

Jim Scrivener是一个经验丰富的英语教师和教研者,所写的Learning Teaching: A guidebook for English Language Teachers,让人醍醐灌顶。 

Jim Scrivener is currently Head of Teacher Development for Bell International. Previously he has been Head of Teacher Training for International House, Hastings and Director of Education for IH Budapest.

1. 人学习是有学习曲线的,因此不能急,必须遵循。

2. 老师有三种:the explainer是最低级的,the involver第二级,the enabler是最富有品味的老师。

3. 教师决策和举措是金字塔尖,教师态度和目标是塔中,教师理念和价值观才是塔底。

4. 具体教学建议:最大化促进教室内部互动,增大Student Talking Time,减少Teacher Talking Time,防止过度帮助学生,尽可能challenge学生。

5. 要让课堂活动新鲜,幽默,有步骤进行。

6. 四种课型:逻辑线型,话题型,丛林探索型,破布袋型。

7. 上课前,一定要有一个intended students achievements,timetable和syllabus。

8. 口语训练而言,fluency matters more than accuracy.

9. Activities can be related scenarios, pyramid discussion, pair interview, pair comparison, survival games, drama, role play.

10. Teaching Grammar: use Authentic use, Restriced use abd Clarification and focus (ARC) and Task-Based Learning (TBL).

11. Establish your own toolkit which you can use when necessary. Icebreakers, picture stories, storytelling, songs and music, TV and video.

12. Dealing with constraints by using 3 ways: 

define the problem, analyze and rewrite the problem, brainstorming, reflecting on options, action planning.

seeing things from a different viewpoint: changes/participation.

defining radical alternatives.

13.  An effective teacher nevers stops learning new things and reflecting from previous practice.
