Spring Security integrate with SSO(Siteminder)

This is the sample to integrate SSO to Java web app with spring security, typical authentication process:

In this case, Web app sever is not proxyed, and recieve request directly, so the user's request arrive to Web app server firstly
Spring Security integrate with SSO(Siteminder)_第1张图片

Core Spring security config:









So, first, we need to add a custom LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint to redirect request to SSO when user open home page without login
public class SSOLoginHandler extends LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint

    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SSOLoginHandler.class);
    private String authProcessingURL;

    public void commence(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response,
        final AuthenticationException authenticationException) throws IOException, ServletException
        logger.debug("Preparing redirectiion to SSO PROXY...");
//        new DefaultRedirectStrategy().sendRedirect(request, response, this.getLoginFormUrl() + "?ref="
//            + authProcessingURL);
        String SSO_LOGIN_URL= "https://ssoserver.com/sso.jsp";
        new DefaultRedirectStrategy().sendRedirect(request, response,  SSO_LOGIN_URL + "?ref="
            + authProcessingURL);

    public String getAuthProcessingURL()
        return authProcessingURL;

    public void setAuthProcessingURL(final String authProcessingURL)
        this.authProcessingURL = authProcessingURL;

Simplete logout which do some logging items..
public class SSOLogoutHandler extends SimpleUrlLogoutSuccessHandler

    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SSOLogoutHandler.class);

    public void onLogoutSuccess(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response,
        final Authentication authentication) throws IOException, ServletException

        super.onLogoutSuccess(request, response, authentication);
        logger.debug("Performing an SSO logout at: {}", this.getDefaultTargetUrl());

Custom UserDeatailsService to load role and Grant Authority to user
public class CustomUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService
    public static final String DEFAULT_AUTH_PASSWORD = "password";

    public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String soeid) throws UsernameNotFoundException
        List grantedAuths = new ArrayList();
        grantedAuths.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(***Service.queryUserRoleFromDatabase(soeid).toString()));
        UserDetails user = new User(soeid, DEFAULT_AUTH_PASSWORD, true, true, true, true, grantedAuths);      
        return user;


Custom authetication filter to processe the response form SSO server after logicn
public class SSOAuthenticationFilter extends UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter

    public static final String DEFAULT_AUTH_PASSWORD = "password";
    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SSOAuthenticationFilter.class);
    private Cipher cipher;

    public SSOAuthenticationFilter()
        super.setPostOnly(false); // allow a GET request from SSO PROXY

    public Authentication attemptAuthentication(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws AuthenticationException
        String[] sid = decodeSID(request);
        String soeid = sid[0];

        // token is expired if currentTimeMillis is greater then TIMESTAMP
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() > Long.parseLong(sid[1]))
            logger.error("Authentication rejected for: {}", soeid);
            throw new NonceExpiredException("Authentication token is expired");
        // saving decoded SOEID in a REQUEST to reuse it by obtainUsername()
        request.setAttribute("SSO_USER_SOEID", soeid);

        return super.attemptAuthentication(request, response);

    protected String obtainPassword(final HttpServletRequest request)

    protected String obtainUsername(final HttpServletRequest request)
        //SM_USER is coming from SSO after login 
        return (String) request.getAttribute("SM_USER");

    private String[] decodeSID(final HttpServletRequest request)
       .............add SSO server decode strtegy


You may say above sample was not my case, what happens we have SSO setup in the proxy server as below?

Spring Security integrate with SSO(Siteminder)_第2张图片

only difference is in the login entry filter, we redirect to the web app authentication filter("/authenticate") as it's pre-logged in
public class SSOLoginHandler extends LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint

    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SSOLoginHandler.class);
    private String authProcessingURL;

    public void commence(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response,
        final AuthenticationException authenticationException) throws IOException, ServletException
        logger.debug("Preparing redirectiion to SSO PROXY...");
        new DefaultRedirectStrategy().sendRedirect(request, response, "/authenticate");

  • Spring Security integrate with SSO(Siteminder)_第3张图片
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  • Spring Security integrate with SSO(Siteminder)_第4张图片
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