiff resistance, the battle lasted for over two months.

The battle remains one of the war's most controversial, due to its questionable strategic value and high death toll.

When considering the number of men involved, Peleliu had the highest casualty rate of any battle in the Pacific War.[1]


后续又增援了第八十一步兵师,就为了占领这个小珊瑚岛上的机场.美军第一陆战师的指挥官William Rupertus少将预言将在4天内完全占领贝里琉岛,


By the summer of 1944, victories in the Southwest and Central Pacific had brought the war even closer to Japan,

with American bombers able to strike at the Japanese homeland. But there was disagreement by the U.S. Joint Chiefs

over two proposed strategies to crush the Japanese Empire. One strategy proposed by General Douglas MacArthur

called for the recapture of the Philippines, followed by the capture of Okinawa for an attack at the Japanese mainland.

From there, the eventual invasion of Japan would come. Admiral Chester Nimitz, on the other hand, favored a more

direct strategy of bypassing the Philippines, but seizing Okinawa and Formosa as staging areas to an attack on the

Chinese mainland as well as the future invasion of Japan's southernmost islands.





As for Peleliu, both commanders' strategies included the invasion of this island, but for different reasons,

and the 1st Marine Division had already been chosen to make the assault. To settle this dispute,

President Franklin D. Roosevelt traveled to Pearl Harbor to personally meet both commanders and hear their

respective arguments. After a review of both positions, MacArthur's strategy was chosen. However, before MacArthur

could retake the Philippines, the Palau Islands, Peleliu and Angaur specifically, were thought to be necessary for

neutralization and building an airfield to protect his right flank. The necessity of the battle was called into

question even before the battle commenced and was later considered to be entirely unnecessary.




By the summer of 1944, the Palau Islands were occupied by approximately 30,000 Japanese troops, with around 11,000 men

on Peleliu, made up of the 14th Infantry Division, and Korean and Okinawan laborers. Colonel Kunio Nakagawa, commander

of the Division's 2nd Regiment, led the preparations for the island's defense.



After their losses in the Solomons, Gilberts, Marshalls and Marianas, the Imperial Army put together an anti-amphibious

research team to form a new island defense strategy. They chose to abandon their early beach-based perimeter defense

tactics and reckless Banzai attacks. Their new strategy was to only disrupt the landings, form a "honeycomb" system of

fortified positions inland, replace the fruitless banzai attacks with coordinated counterattacks, with the intent of

bleeding out the Americans in a bloody, drawn-out war of attrition. Nakagawa concentrated his defenses inland, using

the rough terrain to advantage, constructing a system of heavily fortified bunkers, caves and underground positions.




The majority of Nakagawa's defenses were based at Peleliu's highest point, Umurbrogol mountain,

a collection of hills and steep ridges. Located at the center of Peleliu, Umurbrogol overlooked a large portion of

the island, including the crucial airfield. The Umurbrogol contained some 500 limestone caves, connected by tunnels.

Many were former mining caverns that were militarized into defense positions. Engineers added sliding steel armor

doors with multiple openings to equip both artillery and machine guns. The Japanese dug and blasted other positions

of varying sizes throughout Umurbrogol, armed with 81 mm and 150 mm mortars, and 20 mm machine cannon, and backed

by a light tank unit and an anti-aircraft detachment. The Japanese cave entrances were built slanted, to defend against

grenade and flamethrower attacks. These caves and bunkers were connected through a vast system spread throughout central

Peleliu, allowing the Japanese to evacuate and reoccupy the positions as needed, and take advantage of shrinking

interior lines.

日军的主要防守工事在贝里琉岛的制高点 - Umurbrogol山 - 一个由丘陵和悬崖峭壁构成的小山.在Umurbrogol山顶可以看到岛上大部分区域,包括





On the beaches, the Japanese again used terrain to their advantage. The northern end of the landing beaches faced

a 30-foot (9.1 m) coral promontory which overlooked the beaches from a small peninsula, a spot later known to the

Americans simply as "The Point". Holes were blasted into the ridge to accommodate a 47 mm gun, and six 20 mm machine

cannons. The positions were then sealed shut, leaving just a small firing slit with which to assault the beaches.

Similar positions were crafted along the two mile (3 km) stretch of landing beaches. The Japanese covered the beaches

with thousands of obstacles for the landing craft, mainly mines and a large number of heavy shells, buried with the

fuses exposed to explode upon being run over. A battalion was placed along the beach to defend against the landing,

however, the defenses on the beach were meant to simply delay the American advance, eventually leading them inland to

be mauled along the fortified ridges and hills.





Unlike the Japanese, who drastically altered their tactics for the upcoming battle, the American's invasion plan

was practically unaltered from their previous amphibious landings throughout the Pacific. They chose to land on the

southwest beaches, due to its proximity to the airfield on South Peleliu. The 1st Marine Regiment, under Chesty Puller,

was to land on the northern end of the beaches, the 5th Marine Regiment, under Harold "Bucky" Harris, would land in

the center, and the 7th Marine Regiment, under Herman Hanneken, would land at the southern end. The division's artillery

regiment, the 11th Marines, would land after the infantry regiments. The plan was for the 1st and 7th Regiments to push

inland, guarding the 5th Regiment's left and right flank, allowing them to capture the airfield located directly to the

center of the landing beaches. The 5th Marines were to push to the eastern shore, cutting the island in half.

The 1st Marines would push north into the Umurbrogol, while the 7th Marines would clear the southern end of the island.

Only one battalion was left behind in reserve, with the 81st Infantry available for support from Angaur, just south of




在贝里琉岛西南海滩登陆,因为那里离贝里琉岛南部的机场最近.陆战师一团在Chesty Puller的带领下从贝里琉岛岛最北端登陆;Harold Harris的第五团在中部登陆;

Herman Hanneken则率领七团从最南端登陆.第十一炮兵团紧随步兵后登陆.登陆后一团和七团向岛中央推进并保护五团的两翼,以确保五团占领机场的任务.



On September 4, the Marines shipped off from their station on Pavuvu, just north of Guadalcanal, a 2,100-mile (3,400 km)

trip across the Pacific to Peleliu. The Navy's Underwater Demolition Team went to work clearing the beaches of its

obstacles, while the Navy began their pre-invasion bombardment of Peleliu on September 12.


The battleships Pennsylvania, Maryland, Mississippi, and Idaho, heavy cruisers Columbus, Indianapolis, Louisville,

Minneapolis and Portland, light cruisers Cleveland, Denver  and Honolulu , three carriers, and five light carriers

dropped 519 rounds of 16-inch (410 mm) shells, 1,845 rounds of 14-inch (360 mm) shells, 1,793 500-pound bombs, and

73,412 .50 caliber bullets onto the tiny island, only six square miles in size.




The Americans believed the bombardment to be successful, as Rear Admiral Jesse Oldendorf claimed that the Navy

had run out of targets. In reality, the majority of the Japanese positions were completely unharmed. Even the battalion

left to defend the beaches were virtually unscathed. During the assault, the island's defenders used unusual firing

discipline to avoid giving away their positions. The bombardment managed only to destroy Japan's aircraft on the island,

as well as the buildings surrounding the airfield. The Japanese remained in their fortified positions, ready to

attack the troops soon to be landing.

美军认为这次轰炸行动很成功,海军少将Jesse Oldendorf声称海军已经找不到可以打击的目标了.实际上,绝大部分岛上的日军完全没有遭到任何伤害,



The Marines landed at 0832 on September 15, the 1st Marines to the north on "White Beach", and the 5th and 7th

Marines to the center and south on "Orange Beach". As the landing craft approached the beaches, the Japanese opened

the steel doors guarding their positions and let loose with heavy artillery fire. The positions on the coral

promontories guarding each flank punished the Marines with 47 mm antiboat guns and 20 mm machine guns. "The first

3 waves got in good, the remaining waves caught hell."(Pfc. Marcel (Sal) M. Baldinger of the 1053rd Platoon, 3rd Battalion,

5th Marines, 1st Marine Division who landed in the first wave on "Orange Beach") By 0930, the Japanese had wiped out

60 LVT's and DUKW's.




还好,而后面的人如临炼狱."(Pfc. Marcel (Sal) M. Baldinger,隶属第一陆战师五团三营1053排,第一波登陆"橙滩"的美军士兵之一)


The 1st Marines were quickly bogged down by heavy fire from "The Point". Commander Chesty Puller narrowly escaped

death when a high velocity shell landed a direct hit on his LVT. His entire communications section had been wiped

out on its way to the beach by an identical hit from a 47 mm round. The 7th Marines to the south faced similar problems

with gun emplacements on their flank. Many of their LVT's were knocked out in their approach, leaving their occupants

to wade ashore through the coral reef in chest-deep or higher water while being raked by Japanese machine guns;

casualties were horrific and many who did make it to the beach alive had lost their rifles and other essential gear.

与此同时,一团的士兵很快就在"点"那里陷入了进退两难的困境.指挥官Chesty Puller勉强躲过了一发正中他乘坐的履带登陆车的高速炮弹.

他的通讯组也在登陆之前被一发47mm反坦克炮弹打没了.七团在南边也遇到了类似的问题 - 他们的右翼遭到炮火猛烈的袭击,很多履带式登陆车



The 5th Marines made the most progress on D-Day, due to their distance from the heavy gun emplacements guarding the

left and right flanks. They pushed forward toward the airfield, but were met with Nakagawa's first counterattack.

His armored tank company raced across the airfield to push the Marines back, but were soon assaulted by every available

tank, howitzer, Naval gun and dive bomber. Nakagawa's inefficient tanks were quickly wiped out, along with its

accompanying infantrymen.



At the end of D-Day, the Americans held their two mile (3 km) stretch of landing beaches, but little else. Their

biggest push in the south managed to move a mile inland, but the 1st Marines to the north made very little progress

due to the relentless attacks from The Point. The Marines had suffered 1,100 casualties on D-Day, with around 200 dead,

and 900 wounded. Rupertus had believed the Japanese would quickly crumble since their perimeter had been broken, still

unaware of their enemy's change of tactics.



击破 - 他根本没注意到日军已经改变了以往的作战方式.

On D+1, the 5th Marines moved to capture the airfield and push toward the eastern shore. They quickly raced across the

airfield under heavy artillery fire from the highlands to the north, suffering heavy casualties in the process. After

capturing the airfield, they rapidly advanced to the eastern end of Peleliu, leaving the island's southern defenders to

be wiped out by the 7th Marines. This area was hotly contested by the Japanese, who still occupied numerous pillboxes.

Temperatures remained around 115°F (46°C), and the Marines soon suffered high casualties from heat exhaustion. Further

complicating their situation, the Marines' only available water supply was contaminated with oil. Still, by D+8 the 5th

and 7th Marines accomplished their objectives, holding the airfield and the southern portion of the island.






Having quickly captured the airfield, the U.S. Forces put it to use as early as D+3. The "Grasshoppers" (VMO-1) soon

began aerial spotting missions for Marine artillery and Naval gunfire. On September 26 (D+11), the Corsairs of the

VMF-114 landed on the airstrip. The Corsairs began dive-bombing missions across Peleliu, and also brought two more

useful weapons to the fight against Japanese fortifications. Corsairs fired rockets, to blow open cave entrances for

the infantrymen, and also delivered napalm attacks—only the second time the weapon had been used in the Pacific. The

napalm proved useful, burning away vegetation hiding spider holes, and killing their occupants.




The fortress atop The Point continued to cause heavy casualties across the landing beaches. Puller ordered Captain

George Hunt, commander of K Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, to capture the position. He approached The Point

short on supplies, having lost most of his machine guns while approaching the beaches. One of Hunt's platoons was

pinned down for nearly an entire day in a vulnerable position between fortifications. The rest of his company was

also in extreme danger after the Japanese cut a hole in their line, leaving his right flank cut off. Soon, a rifle

platoon began knocking out each Japanese gun position, one by one. Using smoke grenades for cover, they swept through

each hole, destroying the positions with rifle grenades. After knocking out the six machine gun positions, the Marines

faced the 47 mm gun cave. A company lieutenant blinded the 47 mm gunner with a smoke grenade, allowing a corporal to

throw a grenade through the cave's aperture. The grenade detonated the 47 mm's shells, forcing the cave's occupants out,

where they were all shot.


在"点"上日军的要塞造成了美军大量的上网.一团团长Puller命令三营K连的指挥官George Hunt上尉攻占这个据点.当时George Hunt缺乏补给,

并且在还没上岸之前就失去了大多数的机枪;他的一个排在工事之间脆弱的区域被压制了差不多整整一天.剩下的也限于极度危险之中 - 日军在




K Company had captured The Point, but Nakagawa sent counterattack after counterattack to recapture the valuable piece of

terrain. The next thirty hours saw four major counterattacks against a sole company, critically low on supplies and out

of water. The Marines soon had to resort to hand-to-hand combat to fend off the Japanese attackers. By the time

reinforcements arrived, the company had been reduced to 18 men, suffering 157 casualties during the battle for The Point.




The 5th Marines, after having secured the airfield, were sent to capture Ngesebus Island, just north of Peleliu.

Ngesebus was occupied by many Japanese artillery positions, and was the site of an airfield still under construction.

The tiny island was connected to Peleliu by a small causeway, but 5th Marines commander Bucky Harris opted instead to

make a shore-to-shore amphibious landing, predicting the causeway to be an obvious target for the island's defenders.

Harris coordinated a pre-landing bombardment of the island on September 28, carried out by Army 150 mm guns, Naval

gunfire, howitzers from the 11th Marines, strafing runs from the VMF-114, and 75 mm fire from the approaching LVT's.

Unlike the Navy's bombardment of Peleliu, Harris' assault on Ngesebus was highly successful, neutralizing the majority

of the Japanese defenders. The Marines still faced opposition in the ridges and caves, but the island quickly fell,

with minimal casualties for the 5th Marines. They had suffered only 15 killed and 33 wounded, and inflicted 470

casualties on the Japanese.


第五团在占领了机场后被派遣去攻占贝里琉岛北边一个更小的岛 - Ngesebus岛.这个岛上有很多日军地面火炮,还有一个正在修建的机场.

连接这个小岛和贝里琉岛的是一条堤道,但是五团的指挥官Bucky Harris认为从堤道过去易守难攻,所以他选择了岸对岸两栖登陆.9月28日




After capturing The Point, the 1st Marines moved north into the Umurbrogol pocket, named "Bloody Nose Ridge" by the

Marines. Puller led his men in numerous assaults, but every attack was quickly neutralized by the Japanese. The 1st

Marines were trapped within the narrow paths between the ridges, with each ridge fortification supporting the other

with deadly crossfire. The marines took increasingly high casualties as they slowly advanced through the ridges. The

Japanese again showed unusual firing discipline, striking only when they could inflict mass casualties. As casualties

mounted, Japanese snipers began to take aim at stretcher bearers, knowing that if two stretcher bearers were injured

or killed, more would have to return to replace them, and the snipers could steadily pick off more and more Marines.

In place of their banzai attacks, the Japanese would infiltrate the American lines at night to attack the Marines in

their foxholes. The Marines built two-man foxholes, so one could sleep while the other kept watch for infiltrators.




情况下日军才开火,而当美军伤亡越来越厉害的时候,日军的狙击手开始狙杀抬担架的美军士兵 - 他们知道,只要抬担架的士兵倒下就会有



One particularly bloody battle on Bloody Nose came when the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, under the command of Major

Raymond Davis, attacked Hill 100. Over six days of fighting, the battalion would suffer 71% casualties. Captain Everett

Pope and his company penetrated deep into the ridges, leading his remaining 90 men to seize what he thought was Hill

100. It took an entire day of bloody fighting to reach what he thought was the crest of the hill, but ending up being

the nose of yet another ridge, occupied by more Japanese defenders. Trapped at the base of the ridge, Pope set up a

small defense perimeter, which was attacked relentlessly by the Japanese throughout the night. The men soon ran out of

bullets, and had to fight the attackers off with knives and fists, even resorting to throwing coral rock and empty

boxes of ammunition at the Japanese. Pope and his men managed to hold out until dawn. When they evacuated the position,

only 9 men remained. Pope would receive the Medal of Honor for his actions.

在"血腥鼻头岭"最血腥的一场战斗发生在一团一营攻击100号高地的时候.指挥官Raymond Davis少校在6天的战斗中共损失了手下71%的士兵.

Everett Pope上尉和他的连队深入渗透到山脊中,率领他仅剩的90人攻占他认为的100号高地.一整天的血腥战斗后他终于到达了他认为的制高点,




The Japanese eventually inflicted 60% casualties on Puller's 1st Marines, who lost 1749 out of approximately 3000 men. After six days of deadly fighting in the ridges of Umurbrogol,

General Roy Geiger, commander of the III Amphibious Corps, sent elements of 81st Infantry Division to Peleliu to relieve

the regiment. The 321st Regiment Combat Team landed on the western beaches of Peleliu, at the northern end of Umurbrogol

mountain, on September 23. The 321st Regiment, and the 5th and 7th Marines all took their turn attacking the Umurbrogol,

and all suffered similar casualties. By mid-October, the 5th and 7th Marines both lost around half their men while

clawing their way through the ridges. Geiger then decided to evacuate the entire 1st Marine Division, to be replaced

by more 81st troops. The 323rd Regimental Combat Team landed on October 15, and by the third week of October, most

all of the Marines had been evacuated back to Pavuvu. The Army troops headed off to battle the remaining Japanese on

Bloody Nose Ridge, fighting it out for another month before finally securing the island. At the end Nakagawa

proclaimed "Our sword is broken and we have run out of spears". He then burnt his regimental colors and committed

ritual suicide. He was posthumously promoted to Lieutenant General for his valor displayed on Peleliu.

最终日军对Puller的第一团造成了60%的伤亡 - 这支大约3000人的部队死伤1749人.Umurbrogol山脊的血腥战斗持续了6天之后,第三两栖作战

军团总司令Roy Geiger将军派遣第八十一步兵师到贝里琉岛,替换第一团.9月23日,第321团的战斗梯队在贝里琉岛西边的沙滩上登陆.这里也是




中川向总部发送电报"樱,樱"(意为万名士兵战死,犹如樱花飘落.此处与原文内容不同,乃比恰姐译自日本网站 - 多谢比恰姐!),烧掉军旗和


的感谢状,很是风光.死后连升两级也是异类 - 冲绳守备司令牛岛满死后也只晋升了一级)

The reduction of the Japanese pocket around Umurbrogol mountain is considered to be the most difficult fight that the

U.S. military encountered in the entire Second World War. The 1st Marine Division was severely mauled and it remained

out of action until the invasion of Okinawa on April 1, 1945. In total the 1st Division suffered over 6500 casualties

during their month on Peleliu, over a third of their entire division. The 81st Infantry Division suffered over 3000

casualties during their tenure on the island.




第八十一步兵师的伤亡总数也在3000人以上.(此役日军守岛部队阵亡:9838人被俘446 人。美军参战的4.2 万中1684人阵亡,7160人受伤)

The battle was controversial due to its lack of strategic value. The airfield captured on Peleliu was of little use for

the attack on the Philippines. The island was never used for a staging operation in subsequent invasions; the Ulithi

Atoll, in the Caroline Islands north of the Palaus, was used as a staging base for the invasion of Okinawa. In addition,

few news reports were made on the battle. Due to Rupertus' "3 days" prediction, only six reporters bothered coming

ashore. The battle was overshadowed by MacArthur's return to the Philippines and the Allies push towards Germany in

Europe. It was said the only useful aspect of the battle was the experience gained in battling the heavily fortified

positions across the island. Japan would use these tactics with even greater success at Iwo Jima and Okinawa,

inflicting the worst casualties of the Pacific War on the Marines and soldiers.






On the recommendation of Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr., the planned occupation of Yap Island in the Palaus was

cancelled. Halsey actually recommended that the landings on Peleliu and Angaur be cancelled, too, and their Marines

and soldiers be thrown into Leyte Island instead. But Halsey was overruled by Nimitz

在海军上将小William F. Halsey的建议下,美军最终放弃攻占帕劳群岛的雅浦岛.实际上当初Halsey建议美军取消登陆贝里琉岛和昂奥尔岛转而


