Don’t give up: Older people can have creative breakthroughs 别放弃,年纪大大人也能做出创造性突破


这篇文章《Don’t give up: Older people can have creative breakthroughs》每个管理者都应该读一读,特别是对年纪大的员工有偏见的人。

Don’t give up: Older people can have creative breakthroughs 别放弃,年纪大大人也能做出创造性突破_第1张图片
Albert-László Barabási.png

本文作者 Albert-László Barabási ,美国东北大学网络科学家,《The Formula: The New Scientific Laws of Success》的作者。


des of research on creativity: Most scientists published their defining work within two decades of the start of their scientific career. In other words, geniuses and everyday scientists alike cease to be creative by the third decade of their career.


When we asked why, however, we stumbled across something unexpected. First, we found that productivity — the number of papers published by an individual — has the same early peak as creativity. We scientists are not only the most creative in the first two decades of our careers; we are more productive as well. This made Roberta and me suspicious about the roots of our creative success: Is it because we are young, or is it because we simply buy more raffle tickets during those early decades?


We next arranged every paper the scientists had published in chronological order, asking if the highest impact paper was among the earliest of each person’s career, somewhere in the middle, or perhaps among the last. In other words, we took age and productivity out of the equation, viewing each paper as another attempt at a breakthrough.


And there lay something unexpected. The highest impact papers were rarely the scientists’ earliest ones. Instead, the biggest hits were completely random: They were just as likely to be a first work as a last one, or anywhere in between.


Our surprising conclusion: Fresh-faced thinkers disproportionately break through not because youth and creativity are intertwined but because they produce more work early in their career. Indeed, 30 years into a scientific career there is a sixfold drop in productivity compared with productivity at any time within the first 20 years. Hence scientists’ early success has little to do with the vibrant ideas they bring to the stodgy establishment. Rather, undeterred by disinterest or failure, young people try again and again.


These results are good news for those of us with graying hair. Sure, success can come early, as it did for Frank G. Wilczek, who received the 2004 Nobel in physics for the very first paper he co-authored as a graduate student. But it can also come later, as it did for this year’s Nobel winner in physiology or medicine, Yoshinori Ohsumi, who was 48 when he made his breakthrough. In fact, it can even come very late, as it did for John B. Fenn, a chemist whose Nobel-winning discovery came after Yale shut down his lab when he turned 70, the mandatory retirement age then.

这些结果对我们这些头发灰白的人来说是个好消息。当然,成功可能来得早,正如弗兰克·G·威尔茨克(FrankG.Wilczek)所做的那样,他在2004年获得诺贝尔物理学奖,这是他作为研究生共同撰写的第一篇论文。但也可能在以后发生,就像今年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主Yoshinori Ohsumi(48岁时取得突破)所做的那样。事实上,它甚至可能来得很晚,就像约翰·B·芬恩(JohnB.Fenn)所做的那样。约翰·B·芬恩是一位化学家,他的诺贝尔奖获得者,是在耶鲁大学70岁时关闭实验室后发现的,那时他是法定退休年龄。

Equally important, our data show that if you were fortunate enough to have had that coveted early-career breakthrough, there may be more to come. Einstein, despite his age-of-30 admonition, was 59 when he published his finding on quantum entanglement, his most cited work today. And our finding is likely not limited to scientists. Steve Jobs, for example, may have founded Apple at 21, but the company’s most commercially successful innovations — the iMac, the iPhone — came only in his 40s and early 50s.

同样重要的是,我们的数据显示,如果你幸运地拥有了梦寐以求的早年职业突破,那么未来可能还会有更多。尽管爱因斯坦30岁,但他59岁时发表了关于量子纠缠的发现,这是他今天引用最多的著作。我们的发现可能不仅限于科学家。例如,史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)可能在21岁时创立了苹果,但苹果最成功的商业创新——iMac、iPhone——仅仅出现在他40多岁和50多岁的时候。

So if you missed that early spark, don’t despair: as long as you stay with it, success can still be yours.


你可能感兴趣的:(Don’t give up: Older people can have creative breakthroughs 别放弃,年纪大大人也能做出创造性突破)