Given a problem of size n divide it into subproblems of size n, a ≥ 1, b > 1. Solve each subproblem recursively. Combine solutions of subproblems to get the overall solution.
T(n) = aT(n/b ) + [work for merge]
Given n points in plane
S = {(xi, yi) | i = 1, 2,...,n}
assume no two have the same x coodinates, no two have sa`me y coordinates, no three in a line.
Convex Hull: smallest polygon contain all points in the plane.
CH(S) represented by the sequence of points on the boundary in clockwise order as a doubly linked list.
Brute force for Convex Hull
Test each line segment to see if it makes up an edge of the convex hull
Divide and Conquer Convex Hull
Sort points by x coordinates
How to merge?
Firstly, link ai to bj, go down b list till you see bm and link bm to ak, continue along the a list until you return to ai.
Find Tangents
Assume ai maximizes x within CH(A) (a1, a2,...,ap). b1 minimizes x within CH(B) (b1, b2,..., bq)
L is the vertical line separating A and B. Define y(i, j) as y-coordinate of intersection between L and segment (ai, bj ).
Claim: (ai, bj ) is upper tangent if it maximizes y(i, j)
If y(i, j) is not maximum, there will be points on both sides of (ai, bj ) and it cannot be a tangent.
Algorithm: Obvious O(n2) algorithm looks at all ai, bj pairs. T(n)=2T(n/2)+ Θ(n^2) = Θ(n^2).
i = 1
j = 1
while(y(i, j+1) > y(i, j) or y(i − 1, j) > y(i, j))
if (y(i, j + 1) > y(i, j)) -> move right finger clockwise
j = j + 1( mod q)
i = i - 1( mod p) -> move left finger anti-cloclwise
return (ai, bj ) as upper tangent
T(n)=2T(n/2) + Θ(n) = Θ(n log n)
Given a set of n numbers, define rank(x) as the number of numbers in the set that are ≤ x. Find an element of rank (lower median) and
(upper median).
Select(S, i)
Pick x in S
Compute k = rank(x)
B = {y ∈ S|yx}
if k = i
return x
else if k > i
return Select(B, i)
else if k < i
return Select(C, i - k)
Picking x Cleverly
Need to pick x so rank(x) is not extreme.