TalkingData Game Analytic

TalkingData Game Analytic_第1张图片
  • Name:TalkingData Game Analytic
  • Author:Company Talkingdata
  • Code Repository:
  • Last Update:2013-08-28
  • Compatible with:
  • Platform:IOS, Android
  • API Language:C++
  • Website:
  • Company:TalkingData


TalkingData Game Analytics providescomprehensive real-time monitoring of metrics and in-depth analysis of player behavior, helping game deve



This is the C*+ Library of TalkingData Game Analytics for Cocos2D-X. By integrating this library, developers are enabled also use the TalkingData Game Analytics with native Cocos2D-X engine.

h1. Overview
This library supports both iOS and Android platform. For Android, the library provides complete interface encapsulation for JNI calling Java; For iOS, the library encapsulates Objective-C with C*+ to provide unified standard C++ interface.


To install this library, you shall
1. Clone the code from github in the same directory with Cocos2D-X;
2. Or decompress the SDK downloaded to the same directory with Cocos2D-X.
3. Done


  1. Library project is provided for both iOS and Android platform.
  2. For iOS, drag the library project into your working project, and then configure the framework, done.
  3. For Android, the library needs to be imported into the library configuration for Eclipse project, and correlate reference must be added in the file of;

For detailed settings please refer to the Sample.


To start using TalkingData Game Analytics, you need to register your account at the official website ( and acquire the App ID for your project.

User Guide\_User\_Guide\_EN.doc
