rhel 7.5
[gpadmin@rhmdw gpseg-1]$ gpperfmon_install --enable --password gpadmin --port 5432
20190305:14:58:56:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-createdb gpperfmon >& /dev/null
20190305:14:59:02:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-PGPORT=5432 psql -f /gp/greenplum-db/./lib/gpperfmon/gpperfmon.sql gpperfmon >& /dev/null
20190305:14:59:04:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-PGPORT=5432 psql template1 -c "DROP ROLE IF EXISTS gpmon" >& /dev/null
20190305:14:59:04:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-PGPORT=5432 psql template1 -c "CREATE ROLE gpmon WITH SUPERUSER CREATEDB LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'gpadmin'" >& /dev/null
20190305:14:59:04:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-echo "local gpperfmon gpmon md5" >> /gp/gpdata/master/gpseg-1/pg_hba.conf
20190305:14:59:04:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-echo "host all gpmon md5" >> /gp/gpdata/master/gpseg-1/pg_hba.conf
20190305:14:59:04:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-echo "host all gpmon ::1/128 md5" >> /gp/gpdata/master/gpseg-1/pg_hba.conf
20190305:14:59:04:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-touch /home/gpadmin/.pgpass >& /dev/null
20190305:14:59:04:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-mv -f /home/gpadmin/.pgpass /home/gpadmin/.pgpass.1551769136 >& /dev/null
20190305:14:59:04:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-echo "*:5432:gpperfmon:gpmon:gpadmin" >> /home/gpadmin/.pgpass
20190305:14:59:04:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-cat /home/gpadmin/.pgpass.1551769136 >> /home/gpadmin/.pgpass
20190305:14:59:04:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-chmod 0600 /home/gpadmin/.pgpass >& /dev/null
20190305:14:59:04:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-PGPORT=5432 gpconfig -c gp_enable_gpperfmon -v on >& /dev/null
20190305:14:59:05:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-PGPORT=5432 gpconfig -c gpperfmon_port -v 8888 >& /dev/null
20190305:14:59:05:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-PGPORT=5432 gpconfig -c gp_external_enable_exec -v on --masteronly >& /dev/null
20190305:14:59:06:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-PGPORT=5432 gpconfig -c gpperfmon_log_alert_level -v warning >& /dev/null
20190305:14:59:07:002389 gpperfmon_install:rhmdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-gpperfmon will be enabled after a full restart of GPDB
[gpadmin@rhmdw greenplum-cc-web-4.5.1-LINUX-x86_64]$ psql -d postgres
psql (8.3.23)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# \l
List of databases
Name | Owner | Encoding | Access privileges
gaoyc | gpadmin | UTF8 |
gpperfmon | gpadmin | UTF8 | gpadmin=CTc/gpadmin
: =c/gpadmin
postgres | gpadmin | UTF8 |
template0 | gpadmin | UTF8 | =c/gpadmin
: gpadmin=CTc/gpadmin
template1 | gpadmin | UTF8 | =c/gpadmin
: gpadmin=CTc/gpadmin
(5 rows)
postgres=# alter user gpmon encrypted password 'gpadmin';
[gpadmin@rhmdw greenplum-cc-web-4.5.1-LINUX-x86_64]$ ./gpccinstall-4.5.1
Fail to connect to database
pq: password authentication failed for user "gpmon"
[gpadmin@rhmdw greenplum-cc-web-4.5.1-LINUX-x86_64]$ ./gpccinstall-4.5.1
IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: This Software contains computer programs and
other proprietary material and information, the use of which is subject to
and expressly conditioned upon acceptance of this End User License
Agreement ("EULA").
This EULA is a legally binding document between you (meaning the person or
the entity that obtained the Software under the terms and conditions of
this EULA, is agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this
EULA, and is referred to below as "You" or "Customer") and Pivotal (meaning
(i) Pivotal Software, Inc., if Customer is located in the United States;
and (ii) the local Pivotal sales subsidiary, if Customer is located in a
country outside the United States in which Pivotal has a local sales
subsidiary; and (iii) GoPivotal International Limited, if Customer is
located in a country outside the United States in which Pivotal does not
have a local sales subsidiary (in each case, referred to herein as
"Pivotal"). Unless Customer has entered into a written and separately
signed agreement with Pivotal that is currently in effect with respect to
the license of the Software and provision of Support Services and
Subscription Services, this EULA governs Customer's use of the Software and
Do you agree to the Pivotal Greenplum Command Center End User License Agreement? Yy/Nn (Default=Y)
Do you agree to the Pivotal Greenplum Command Center End User License Agreement? Yy/Nn (Default=Y)
Where would you like to install Greenplum Command Center? (Default=/usr/local)
What would you like to name this installation of Greenplum Command Center? (Default=gpcc)
What port would you like gpcc webserver to use? (Default=28080)
Would you like to enable kerberos? Yy/Nn (Default=N)
Would you like enable SSL? Yy/Nn (Default=N)
GPCC [version 4.5.1] may not be fully compatible with GDPB [installed version 5.16].
Please reference the version compatibility in the GPCC documentation (
Installation in progress...
Successfully installed Greenplum Command Center.
We recommend ssh to standby master before starting GPCC webserver
To start the GPCC webserver on the current host, run gpcc start
To manage Command Center, use the gpcc utility.
gpcc [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-v, --version Show Greenplum Command Center version
--settings Print the current configuration settings
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Available commands:
help Print list of commands
krbdisable Disables kerberos authentication
krbenable Enables kerberos authentication
start Starts Greenplum Command Center webserver and metrics collection agents [-W] option to force password prompt for GPDB user gpmon [optional]
status Print agent status with [-W] option to force password prompt for GPDB user gpmon [optional]
stop Stops Greenplum Command Center webserver and metrics collection agents [-W] option to force password prompt for GPDB user gpmon [optional]
[gpadmin@rhmdw greenplum-cc-web-4.5.1]$ echo "source /gp/gpcc/greenplum-cc-web-4.5.1/" >> ~/.bash_profile
[gpadmin@rhmdw greenplum-cc-web-4.5.1]$ source ~/.becash_profile
[gpadmin@rhmdw greenplum-cc-web-4.5.1]$ gpcc start
Starting the gpcc agents and webserver…
2019/03/05 15:13:42 Agent successfully started on 3/3 hosts
2019/03/05 15:13:42 View Greenplum Command Center at http://rhmdw:28080
[gpadmin@rhmdw greenplum-cc-web-4.5.1]$ gpcc status
2019/03/05 15:21:41 GPCC webserver: running
2019/03/05 15:21:42 GPCC agents: 3/3 agents running
[gpadmin@rhmdw gpseg-1]$ echo "host all gpmon md5" >> /gp/gpdata/master/gpseg-1/pg_hba.conf
[gpadmin@rhmdw greenplum-cc-web-4.5.1]$ psql -d gpperfmon
psql (8.3.23)
Type "help" for help.
gpperfmon=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Storage
public | _database_tail | table | gpadmin | external
public | _diskspace_tail | table | gpadmin | external
public | _network_interface_tail | table | gpadmin | external
public | _queries_tail | table | gpadmin | external
public | _segment_tail | table | gpadmin | external
public | _socket_tail | table | gpadmin | external
public | _system_tail | table | gpadmin | external
public | database_history | table | gpadmin | heap
public | database_history_1_prt_1 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | database_history_1_prt_r1886994280 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | database_history_1_prt_r235687275 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | database_now | table | gpadmin | external
public | database_tail | table | gpadmin | external
public | diskspace_history | table | gpadmin | heap
public | diskspace_history_1_prt_1 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | diskspace_history_1_prt_r260046327 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | diskspace_history_1_prt_r288021237 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | diskspace_now | table | gpadmin | external
public | diskspace_tail | table | gpadmin | external
public | dynamic_memory_info | view | gpadmin | none
public | gp_log_master_ext | table | gpadmin | external
public | log_alert_history | table | gpadmin | heap
public | log_alert_history_1_prt_1 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | log_alert_history_1_prt_r1670287198 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | log_alert_history_1_prt_r666062311 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | log_alert_now | table | gpadmin | external
public | log_alert_tail | table | gpadmin | external
public | master_data_dir | table | gpadmin | external
public | memory_info | view | gpadmin | none
public | network_interface_history | table | gpadmin | heap
public | network_interface_history_1_prt_1 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | network_interface_now | table | gpadmin | external
public | network_interface_tail | table | gpadmin | external
public | queries_history | table | gpadmin | heap
public | queries_history_1_prt_1 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | queries_history_1_prt_r1388589774 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | queries_history_1_prt_r692395913 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | queries_now | table | gpadmin | external
public | queries_now_fast | table | gpadmin | external
public | queries_tail | table | gpadmin | external
public | segment_history | table | gpadmin | heap
public | segment_history_1_prt_1 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | segment_history_1_prt_r1511481670 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | segment_history_1_prt_r546555639 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | segment_now | table | gpadmin | external
public | segment_tail | table | gpadmin | external
public | socket_history | table | gpadmin | heap
public | socket_history_1_prt_1 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | socket_now | table | gpadmin | external
public | socket_tail | table | gpadmin | external
public | system_history | table | gpadmin | heap
public | system_history_1_prt_1 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | system_history_1_prt_r1176892042 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | system_history_1_prt_r1382910067 | table | gpadmin | heap
public | system_now | table | gpadmin | external
public | system_tail | table | gpadmin | external
(56 rows)
gpperfmon=# select * from system_now;
ctime | hostname | mem_total | mem_used | mem_actual_used | mem_actual_free | swap_total | swap_used | swap_page_in | swap_page_out | cpu_u
ser | cpu_sys | cpu_idle | load0 | load1 | load2 | quantum | disk_ro_rate | disk_wo_rate | disk_rb_rate | disk_wb_rate | net_rp_rate | net_wp_rate | net_rb_r
ate | net_wb_rate
2019-03-05 15:23:45 | rhsdw1 | 2393448448 | 1532145664 | 257118208 | 2136330240 | 2097147904 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
.03 | 0.07 | 99.9 | 0 | 0.01 | 0.05 | 15 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 11249 | 9 | 8 | 7
282 | 10724
2019-03-05 15:23:45 | rhsdw2 | 2393448448 | 1503211520 | 251822080 | 2141626368 | 2097147904 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 0.07 | 99.93 | 0.07 | 0.05 | 0.05 | 15 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 11249 | 9 | 8 | 7
270 | 10708
2019-03-05 15:23:45 | rhmdw | 2393448448 | 1271422976 | 362450944 | 2030997504 | 2097147904 | 8192 | 0 | 0 |
0.4 | 0.17 | 99.37 | 0.02 | 0.06 | 0.05 | 15 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 12914 | 23 | 23 | 5
352 | 6326
(3 rows)
gpperfmon=# select * from database_now
gpperfmon-# ;
ctime | queries_total | queries_running | queries_queued
2019-03-05 15:24:00 | 0 | 0 | 0
(1 row)