【Gtest(Google Test)帮助手册】en-cn


英文文档获得方式:框架生成的执行文件,在命令行 --help 即可获得。


本操作文档只对使用Gtest (Google Test) 开发的测试用例有效。通过命令,你可以使用以下功能:




     列出所有的测试用例,但并不执行。代码中的用例TEST(Foo, Bar) 显示出的结果是 "Foo.Bar".




  '?' 匹配任意单字符;

  '*' 匹配任意字符串;

  ':' 分离两种模式。        PS:这一条需要读者自行验证




























除了使用入参的方式(如:--gtest_list_tests),你还可以在环境变量中新建一个配置变量(全部使用大写字母)。例如,禁止输出彩色信息,可以使用入参--gtest_color=no 或者设置环境变量GTEST_COLOR的值为 no.





This program contains tests written usingGoogle Test. You can use the

following command line flags to control itsbehavior:


Test Selection:


     List the names of all tests instead of running them. The name ofTEST(Foo, Bar) is "Foo.Bar".


     Run only the tests whose name matches one of the positive patterns butnone of the negative patterns.

  '?' matches any single character;

  '*' matches any substring;

  ':' separates two patterns.


     Run all disabled tests too.


Test Execution:


     Run the tests repeatedly; use a negative count to repeat forever.


     Randomize tests' orders on every iteration.


     Random number seed to use for shuffling test orders (between 1 and99999, or 0 to use a seed based on the current time).


Test Output:


     Enable/disable colored output. The default is auto.


     Don't print the elapsed time of each test.


     Generate an XML report in the given directory or with the given file name.FILE_PATH defaults to test_details.xml.


Assertion Behavior:


     Turn assertion failures into debugger break-points.


     Turn assertion failures into C++ exceptions.


     Do not report exceptions as test failures. Instead, allow them to crashthe program or throw a pop-up (on Windows).


Except for --gtest_list_tests, you canalternatively set the corresponding environment variable of a flag (all lettersin upper-case). For example, to disable colored text output, you can eitherspecify --gtest_color=noor set the GTEST_COLORenvironment variable to no.


For more information, please read theGoogle Test documentation at https://github.com/google/googletest/. If youfind a bug in Google Test (not one in your own code or tests), please report itto

