
>> help textscan
 TEXTSCAN Read formatted data from text file or string.
    C = TEXTSCAN(FID,'FORMAT') reads data from an open text file identified
    by FID into cell array C. Use FOPEN to open the file and obtain FID.
    The FORMAT is a string of conversion specifiers enclosed in single
    quotation marks. The number of specifiers determines the number of
    cells in the cell array C.  For more information, see "Format Options."
    C = TEXTSCAN(FID,'FORMAT',N) reads data from the file, using the FORMAT
    N times, where N is a positive integer. To read additional data from
    the file after N cycles, call TEXTSCAN again using the original FID.
    C = TEXTSCAN(FID,'FORMAT','PARAM',VALUE) accepts one or more
    comma-separated parameter name/value pairs. For a list of parameters
    and values, see "Parameter Options."
