这两天碰到一个问题,就是在日志转发时,需要更改收到的日志的facility和level,结果中文文档几乎木有,英文的文档倒是碰到一些,兴奋之余,一打开傻眼了。。。好几个都是问how to change the facility and level的,然后在balabit中看到回复如下:
"Simply because we're not there yet and because I didn't feel it that
important when we implemented the rewrite functionality."。。。
实例如下, 比如当我收到facility为local 6,level为debug的日志时,我需要将其facility改为local0, 同时 level 改为info然后存储到本机,实现如下:
filter f_local6 {facility(local6);}; filter f_level {level(debug);}; destination d_template1 {udp('' port(514) template("<166>$DATE $HOST $MSGHDR$MSG\n")); }; log { source(src);filter(f_tag_acs);filter(f_local6);destination( d_template1);};
同时发往的目的地服务器(此处问本机127.0.0.1) 也要配置接收log,配置如下:
source src { file("/proc/kmsg"); unix-stream("/dev/log" max-connections(256)); internal(); }; source s_remote { udp(ip( port(514)); }; filter f_facility{ facility (local4 ); }; filter f_level{ level (info ); }; filter f_tag { match('acs') ; }; destination dest{ file('/var/log/filter1.log');}; log { source(src); source(s_remote); filter(f_facility; filter(f_level); filter(f_tag); destination(dest); };
1. 本机收到属性为local6.debug的日志,
2.发往 d_template1 由于其应用规则为: {udp('' port(514) template("<166>$DATE $HOST $MSG\n")); 故将其属性转换为local4.info,同时应用其他规则,
4.本机的其他过滤器 dest进行接收。
此处转换的核心是template中的规则, template("<166>$DATE $HOST $MSG\n"); , 下面进行一个大致的说明:
166 代表的意思是local4.info, 这个是PRI标识,首先请看下表,这是syslog-ng中预定义的。
Numerical Code Facility 0 kernel messages 1 user-level messages 2 mail system 3 system daemons 4 security/authorization messages 5 messages generated internally by syslogd 6 line printer subsystem 7 network news subsystem 8 UUCP subsystem 9 clock daemon 10 security/authorization messages 11 FTP daemon 12 NTP subsystem 13 log audit 14 log alert 15 clock daemon 16-23 locally used facilities (local0-local7)
Numerical Code Severity 0 Emergency: system is unusable 1 Alert: action must be taken immediately 2 Critical: critical conditions 3 Error: error conditions 4 Warning: warning conditions 5 Notice: normal but significant condition 6 Informational: informational messages 7 Debug: debug-level messages
PRI 就等于facility * 8 + level, 166 = local4*8 + info,即166代表local4.info
至于$DATE就比较简单了,代表日期, $MSG代表日志内容, $HOST代表主机。