

  1. Install Python

    To see if you already have Python, open a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal) and type python on the Linux command line. You should see something like this:

    Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Dec 7 2009, 18:45:15)>>>

    If so, you have Python. If the version number starts with 2, you have Python 2, which is the version of Python used in Think Python. If the version number starts with 3, you have Python 3. You will not be able to use Swampy with Python 3.

    To install Python on Ubuntu, run

    sudo apt-get install python python-tk

    Or for Python 3

    sudo apt-get install python python3-tk

    Or use the Synaptic Package Manager to install "python" and "python-tk".

    For other distributions, you can find instructions at You should install the latest version of Python 2 (but anything after 2.4 should work).

  2. Install Tkinter

    To see if you have Tkinter, type python on the Linux command line. Then at the Python prompt, type

    >>> import Tkinter

    Or in Python 3

    >>> import tkinter

    If you have Tkinter, Python will not print an error message and you can go on to the next section.

    Otherwise you will see something like this:

    ImportError: No module named Tkinter

    In that case, you have to install Tkinter. On Ubuntu, you can run

    sudo apt-get install python-tk

    Or for Python 3

    sudo apt-get install python python3-tk

    Or use the Synaptic Package Manager to install "python-tk".

    For other distributions, you can get more information from the Tkinter wiki.

  3. Install Swampy

    To see if you have Swampy, type python on the Linux command line. Then at the Python prompt, type

    >>> import swampy.TurtleWorld

    If you have Swampy, Python will not print an error message and you are all set. Enjoy the book!

    Otherwise you will see something like this:

    ImportError: No module named swampy.TurtleWorld

    In that case, you have to install it. If you have pip installed, you can install swampy like this:

    sudo pip install swampy

    If that doesn't work, or you don't have pip, you can download the zip file from the Cheese Shop and and unzip it. Cd into the directory it creates and run this command:

    sudo python install

    If that doesn't work, try the instructions for installing packages from the Cheese Shop here.

    If you follow their instructions for Distutils, you might need to know how to "extract the distribution." Download the zip file. Make sure you are in the directory where you downloaded the file and type

    unzip swampy-*.zip

    Then cd into the directory it creates:

    cd swampy-x.x.x

    You have to replace the x's with the version number, or use tab-completion to avoid typing it.

    Finally, run the installer according to the instructions in the tutorial.


Thanks to Jaymie for help improving these instructions. If you have suggestions for additional improvements, please let me know.

  1. Install Python

    For instructions on running Python under Windows, see the Python Windows FAQ.

    To run Python from the Command Prompt, you need to add the folder that contains Python to the list of folders Windows searches for commands. The name of the folder is probably C:\Python26 or C:\Python27.

    To add this folder to the search path, select Control panel -> system -> advanced -> Environmental Variables -> system variables -> Path. Add C:\Python26 or C:\Python27 to the end of the list (with a semi-colon as a separator).

    Now if you restart the command window, you should be able to typepython at the prompt and launch Python.

  2. Install Tkinter

    To see if you have Tkinter, launch python; then at the Python prompt, type

    >>> import Tkinter

    Or in Python 3

    >>> import tkinter

    If you have Tkinter, Python will not print an error message and you can go on to the next section.

    Otherwise you will see something like this:

    ImportError: No module named Tkinter

    In that case, you have to install Tkinter. You can download the ActiveTcl Community Edition from ActiveState, which should provide Tkinter. If that doesn't work, there is more general information about Tkinter here.

  3. Install Swampy

    To see if you have Swampy, launch python; then at the Python prompt, type

    >>> import swampy.TurtleWorld
    If you have Swampy, Python will not print an error message and you are all set. Enjoy the book!

    Otherwise you will see something like this:

    ImportError: No module named swampy.TurtleWorld

    In that case, you have to install it. If you have pip installed, you can install swampy like this:

    cd C:/Python/Scripts/
    pip.exe install swampy

    If you don't have pip, I recommend that you install it. There are instructions here.

    If you still don't have pip, you can download the Swampy zip file from the Cheese shop. Unzip it, then cd into the directory it creates and run:

    python install

    Again, launch Python and see if you can import swampy.TurtleWorld. If so, you are all set. If not, let me know what went wrong and I will continue to improve these instructions.

    Additional instructions for installing packages from PyPI are here.

Python 3

Swampy for Python 3 is not available as a package. But the source code is available in a zip file:

Swampy source for Python 3:

The simplest way to use this code is to unzip it in your home directory, cd into the unzipped directory and work there. Or you can put it any place you like, then add the new directory to the Python search path.

Either way, you should be able to import Swampy modules, but instead of specifying the package and module like this:

from swampy.TurtleWorld import *

You would just specify the module, like this:

from TurtleWorld import *

Swampy for Python 3 is relatively new, so please let me know if you run into problems.
