1. 弱化了Statistically Management的概念
2. 增加了实施Root Cause Analysis的要求
3. SG和SP进行了重新组合,具备更好的逻辑性,可理解性和可操作性
1. SP1.1 Establish the Project’s Objectives
删除了一个子实践: Identify how process performance is to be measured (在后续的实践中已经覆盖)
修改了Derive interim objective,完善了对interim的内容: 除了lifecycle外,增加了milestone,work product and subprocess
2. SP1.2 Compose the Defined Process
3. SP1.3 Select Subprocesses and Attributes
修改自Select the Subprocesses that Will Be Statistically Managed
主要变化是弱化了Statistial,强调了选择critical subprocess并对其实施监控 (但Attributes定义还是不清楚)
“For small projects, and other circumstances in which subprocess data may not be generated frequently enough in the project to support a sufficiently sensitive statistical inference, it may still be possible to understand performance by examining process performance across similar iterations, teams, or projects.”
“For short-term projects, it may be necessary to aggregate data across similar instances of a process to enable analysis of its process performance while continuing to use the unaggregated data in support of individual projects.”
4. SP1.4 Select Measures and Analytic Techniques
强调了识别度量项时候需要考虑的内容 (其中提到了short-term projects的实施指导,需要进一步理解)
强调了Subprocess QPPO的定义并给出了示例
细化了对识别Statistical technique的说明,并给出了除了Statistical technique之外的技术(Tally sheets, Classification schemas (e.g., Orthogonal Defect Classification),需要研究)
1. SP2.1 Monitor the Performance of Selected Subprocesses
2. SP2.2 Manage Project Performance
3. SP 2.3 Perform Root Cause Analysis
强调对performance deficiencies进行分析 (弱化Natural bound和Common cause)