

Tomcat是java程序员耳熟能详的WEB容器,也称为中间件,也是开发使用最多的Servlet容器,其他web容器WAS(IBM WebSphere Application Server),WebLogic,Jboss也有使用,但是除了他们还有其他的Servlet容器。


[root@master ~]# wget
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 28738643 (27M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `resin-pro-4.0.47.tar.gz'

[root@master resin-pro]# ./configure

Resin Configuration Summary:

  RESIN       : 4.0.47
    home      : /usr/local/share/resin-4.0.47
    root      : /var/resin
    conf      : /etc/resin
    log       : /var/log/resin
    plugins   : common resin_os resin
    init      : /etc/init.d/resin

  JAVA_HOME   : /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_67

  JNI         : 64-bit
    include       : -I/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_67/include -I/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_67/include/linux
    CFLAGS        :
    cflags_shlib  : -fpic
    ld_shlib      : gcc
    ldflags_shlib : -shared -fPIC -m64
    libs_shlib    :
    epoll() for keepalives

  OPENSSL     : No OpenSSL has been found
    *** OpenSSL libraries cannot be compiled ***

You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

[root@master resin-pro]# make && make install


[root@master resin-pro]# /usr/local/share/resin-4.0.47/bin/
Resin requires a command:
  config-cat - pulls a configuration file
  config-deploy - deploys a configuration directory or jar file
  config-ls - lists the configuration files
  config-undeploy - undeploys configuration
  console - start Resin in console mode
  deploy - deploys an application
  deploy-cat - pulls a deployed web-app file
  deploy-copy - copies a deployment to a new tag name
  deploy-list - lists deployed applications
  deploy-ls - lists deployed web-app files
  disable - disables a server for http/load-balancing (Resin-Pro)
  disable-soft - allows existing sessions to finish and disables the server (Resin-Pro)
  enable - enables a server for http/load-balancing (Resin-Pro)
  gui - starts a Resin server with a GUI control
  heap-dump - produces a JVM memory heap dump
  jmx-call - calls a JMX operation on a server MBean (Resin-Pro)
  jmx-dump - dumps all JMX values from a Resin server (Resin-Pro)
  jmx-list - lists the JMX MBeans in a Resin server (Resin-Pro)
  jmx-set - sets a JMX value for a server MBean (Resin-Pro)
  jspc - pre-compiles JSP files
  kill - forces a kill of a Resin server
  license-add - adds a Resin-Professional license to an installation
  list-restarts - lists the most recent Resin server restart times (Resin-Pro)
  log-level - sets the java.util.logging level for debugging (Resin-Pro)
  password-encrypt - encrypts a password
  password-generate - generates an administrator user and password
  pdf-report - creates a PDF report of a Resin server (Resin-Pro)
  profile - gathers a CPU profile of a running server (Resin-Pro)
  restart - restarts a Resin server
  scoreboard - produces a concise thread activity report for groups of related threads (Resin-Pro)
  shutdown - shuts down the watchdog and all its managed Resin servers
  start - starts a Resin server
  start-all - starts all servers listening to the machine's IP interfaces
  start-with-foreground - starts the watchdog in foreground mode (for MacOS-X)
  status - watchdog and server status
  stop - stop a Resin server
  thread-dump - displays a JVM thread dump summary
  undeploy - undeploys an application
  watchdog - (deprecated) starts the watchdog in foreground mode (MacOS-X)
  web-app-deploy - deploys an application
  web-app-restart - restarts a deployed application
  web-app-restart-cluster - restarts a deployed application
  web-app-start - starts a deployed application
  web-app-stop - stops a deployed application
  web-app-undeploy - undeploys an application
  help - prints command usage message
  version - prints version

启动 resin:
[root@master resin-pro]# ./bin/ start
Resin/4.0.47 launching watchdog at


  • java中间件Resin的安装_第1张图片
  • 大小: 109.1 KB
  • java中间件Resin的安装_第2张图片
  • 大小: 36.5 KB
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