C#中使用委托和事件实现观察者模式(observer pattern)


1.       Introduction:



2.       Observer Design Pattern Structure:

    C#中使用委托和事件实现观察者模式(observer pattern)_第1张图片

3.       Class Diagram:

    C#中使用委托和事件实现观察者模式(observer pattern)_第2张图片

 我比较喜欢用Delegates/Events,所以我决定创建一个事件对象通过委托来通知每个观察者,事件所在的类为ObservableObject; ObservableObject应该允许添加或者移除观察者,每个观察者也是能够收到多个状态更新。

4.       实现代码:


using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace www.askbargains.com.ObserverDesignPatternLib { public delegate void NotifyObserver(string key); public abstract class ObservableObject { public event NotifyObserver NotifyObserverEvent; public void AddObserver(NotifyObserver ob) { NotifyObserverEvent += ob; } public void RemoveObserver(NotifyObserver ob) { NotifyObserverEvent -= ob; } public void Notify(string kidName) { if (NotifyObserverEvent != null) { NotifyObserverEvent(kidName); } } } }



using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace www.askbargains.com.ObserverDesignPatternLib { public class Kid : ObservableObject { public string Name { get; set; } private Status _dailyStatus; public Status DailyStatus { get { return _dailyStatus; } set { _dailyStatus = value; Notify(this.Name); } } } }



using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace www.askbargains.com.ObserverDesignPatternLib { public class Parent { private Dictionary _kids = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary Kids { get { return _kids; } set { _kids = value; } } public void DailyStatusUpdate(string key) { Console.WriteLine("Parents received {0}'s daily status. " + "updated on {1}, Notes: {2} ", Kids[key].Name, Kids[key].DailyStatus.UpdatedOn, Kids[key].DailyStatus.Description); } } } using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace www.askbargains.com.ObserverDesignPatternLib { public class FamilyDoctor { private Dictionary _kids = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary Patients { get { return _kids; } set { _kids = value; } } public void ReciveNotes(string patientName) { Console.WriteLine("Family Doctor received {0}'s new daily status. " + "updates on: {1} . Notes:{2}", Paitients[patientName].Name, Paitients[patientName].DailyStatus.UpdatedOn, Paitients[patientName].DailyStatus.Description); } } }


using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using www.askbargains.com.ObserverDesignPatternLib; namespace www.askbargains.com.ObserverDesignPatternClient { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //Two kids been created Kid kid1 = new Kid(); Kid kid2 = new Kid(); kid1.Name = "Aimee"; kid2.Name = "Elizabeth"; //one parent object created. //this parent has two kids in this case. Parent parent1 = new Parent(); parent1.Kids.Add(kid1.Name, kid1); parent1.Kids.Add(kid2.Name, kid2); //one family doctor object created //this doctor is kid2's family doctor, //and I am going to send the note when kid2 isn't well FamilyDoctor doc1 = new FamilyDoctor(); doc1.Patients.Add(kid2.Name, kid2); //I want to send notes to the parents. kid1.AddObserver(new NotifyObserver(parent1.DailyStatusUpdate)); kid2.AddObserver(new NotifyObserver(parent1.DailyStatusUpdate)); //Update status for both Kids. //Parents will receive the notes at the same time kid1.DailyStatus = new Status(String.Format("{0} is happy", kid1.Name)); kid2.DailyStatus = new Status(String.Format("{0} is fuzzy", kid2.Name)); //Updates the status after 5 secs Thread.Sleep(5000); //after 5 secs, kid2 doesn't feel well. need to get doctor involved kid2.AddObserver(new NotifyObserver(doc1.ReciveNotes)); //update two kids' status. //Parent will recive two kids status //Doc1 start reciving kid2 's status kid1.DailyStatus = new Status(String.Format("{0} is happy", kid1.Name)); kid2.DailyStatus = new Status(String.Format("{0} is sick. " + "Tempture : 39.7", kid2.Name)); //Updates the status after 5 secs Thread.Sleep(5000); //update two kids' status kid1.DailyStatus = new Status(String.Format("{0} is happy", kid1.Name)); kid2.DailyStatus = new Status(String.Format("{0} is back to normal. " + "she is happy now", kid2.Name)); //Updates the status after 5 secs Thread.Sleep(5000); //since kid2 is fine. I am going to deattach the doc1's observation kid2.RemoveObserver(new NotifyObserver(doc1.ReciveNotes)); //update two kids' status kid1.DailyStatus = new Status(String.Format("{0} is happy. " + "Just had a big lunch", kid1.Name)); kid2.DailyStatus = new Status(String.Format("{0} is happy. " + "Playing with her best friend Kevin", kid2.Name)); Console.WriteLine("Daily Report End!"); Console.Read(); } } }


C#中使用委托和事件实现观察者模式(observer pattern)_第3张图片

