FusionInsight LibrA是企业级的大规模并行处理关系型数据库。FusionInsight LibrA采用MPP(Massive Parallel Processing)架构,支持行存储与列存储,提供PB(Petabyte,2的50次方字节)级别数据量的处理能力。
FusionInsight LibrA在核心技术上跟传统数据库相比有巨大优势,可以解决很多行业用户的数据处理性能问题,可以为超大规模数据管理提供高性价比的通用计算平台,并可用于支撑各类数据仓库系统、BI(Business Intelligence)系统和决策支持系统,统一为上层应用的决策分析等提供服务。
FusionInsight LibrA是FusionInsight解决方案的一个子产品。FusionInsight LibrA在FusionInsight解决方案中的位置如图所示:
FusionInsight解决方案由2个子产品FusionInsight HD、FusionInsight LibrA和1个操作运维系统FusionInsight Manager构成。
- FusionInsight HD:企业级的大数据处理环境,是一个分布式数据处理系统,对外提供大容量的数据存储、分析查询和实时流式数据处理分析能力。
- FusionInsight LibrA:企业级的大规模并行处理关系型数据库。FusionInsight LibrA采用MPP(Massive Parallel Processing)架构,支持行存储和列存储,提供PB(Petabyte,2的50次方字节)级别数据量的处理能力。
- FusionInsight Manager:企业级大数据的操作运维系统,提供高可靠、安全、容错、易用的集群管理能力,支持大规模集群的安装部署、监控、告警、用户管理、权限管理、审计、服务管理、健康检查、问题定位、升级和补丁等功能。
1.1 环境介绍
集群组网方案如下图所示:1.2 软件下载
[root@hwd01 opt]# la /u02/software/hw/ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 898M Jul 30 15:07 FusionInsight_LibrA_V100R002C80SPC300_RHEL.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 301K Sep 14 11:40 FusionInsight_SetupTool_V100R002C80SPC200.tar.gz
2.1 安装包准备
[root@hwd01 ~]# mkdir /u02;mount onas:/u02 /u02;mount /u02/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1708.iso /media [root@hwd02 ~]# mkdir /u02;mount onas:/u02 /u02
2.2 解压软件包
--hwd01 [root@hwd02 ~]# cd /opt/ [root@hwd02 opt]# tar -xzf /u02/software/hw/FusionInsight_SetupTool_V100R002C80SPC200.tar.gz [root@hwd02 opt]# tar -xzf /u02/software/hw/FusionInsight_LibrA_V100R002C80SPC300_RHEL.tar.gz --hwd02 [root@hwd02 ~]# cd /opt/ [root@hwd02 opt]# tar -xzf /u02/software/hw/FusionInsight_SetupTool_V100R002C80SPC200.tar.gz [root@hwd02 opt]# tar -xzf /u02/software/hw/FusionInsight_LibrA_V100R002C80SPC300_RHEL.tar.gz
2.3 生成配置文件
- 基础配置
- 选择服务
- IP规划与进程部署
- 节点信息
- 浮动IP
- 磁盘配置
- 集群参数设置
- 实例参数设置
- 生成配置文件
生成的配置文件会存放在d:\software文件夹下,根据提示输入用户名以及密码并上传至指定的节点目录。2.4 预安装配置
[root@hwd01 FusionInsight_SetupTool]# ./setuptool.sh preinstall
2.5 安装集群服务
--主节点hwd01 [root@hwd01 ~]# /opt/FusionInsight/software/install.sh -f /opt/FusionInsight/software/install_oms/
--备用节点hwd02 [root@hwd02 ~]# /opt/FusionInsight/software/install.sh -f
配置完成后,点击“完成”。 - 实时监控标签
- 服务管理标签
- 主机管理标签
这里还是使用nfs服务批量部署,具体过程参考之前的FusionInsight HD 客户端安装与使用的批量部署客户端。
[root@onas FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig]# ./install.sh /u02/huawei/client
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Pre-install check begin...
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Checking necessary files and directory.
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Checking NTP service status.
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Checking "/etc/hosts" config.
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Pre-install check is complete.
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Precheck on components begin...
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Precheck on components is complete.
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Deploy "dest_hosts" begin ...
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Warning: "hwd02" already exists in "/etc/hosts", it will be overwritten.
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Warning: "hwd01" already exists in "/etc/hosts", it will be overwritten.
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Warning: "hwd05" already exists in "/etc/hosts", it will be overwritten.
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Warning: "hwd04" already exists in "/etc/hosts", it will be overwritten.
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Warning: "hwd03" already exists in "/etc/hosts", it will be overwritten.
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Deploy "dest_hosts" is complete.
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Install public library begin ...
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Install components client begin ...
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Install JDK begin ...
[18-10-08 14:30:28]: Decompress jdk.tar.gz to /u02/huawei/client/JDK.
[18-10-08 14:30:34]: Create JRE env file "/u02/huawei/client/JDK/component_env".
[18-10-08 14:30:34]: JDK installation is complete.
[18-10-08 14:30:34]: Warning: /u02/tmp/FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig/JDK/VERSION not exist.
[18-10-08 14:30:34]: Install KrbClient begin ...
[18-10-08 14:30:34]: Copy /u02/tmp/FusionInsight_Services_ClientConfig/KrbClient/FusionInsight-kerberos-1.15.2.tar.gz to /u02/huawei/client/KrbClient.
[18-10-08 14:30:34]: Copy KRB config files to "/u02/huawei/client/KrbClient/kerberos/conf"
[18-10-08 14:30:34]: Copy security script files to "/u02/huawei/client/KrbClient/kerberos/bin"
[18-10-08 14:30:34]: Create KRB env file "/u02/huawei/client/KrbClient/component_env".
[18-10-08 14:30:34]: KrbClient installation is complete.
[18-10-08 14:30:34]: Install MPPDB begin ...
[18-10-08 14:30:34]: Decompress Gauss200-OLAP-V100R007C10-REDHAT-64bit-ClientTools.tar.gz to /u02/huawei/client/MPPDB.
[18-10-08 14:30:35]: Copy config files to "/u02/huawei/client/MPPDB/"
[18-10-08 14:30:35]: Begin to update the client ssl certificates.
[18-10-08 14:30:35]: Success to update the client ssl certificates.
[18-10-08 14:30:35]: Create MPP env file "/u02/huawei/client/MPPDB/component_env".
[18-10-08 14:30:35]: MPPDB installation is complete.
[18-10-08 14:30:35]: Components client installation is complete.
[root@onas ~]# source /u02/huawei/client/bigdata_env
[root@onas ~]# kinit candon
Password for [email protected]:
Password expired. You must change it now.
Enter new password:
Enter it again:
[root@onas ~]# kinit candon
Password for [email protected]:
[root@onas ~]# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: [email protected]
Valid starting Expires Service principal
10/08/2018 14:53:16 10/09/2018 14:53:12 krbtgt/[email protected]
5.1 确认连接信息
以操作系统用户omm登录LibrA集群任意一套主机,执行source ${BIGDATA_HOME}/mppdb/.mppdbgs_profule命令启动环境变量。
[omm@hwd01 ~]$ source /opt/huawei/Bigdata/mppdb/.mppdbgs_profile
[omm@hwd01 ~]$ gs_om -t status --detail
5.2 配置远程连接
[omm@hwd01 ~]$ gs_guc set -N all -I all -Z coordinator -c "listen_addresses = '*'"
Total instances: 5. Failed instances: 0.
Success to perform gs_guc!
- -Z coordinator表示实例类型为coordinator。
- -N all表示集群的所有主机。
- -I all表示主机中的所有实例。
- 星号(*)表示本地所有网卡的IP地址。
最后,执行以下命令重启集群:[omm@hwd01 ~]$ gs_om -t stop && gs_om -t start
5.3 连接数据库
[omm@hwd01 ~]$ gsql -d postgres -p 25308 gsql ((Gauss200 OLAP V100R007C10 build e542e841) compiled at 2018-07-29 09:09:48 commit 1880 last mr 2754 ) Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \l