validates :description, :presence => true, :length => { :minimum => 10 }
这个nested很多地方有了,codeschool railscast和guide
project_ticket_path(@project, @ticket)
rails generate model ticket title:string description:text project:references
def new @ticket = @project.tickets.build end
<% @project.tickets.each do |ticket| %>
Given /^I am signed in as them$/ do steps(%Q{ Given I am on the homepage When I follow "Sign in" And I fill in "Email" with "#{@user.email}" And I fill in "Password" with "password" And I press "Sign in" Then I should see "Signed in successfully." }) end
describe ProjectsController do let(:user) do user = Factory(:user) user.confirm! user end context "standard users" do it "cannot access the new action" do sign_in(:user, user) end end context "standard users" do it "cannot access the new action" do sign_in(:user, user) get :new response.should redirect_to(root_path) flash[:alert].should eql("You must be an admin to do that.") end end { "new" => "get", "create" => "post", "edit" => "get", "update" => "put", "destroy" => "delete" }.each do |action, method| it "cannot access the #{action} action" do sign_in(:user, user) send(method, action.dup, :id => project.id) response.should redirect_to(root_path) flash[:alert].should eql("You must be an admin to do that.") end end ... end
其中用到的Factory Girl定义如下
#factories/user_factory.rb: Factory.define :user do |user| user.sequence(:email) { |n| "user#{n}@ticketee.com" } user.password "password" user.password_confirmation "password" end #其中sequence用于产生不重复的数字,以便生成email不重复
#spec/support/factories.rb #spec/controllers/projects_controller_spec.rb Dir[Rails.root + "factories/*.rb"].each do |file| require file end
RSpec.configure do |config| config.mock_with :rspec config.include Devise::TestHelpers end
cucumber里检查页面是否存在元素context_contain capybara的语法
#features/step_definitions/link_steps.rb Then /^I should see the "([^\"]*)" link$/ do |text| page.should(have_css("a", :text => text), "Expected to see the #{text.inspect} link, but did not.") end Then /^I should not see the "([^\"]*)" link$/ do |text| page.should_not(have_css("a", :text => text), "Expected to not see the #{text.inspect} link, but did.") end
- admins_only do = link_to "New Project", new_project_path def admins_only(&block) block.call if current_user.try(:admin?) nil end