python分布式计算框架PP(Parallel Python)集群模式试用

python分布式计算框架PP(Parallel Python)集群模式试用


Parallel P ython库(简称PP)




pip install pp 即可安装pp库
安装完成后,会有一个 ppserver.py在 scripts目录中
python  -p 35000 -i -s "123456"





# File:
# Author: VItalii Vanovschi
# Desc: This program demonstrates parallel computations with pp module
# It calculates the sum of prime numbers below a given integer in parallel
# Parallel Python Software:

import math, sys, time, datetime
import pp

def isprime(n):
    """Returns True if n is prime and False otherwise"""
    if not isinstance(n, int):
        raise TypeError("argument passed to is_prime is not of 'int' type")
    if n < 2:
        return False
    if n == 2:
        return True
    max = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(n)))
    i = 2
    while i <= max:
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
        i += 1
    return True

def sum_primes(n):
    """Calculates sum of all primes below given integer n"""
    return sum([x for x in xrange(2,n) if isprime(x)])

print """Usage: python [ncpus]
    [ncpus] - the number of workers to run in parallel, 
    if omitted it will be set to the number of processors in the system

# tuple of all parallel python servers to connect with
#ppservers = ()
ppservers = ("",)

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    ncpus = int(sys.argv[1])
    # Creates jobserver with ncpus workers
    job_server = pp.Server(ncpus, ppservers=ppservers, secret="123456")
    # Creates jobserver with automatically detected number of workers
    job_server = pp.Server(ppservers=ppservers, secret="123456")

print "Starting pp with", job_server.get_ncpus(), "workers"

# Submit a job of calulating sum_primes(100) for execution. 
# sum_primes - the function
# (100,) - tuple with arguments for sum_primes
# (isprime,) - tuple with functions on which function sum_primes depends
# ("math",) - tuple with module names which must be imported before sum_primes execution
# Execution starts as soon as one of the workers will become available
job1 = job_server.submit(sum_primes, (100,), (isprime,), ("math",))

# Retrieves the result calculated by job1
# The value of job1() is the same as sum_primes(100)
# If the job has not been finished yet, execution will wait here until result is available
result = job1()

print "Sum of primes below 100 is", result

start_time = time.time()

# The following submits 8 jobs and then retrieves the results
inputs = (500000, 500100, 500200, 500300, 500400, 500500, 500600, 500700, 500000, 500100, 500200, 500300, 500400, 500500, 500600, 500700)
#inputs = (1000000, 1000100, 1000200, 1000300, 1000400, 1000500, 1000600, 1000700)
jobs = [(input, job_server.submit(sum_primes,(input,), (isprime,), ("math",))) for input in inputs]
for input, job in jobs:
    print "Sum of primes below", input, "is", job()

print "Time elapsed: ", time.time() - start_time, "s"


Usage: python [ncpus]
    [ncpus] - the number of workers to run in parallel,
    if omitted it will be set to the number of processors in the system

Starting pp with 4 workers
Sum of primes below 100 is 1060
2016-08-28 19:07:26.579000
Sum of primes below 500000 is 9914236195
2016-08-28 19:07:33.032000
Sum of primes below 500100 is 9917236483
2016-08-28 19:07:33.035000
Sum of primes below 500200 is 9922237979
2016-08-28 19:07:33.296000
Sum of primes below 500300 is 9926740220
2016-08-28 19:07:33.552000
Sum of primes below 500400 is 9930743046
2016-08-28 19:07:33.821000
Sum of primes below 500500 is 9934746636
2016-08-28 19:07:34.061000
Sum of primes below 500600 is 9938250425
2016-08-28 19:07:37.199000
Sum of primes below 500700 is 9941254397
2016-08-28 19:07:37.202000
Sum of primes below 500000 is 9914236195
2016-08-28 19:07:41.640000
Sum of primes below 500100 is 9917236483
2016-08-28 19:07:41.742000
Sum of primes below 500200 is 9922237979
2016-08-28 19:07:41.746000
Sum of primes below 500300 is 9926740220
2016-08-28 19:07:41.749000
Sum of primes below 500400 is 9930743046
2016-08-28 19:07:41.752000
Sum of primes below 500500 is 9934746636
2016-08-28 19:07:41.756000
Sum of primes below 500600 is 9938250425
2016-08-28 19:07:43.846000
Sum of primes below 500700 is 9941254397
Time elapsed:  17.2770001888 s
Job execution statistics:
 job count | % of all jobs | job time sum | time per job | job server
         6 |         35.29 |      27.4460 |     4.574333 |
        11 |         64.71 |      60.2950 |     5.481364 | local
Time elapsed since server creation 17.2849998474
0 active tasks, 4 cores
