
Usage: curl [options...] 
Options: (H) means HTTP/HTTPS only, (F) means FTP only
     --anyauth       Pick "any" authentication method (H) 
 -a, --append        Append to target file when uploading (F/SFTP)
     --basic         Use HTTP Basic Authentication (H) 
     --cacert FILE   CA certificate to verify peer against (SSL)
     --capath DIR    CA directory to verify peer against (SSL)
 -E, --cert CERT[:PASSWD]  Client certificate file and password (SSL)
     --cert-status   Verify the status of the server certificate (SSL)
     --cert-type TYPE  Certificate file type (DER/PEM/ENG) (SSL)
     --ciphers LIST  SSL ciphers to use (SSL)
     --compressed    Request compressed response (using deflate or gzip)
 -K, --config FILE   Read config from FILE
     --connect-timeout SECONDS  Maximum time allowed for connection
 -C, --continue-at OFFSET  Resumed transfer OFFSET
 -b, --cookie STRING/FILE  Read cookies from STRING/FILE (H) 
 -c, --cookie-jar FILE  Write cookies to FILE after operation (H) 
     --create-dirs   Create necessary local directory hierarchy
     --crlf          Convert LF to CRLF in upload
     --crlfile FILE  Get a CRL list in PEM format from the given file
 -d, --data DATA     HTTP POST data (H) 
     --data-raw DATA  HTTP POST data, '@' allowed (H) 
     --data-ascii DATA  HTTP POST ASCII data (H) 
     --data-binary DATA  HTTP POST binary data (H) 
     --data-urlencode DATA  HTTP POST data url encoded (H) 
     --delegation STRING  GSS-API delegation permission
     --digest        Use HTTP Digest Authentication (H) 
     --disable-eprt  Inhibit using EPRT or LPRT (F) 
     --disable-epsv  Inhibit using EPSV (F) 
     --dns-servers   DNS server addrs to use:;
     --dns-interface  Interface to use for DNS requests
     --dns-ipv4-addr  IPv4 address to use for DNS requests, dot notation
     --dns-ipv6-addr  IPv6 address to use for DNS requests, dot notation
 -D, --dump-header FILE  Write the headers to FILE
     --egd-file FILE  EGD socket path for random data (SSL)
     --engine ENGINE  Crypto engine (use "--engine list" for list) (SSL)
     --expect100-timeout SECONDS How long to wait for 100-continue (H) 
 -f, --fail          Fail silently (no output at all) on HTTP errors (H) 
     --false-start   Enable TLS False Start.
 -F, --form CONTENT  Specify HTTP multipart POST data (H) 
     --form-string STRING  Specify HTTP multipart POST data (H) 
     --ftp-account DATA  Account data string (F) 
     --ftp-alternative-to-user COMMAND  String to replace "USER [name]" (F) 
     --ftp-create-dirs  Create the remote dirs if not present (F) 
     --ftp-method [MULTICWD/NOCWD/SINGLECWD]  Control CWD usage (F) 
     --ftp-pasv      Use PASV/EPSV instead of PORT (F) 
 -P, --ftp-port ADR  Use PORT with given address instead of PASV (F) 
     --ftp-skip-pasv-ip  Skip the IP address for PASV (F) 
     --ftp-pret      Send PRET before PASV (for drftpd) (F) 
     --ftp-ssl-ccc   Send CCC after authenticating (F) 
     --ftp-ssl-ccc-mode ACTIVE/PASSIVE  Set CCC mode (F) 
     --ftp-ssl-control  Require SSL/TLS for FTP login, clear for transfer (F) 
 -G, --get           Send the -d data with a HTTP GET (H) 
 -g, --globoff       Disable URL sequences and ranges using {} and []
curl -X POST -H "'Content-type':'application/json', 'charset':'utf-8'" --data '{"debug":true,"sid": "1001044_2787","nid":"news_16415917298229118747","spd_nid":"spd_feed_bond_14882687430282473053","cuid":"456","uid":"","baiduid":"","usr_info":{"network":"","ip":"","location":"104.54715, 36.25615;104.540382","city":"","device":"","os":{},"category":"电视剧"}}'
