- fastjson:依赖阿里的fastjson库,功能强大(支持普通JDK类包括任意Java Bean Class、Collection、Map、Date或enum)
- fst:完全兼容JDK序列化协议的系列化框架,序列化速度大概是JDK的4-10倍,大小是JDK大小的1/3左右。
- hessian2:hessian是一种跨语言的高效二进制序列化方式。但这里实际不是原生的hessian2序列化,而是阿里修改过的hessian lite,它是dubbo RPC默认启用的序列化方式
- jdk:JDK自带的Java序列化实现。
- kryo:是一个快速序列化/反序列化工具,其使用了字节码生成机制(底层依赖了 ASM 库),因此具有比较好的运行速度,速度快,序列化后体积小,跨语言支持较复杂
public interface DataInput {
* Read boolean.
* 读取布尔类型
* @return boolean.
* @throws IOException
boolean readBool() throws IOException;
* Read byte.
* 读取字节
* @return byte value.
* @throws IOException
byte readByte() throws IOException;
* Read short integer.
* 读取short类型
* @return short.
* @throws IOException
short readShort() throws IOException;
* Read integer.
* 读取integer类型
* @return integer.
* @throws IOException
int readInt() throws IOException;
* Read long.
* 读取long类型
* @return long.
* @throws IOException
long readLong() throws IOException;
* Read float.
* 读取float类型
* @return float.
* @throws IOException
float readFloat() throws IOException;
* Read double.
* 读取double类型
* @return double.
* @throws IOException
double readDouble() throws IOException;
* Read UTF-8 string.
* 读取UTF-8 string
* @return string.
* @throws IOException
String readUTF() throws IOException;
* Read byte array.
* 读取byte数组
* @return byte array.
* @throws IOException
byte[] readBytes() throws IOException;
该接口是数据输入接口,可以看到定义了从 InputStream 中各类数据类型的读取方法。
public interface DataOutput {
* Write boolean.
* 输出boolean类型
* @param v value.
* @throws IOException
void writeBool(boolean v) throws IOException;
* Write byte.
* 输出byte类型
* @param v value.
* @throws IOException
void writeByte(byte v) throws IOException;
* Write short.
* 输出short类型
* @param v value.
* @throws IOException
void writeShort(short v) throws IOException;
* Write integer.
* 输出integer类型
* @param v value.
* @throws IOException
void writeInt(int v) throws IOException;
* Write long.
* 输出long类型
* @param v value.
* @throws IOException
void writeLong(long v) throws IOException;
* Write float.
* 输出float类型
* @param v value.
* @throws IOException
void writeFloat(float v) throws IOException;
* Write double.
* 输出double类型
* @param v value.
* @throws IOException
void writeDouble(double v) throws IOException;
* Write string.
* 输出string类型
* @param v value.
* @throws IOException
void writeUTF(String v) throws IOException;
* Write byte array.
* 输出byte数组
* @param v value.
* @throws IOException
void writeBytes(byte[] v) throws IOException;
* Write byte array.
* 输出byte数组中部分数据
* @param v value.
* @param off offset.
* @param len length.
* @throws IOException
void writeBytes(byte[] v, int off, int len) throws IOException;
* Flush buffer.
* 刷新缓冲区
* @throws IOException
void flushBuffer() throws IOException;
该接口是数据输出接口,可以看到定义了向 InputStream 中,写入基本类型的数据。
public interface ObjectOutput extends DataOutput {
* write object.
* 输入object类型
* @param obj object.
void writeObject(Object obj) throws IOException;
在 DataOutput 的基础上,增加写入object类型的数据。
public interface ObjectInput extends DataInput {
* read object.
* 读取object类型数据
* @return object.
Object readObject() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;
* read object.
* 根据class类型读取object类型数据
* @param cls object type.
* @return object.
T readObject(Class cls) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;
* read object.
* 取object类型数据
* @param cls object type.
* @return object.
T readObject(Class cls, Type type) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;
该接口是继承了DataInput 接口,在 DataInput 的基础上,增加读取object类型的数据。
public interface Cleanable {
* 清理
void cleanup();
public interface Serialization {
* get content type id
* 获得内容类型编号
* @return content type id
byte getContentTypeId();
* get content type
* 获得内容类型名
* @return content type
String getContentType();
* create serializer
* 创建 ObjectOutput 对象,序列化输出到 OutputStream
* @param url
* @param output
* @return serializer
* @throws IOException
ObjectOutput serialize(URL url, OutputStream output) throws IOException;
* create deserializer
* 创建 ObjectInput 对象,从 InputStream 反序列化
* @param url
* @param input
* @return deserializer
* @throws IOException
ObjectInput deserialize(URL url, InputStream input) throws IOException;
public abstract class SerializableClassRegistry {
* 可序列化类类的集合
private static final Set registrations = new LinkedHashSet();
* only supposed to be called at startup time
* 把可序列化的类加入到集合
public static void registerClass(Class clazz) {
* 获得可序列化的类的集合
* @return
public static Set getRegisteredClasses() {
return registrations;
public interface SerializationOptimizer {
* 需要序列化的类的集合
* @return
Collection getSerializableClasses();
该接口序列化优化器接口,在 Kryo 、FST 中,支持配置需要优化的类。业务系统中,可以实现自定义的 SerializationOptimizer,进行配置。或者使用文件来配置也是一个选择。
该部分相关的源码解析地址: https://github.com/CrazyHZM/i...