/** * 本项目的通用条件查询对象 包含cret所有页面的条件作为属性 今后可能继续增加属性 * @author fw * */ public class CretCondition extends CommonCondition{ private Integer id;//xx编号 private String dept;//部门 private String job;//岗位 private String checkName;//单据经办人 private String costType;//报销单类型 private Integer state;//单据状态 private Date startDate;//起始时间 private Date endDate;//结束时间 private Date[] dateRange;//日期范围 ........ }
id dept job costType state belongUserId dateRange moneyRange startDate startMoney endDate endMoney checkName orderByDate
id id startDate date endDate date dept dept job job dateRange date state state checkName name moneyRange requestMoney startMoney requestMoney endMoney requestMoney orderByDate date
/** * 测试 * @author fw * */ public class TestConditionFinderImpl extends BaseSpringTest { private ConditionFinder conditionFinder; private PageBeanpb; private CretCondition cc; static final int NOW_PAGE=1;//当前第1页 static final int PAGE_SIZE=3;//每页显示3条 static final int TOTAL_COUNT=7; @Override protected void onSetUp() throws Exception { /**以下条件代表:查询 经办人like fw/状态等于1/日期为昨天到今天/申请金额为100至200 * 的材料报销单 结果按日期降序 * 每页显示3条 显示第1页 * */ pb = new PageBean (NOW_PAGE,PAGE_SIZE); cc = new CretCondition(); cc.setState(1); cc.setCheckName("fw"); Date endDate = new Date(); Date startDate = new Date(); startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate()-1); cc.setDateRange(new Date[]{startDate,endDate}); cc.setMoneyRange(new Double[]{Double.parseDouble("100"),Double.parseDouble("200")}); cc.setOrderByDate(OrderBy.DESC); ........................
Hibernate: select count(*) as y0_ from t_cost this_ where this_.c_type='sc' and this_.c_name like ? and this_.c_state=? and this_.c_date between ? and ? and this_.c_requestMoney between ? and ? Hibernate: select * from ( select this_.c_id as c1_2_0_, this_.c_costdept as c3_2_0_, this_.c_date as c4_2_0_, this_.c_dept as c5_2_0_, this_.c_financeSanctionMopney as c6_2_0_, this_.c_flowchoice as c7_2_0_, this_.c_job as c8_2_0_, this_.c_loanmoney as c9_2_0_, this_.c_loanperson as c10_2_0_, this_.c_name as c11_2_0_, this_.c_remark as c12_2_0_, this_.c_requestMoney as c13_2_0_, this_.c_tourProject as c14_2_0_, this_.c_state as c15_2_0_ from t_cost this_ where this_.c_type='sc' and this_.c_name like ? and this_.c_state=? and this_.c_date between ? and ? and this_.c_requestMoney between ? and ? order by this_.c_date desc, this_.c_id desc ) where rownum <= ?