
package com.fruitking.cache.job;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionException;
import org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.QuartzJobBean;

import com.fruitking.entity.Country;
import com.fruitking.entity.City;
import com.fruitking.service.IAreaCodeService;

public class AreaCodeJob extends QuartzJobBean{
	private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AreaCodeJob.class);
	private IAreaCodeService areaCodeService;
	public void setAreaCodeService(IAreaCodeService areaCodeService) {
		this.areaCodeService = areaCodeService;
	protected void executeInternal(JobExecutionContext arg0)throws JobExecutionException {
		try {
			long changeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
			List countryCodeList = areaCodeService.findCountrys();
			List cityCodeList = areaCodeService.findCitys();
				long freeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
				long maxMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory();
				long totalMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
				changeMemory = changeMemory - freeMemory;
				String jvmIndf = "start to end...jvm free memory change:"+changeMemory+"B also:"+(changeMemory/1024)+"KB,free memory is:"+freeMemory + ",total memory is:"+totalMemory+",max memory is:"+maxMemory;
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error(e.getMessage(), e);


package com.fruitking.cache.job;

import java.util.List;

import com.fruitking.entity.Country;
import com.fruitking.entity.City;

public class DBDataCacheContext {
	private static List countryCodeList = null;//所有国家信息
	private static List cityCodeList = null;//所有城市信息

	public static List getCountryCodeList() {
		return countryCodeList;

	public static void setCountryCodeList(
			List countryCodeList) {
		DBDataCacheContext.countryCodeList = null;
		DBDataCacheContext.countryCodeList = countryCodeList;

	public static List getCityCodeList() {
		return cityCodeList;

	public static void setCityCodeList(
			List cityCodeList) {
		DBDataCacheContext.cityCodeList = null;
		DBDataCacheContext.cityCodeList = cityCodeList;




        0/5 * * * * ?



log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%-d{HH:mm:ss} - %m%n

10:20:53 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-8535944B also:-8335KB,free memory is:464688232
10:20:58 - start to end...jvm free memory change:20714696B also:20229KB,free memory is:442974016
10:21:02 - start to end...jvm free memory change:18470480B also:18037KB,free memory is:423619808
10:21:07 - start to end...jvm free memory change:21115288B also:20620KB,free memory is:429755752
10:21:12 - start to end...jvm free memory change:18710776B also:18272KB,free memory is:409949680
10:21:17 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-7640992B also:-7461KB,free memory is:416865832
10:21:22 - start to end...jvm free memory change:20315064B also:19838KB,free memory is:395625680
10:21:27 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19071784B also:18624KB,free memory is:375837648
10:21:32 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-7389080B also:-7215KB,free memory is:382382832
10:21:37 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19783216B also:19319KB,free memory is:361913736
10:21:42 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-5315160B also:-5190KB,free memory is:366734176
10:21:47 - start to end...jvm free memory change:20523832B also:20042KB,free memory is:345657112
10:21:52 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19157344B also:18708KB,free memory is:325855784
10:21:57 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-7493720B also:-7318KB,free memory is:332798168
10:22:02 - start to end...jvm free memory change:20266552B also:19791KB,free memory is:311923072
10:22:07 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19279584B also:18827KB,free memory is:292246632
10:22:12 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-7546800B also:-7369KB,free memory is:299198448
10:22:17 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19976304B also:19508KB,free memory is:278662488
10:22:22 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-7270136B also:-7099KB,free memory is:285511848
10:22:27 - start to end...jvm free memory change:20545944B also:20064KB,free memory is:264410968
10:22:32 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19383184B also:18928KB,free memory is:244694904
10:22:37 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-7212344B also:-7043KB,free memory is:251415320
10:22:42 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19974280B also:19506KB,free memory is:230890280
10:22:47 - start to end...jvm free memory change:18752272B also:18312KB,free memory is:209553416
10:22:52 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-7150144B also:-6982KB,free memory is:216190760
10:22:57 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19399488B also:18944KB,free memory is:196329776
10:23:02 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-7469600B also:-7294KB,free memory is:203393160
10:23:07 - start to end...jvm free memory change:20435936B also:19956KB,free memory is:182441944
10:23:12 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19334896B also:18881KB,free memory is:162776104
10:23:17 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-7098288B also:-6931KB,free memory is:169379904
10:23:22 - start to end...jvm free memory change:20187808B also:19714KB,free memory is:148749040
10:23:27 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19275120B also:18823KB,free memory is:129105136
10:23:32 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-6974952B also:-6811KB,free memory is:135752520
10:23:37 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19390936B also:18936KB,free memory is:115898104
10:23:42 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-7392224B also:-7218KB,free memory is:122888592
10:23:47 - start to end...jvm free memory change:20411232B also:19932KB,free memory is:101997272
10:23:52 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19200584B also:18750KB,free memory is:82457368
10:23:57 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-6989048B also:-6825KB,free memory is:88964600
10:24:02 - start to end...jvm free memory change:20093744B also:19622KB,free memory is:68436232
10:24:07 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19069808B also:18622KB,free memory is:48973840
10:24:12 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-6860432B also:-6699KB,free memory is:55555312
10:24:17 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19083904B also:18636KB,free memory is:35998224
10:24:22 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-7115224B also:-6948KB,free memory is:42700944
10:24:27 - start to end...jvm free memory change:20389944B also:19912KB,free memory is:21828952,total memory is:532807680,max memory is:1065484288
10:24:33 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-396309648B also:-387021KB,free memory is:417800024,total memory is:532807680,max memory is:1065484288
10:24:37 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-3880768B also:-3789KB,free memory is:421199168,total memory is:532807680,max memory is:1065484288
10:24:42 - start to end...jvm free memory change:20413072B also:19934KB,free memory is:400347744
10:24:47 - start to end...jvm free memory change:-5273152B also:-5149KB,free memory is:403160512
10:24:52 - start to end...jvm free memory change:20586320B also:20103KB,free memory is:382110152
10:24:57 - start to end...jvm free memory change:19145032B also:18696KB,free memory is:362503656


  • 项目典型数据应用缓存的jvm之旅.rar (3.4 KB)
  • 下载次数: 4
