WebAPI 2参数绑定方法


Example 1: Sending a simple parameter in the Url

public class ValuesController : ApiController
  // http://localhost:49407/api/values/example1?id=2
  public string Get(int id)
     return "value";


Example 2: Sending simple parameters in the Url

// http://localhost:49407/api/values/example2?id1=1&id2=2&id3=3
public string GetWith3Parameters(int id1, long id2, double id3)
    return "value";


Example 3: Sending simple parameters using attribute routing

// http://localhost:49407/api/values/example3/2/3/4
public string GetWith3ParametersAttributeRouting(int id1, long id2, double id3)
   return "value";


Example 4: Sending an object in the Url

// http://localhost:49407/api/values/example4?id1=1&id2=2&id3=3
public string GetWithUri([FromUri] ParamsObject paramsObject)
  return "value:" + paramsObject.Id1;

Example 5: Sending an object in the Request body

public string GetWithBody([FromBody] ParamsObject paramsObject)
  return "value:" + paramsObject.Id1;

注意 [FromBody] 只能用一次,多于一次将不能正常工作

Calling the method using Urlencoded in the body:

User-Agent: Fiddler
Host: localhost:49407
Content-Length: 32
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


WebAPI 2参数绑定方法_第1张图片

Calling the method using Json in the body:

User-Agent: Fiddler
Host: localhost:49407
Content-Length: 32
Content-Type: application/json

{ "Id1" : 2, "Id2": 2, "Id3": 3}
WebAPI 2参数绑定方法_第2张图片


Calling the method using XML in the body

This requires extra code in the Global.asax

protected void Application_Start()
   var xml = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.XmlFormatter;
   xml.UseXmlSerializer = true;
The client request is as follows:

User-Agent: Fiddler
Content-Type: application/xml
Host: localhost:49407
Content-Length: 65



WebAPI 2参数绑定方法_第3张图片




Example 6: Sending a simple list in the Url

// http://localhost:49407/api/values/example6?paramsObject=2,paramsObject=4,paramsObject=9
public string GetListFromUri([FromUri] List paramsObject)
  if (paramsObject != null)
	return "recieved a list with length:" + paramsObject.Count;

  return "NOTHING RECIEVED...";

Example 7: Sending an object list in the Body

// http://localhost:49407/api/values/example8
public string GetListFromBody([FromBody] List paramsList)
  if (paramsList != null)
     return "recieved a list with length:" + paramsList.Count;

  return "NOTHING RECIEVED...";


Calling with Json:

User-Agent: Fiddler
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:49407
Content-Length: 91


WebAPI 2参数绑定方法_第4张图片

Calling with XML:

User-Agent: Fiddler
Content-Type: application/xml
Host: localhost:49407
Content-Length: 258



WebAPI 2参数绑定方法_第5张图片

Example 8: Sending object lists in the Body

public string GetListsFromBody([FromBody] List> paramsList)
  if (paramsList != null)
	return "recieved a list with length:" + paramsList.Count;

  return "NOTHING RECIEVED...";

This is a little bit different to the previous examples. The body can only send one single object to Web API. Because of this, the lists of objects are wrapped in a list or a parent object.

POST http://localhost:49407/api/values/example8 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Fiddler
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:49407
Content-Length: 185







What if the default parameter binding is not enough? Then you can use the ModelBinder class to change your parameters and create your own parameter formats. You could also use ActionFilters for this. Many blogs exist which already explains how to use the ModelBinder class. See the links underneath.



Files or binaries can also be sent to Web API methods. The article demonstrates how to do this.









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