//: polymorphism/PolyConstructors.java // Constructors and polymorphism // don't produce what you might expect. import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; class Glyph { void draw() { print("Glyph.draw()"); } Glyph() { print("Glyph() before dr aw()"); draw();//invoke RoundGlyph.draw(),this is because that 后期绑定 print("Glyph() after draw()"); } } class RoundGlyph extends Glyph { private int radius = 1; RoundGlyph(int r) { radius = r; print("RoundGlyph.RoundGlyph(), radius = " + radius); } void draw() { print("RoundGlyph.draw(), radius = " + radius); } } public class PolyConstructors { public static void main(String[] args) { new RoundGlyph(5); } } /* Output: Glyph() before draw() RoundGlyph.draw(), radius = 0 Glyph() after draw() RoundGlyph.RoundGlyph(), radius = 5 *///:~
//: polymorphism/Transmogrify.java // Dynamically changing the behavior of an object // via composition (the "State" design pattern). import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; class Actor { public void act() {} } class HappyActor extends Actor { public void act() { print("HappyActor"); } } class SadActor extends Actor { public void act() { print("SadActor"); } } class Stage { private Actor actor = new HappyActor(); public void change() { actor = new SadActor(); }//this show that dynamic flexibility public void performPlay() { actor.act(); } } public class Transmogrify { public static void main(String[] args) { Stage stage = new Stage(); stage.performPlay(); stage.change(); stage.performPlay(); } } /* Output: HappyActor SadActor *///:~
- is a关系可以采用继承的方式,has a关系采用组合的方式
public interface Readable { /** * Attempts to read characters into the specified character buffer. * The buffer is used as a repository of characters as-is: the only * changes made are the results of a put operation. No flipping or * rewinding of the buffer is performed. * * @param cb the buffer to read characters into * @return The number of {@code char} values added to the buffer, * or -1 if this source of characters is at its end * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs * @throws NullPointerException if cb is null * @throws java.nio.ReadOnlyBufferException if cb is a read only buffer */ public int read(java.nio.CharBuffer cb) throws IOException; } /** Readable is interface,we can use any class that implement the Readable as the construtor's parameter */ public Scanner(Readable source) { this(Objects.requireNonNull(source, "source"), WHITESPACE_PATTERN); }
创建具有static, final
package com.innerclass; import java.util.Iterator; interface Selector { boolean end(); Object current(); void next(); } public class Sequence { private Object[] items; private int next = 0; public Sequence(int size) { items = new Object[size]; } public void add(Object x) { if(next < items.length) items[next++] = x; } //innerClass that implements Selector,it can use any objects of outerClass private class SequenceSelector implements Selector { private int i = 0; public boolean end() { return i == items.length; }//access items of outerClass public Object current() { return items[i]; } public void next() { if(i < items.length) i++; } } public Selector selector() { return new SequenceSelector(); } public static void main(String[] args) { Sequence sequence = new Sequence(10); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) sequence.add(Integer.toString(i)); Selector selector = sequence.selector();// while(!selector.end()) { System.out.print(selector.current() + " "); selector.next(); } } } /* Output: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 *///:~
DotNew dn = new DotNew();DotNew.Inner dni = dn.new Inner()
package com.innerclass; //: innerclasses/Parcel7.java and Contents.java // Returning an instance of an anonymous inner class. public class Parcel7 { public interface Contents { int value(); } ///:~ public Contents contents() { //匿名内部类的现象 return new Contents() { // auto implements Contents private int i = 11; public int value() { return i; } }; // Semicolon required in this case } public static void main(String[] args) { Parcel7 p = new Parcel7(); Contents c = p.contents(); } } ///:~
package com.innerclass; interface Service { void method1(); void method2(); } interface ServiceFactory { Service getService(); } class Implementation1 implements Service { private Implementation1() {} public void method1() {System.out.println("Implementation1 method1");} public void method2() {System.out.println("Implementation1 method2");} public static ServiceFactory factory = new ServiceFactory() { public Service getService() { return new Implementation1(); } }; } class Implementation2 implements Service { private Implementation2() {} public void method1() {System.out.println("Implementation2 method1");} public void method2() {System.out.println("Implementation2 method2");} //匿名内部类,可以直接引用变量,static是为了保证单一的工厂对象 public static ServiceFactory factory = new ServiceFactory() { public Service getService() { return new Implementation2(); } }; } public class Factories { public static void serviceConsumer(ServiceFactory fact) { Service s = fact.getService(); s.method1(); s.method2(); } public static void main(String[] args) { serviceConsumer(Implementation1.factory); // Implementations are completely interchangeable: serviceConsumer(Implementation2.factory); } } /* Output: Implementation1 method1 Implementation1 method2 Implementation2 method1 Implementation2 method2 *///:~
了,代码如下:package com.innerclass; //: innerclasses/TestBed.java // Putting test code in a nested class. // {main: TestBed$Tester} public class TestBed { public void f() { System.out.println("f()"); } public static class Tester { public static void main(String[] args) { Factories f = new Factories(); Tester t = new Tester();//此处不用new TestBed.Tester(); TestBed t = new TestBed(); t.f(); } } } /* Output: f() *///:~
1.当拥有抽象类或者具体类的时候,我们只能用内部类实现多重继承,代码如下//: innerclasses/MultiImplementation.java // With concrete or abstract classes, inner // classes are the only way to produce the effect // of "multiple implementation inheritance." package innerclasses; class D {} abstract class E {} class Z extends D { E makeE() { return new E() {}; } } public class MultiImplementation { static void takesD(D d) {} static void takesE(E e) {} public static void main(String[] args) { Z z = new Z(); takesD(z); takesE(z.makeE()); } } ///:~
- 可独立可有联系,更灵活.
- 方便组织有一定逻辑关系的类。
闭包可以理解为匿名内部类就可以了,其跟lambda表达式的定义和演算相关,回调是基于内部类实现的,代码如下:package com.innerclass; //: innerclasses/Callbacks.java // Using inner classes for callbacks interface Incrementable { void increment(); } // Very simple to just implement the interface: class Callee1 implements Incrementable { private int i = 0; public void increment() { i++; System.out.println(i); } } class MyIncrement { public void increment() { System.out.println("Other operation"); } static void f(MyIncrement mi) { mi.increment(); } } // If your class must implement increment() in // some other way, you must use an inner class: class Callee2 extends MyIncrement { private int i = 0; public void increment() { super.increment(); i++; System.out.println(i); } private class Closure implements Incrementable { public void increment() { // Specify outer-class method, otherwise // you'd get an infinite recursion: Callee2.this.increment(); System.out.println("closure"); } } Incrementable getCallbackReference() { return new Closure(); } } class Caller { private Incrementable callbackReference; Caller(Incrementable cbh) { callbackReference = cbh; } void go() { callbackReference.increment(); System.out.println("go"); }//调用了匿名内部类的函数 } public class Callbacks { public static void main(String[] args) { Callee2 c2 = new Callee2(); MyIncrement.f(c2); //以匿名内部类实现的回调 new Caller(new Incrementable() { //callback the function @Override public void increment() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println("callback"); } }).go(); //以非匿名类内部类回调 new Caller(c2.getCallbackReference()).go(); } }
public class GreenhouseControls extends Controller { private boolean light = false; public class LightOn extends Event { public LightOn(long delayTime) { super(delayTime); } public void action() { // Put hardware control code here to // physically turn on the light. light = true; } public String toString() { return "Light is on"; } } // public class LightOff extends Event { public LightOff(long delayTime) { super(delayTime); } public void action() { // Put hardware control code here to // physically turn off the light. light = false; } public String toString() { return "Light is off"; } } }
extends Controller, Event
尽管java没有这样的语法,也就是说当你感觉需要继承多个类的时候,不防试一试内部类。 (?有点难和偏)内部类的继承,内部类方法可以被覆盖吗?
public static void main(String[] args) { Base b = new Sub(); List
list = new ArrayList<>();//[1] List list2 = new LinkedList<>();//[2] LinkedList list3 = new LinkedList<>();//[3] } [2]中的list2只能d调用List中实现的函数和LinkedList实现函数的交集而[3]中的list3同理,但是这只是在编译期不能调用,我们可有在运行时利用反射的方法调用LinkedList函数。
public class Base {
private String baseName = "base";
public Base()
public void callName()
public void f1(){
public static void main(String[] args)
Base b = new Sub();
class Sub extends Base
private String baseName = "sub";
public void callName()
System.out.println (baseName) ;
public void extraMethod(){
public void f2(){
上有循环你就有必要表明StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
,解释如下package com.string; import java.util.*; public class InfiniteRecursion { //this->String对象,就会调用this.toString(),于是就发生了无意识递归 public String toString() { return " InfiniteRecursion address: " + this + "\n"; } public static void main(String[] args) { List
v = new ArrayList (); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) v.add(new InfiniteRecursion()); System.out.println(v);//println()->InfiniteRecursion.toString(); } } ///:输出异常 格式化输出:
System.out.format("row 1: [%d %f]",x ,y)
//: strings/Splitting.java import java.util.*; public class Splitting { public static String knights = "Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must " + "cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... " + "with... a herring!"; public static void split(String regex) { System.out.println( Arrays.toString(knights.split(regex))); } public static void main(String[] args) { split(" "); // Doesn't have to contain regex chars split("\\W+"); // Non-word characters split("n\\W+"); // 'n' followed by non-word characters,such as "n " split("[tT]he|you");//the The you处进行分割 } } /* Output: [Then,, when, you, have, found, the, shrubbery,, you, must, cut, down, the, mightiest, tree, in, the, forest..., with..., a, herring!] [Then, when, you, have, found, the, shrubbery, you, must, cut, down, the, mightiest, tree, in, the, forest, with, a, herring] [The, whe, you have found the shrubbery, you must cut dow, the mightiest tree i, the forest... with... a herring!] [, n, when , have found , shrubbery, , must cut down , mightiest tree in , forest... with... a herring!] *///:~
//: strings/Replacing.java import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; public class Replacing { static String s = Splitting.knights; public static void main(String[] args) { //以f开头,后面跟一个或者多个字母,第二个参数是替换匹配位置的字符串 print(s.replaceFirst("f\\w+", "located"));//表示只替换第一次出现的符合要求的字符串 //|表示或者,即匹配三个单词中的任意一个 print(s.replaceAll("shrubbery|tree|herring","banana"));//替换全部 } } /* Output: Then, when you have located the shrubbery, you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... with... a herring! Then, when you have found the banana, you must cut down the mightiest banana in the forest... with... a banana! *///:~
表示从index = i的地方开始查找匹配的子串,m.group()
表示匹配到的子串在原父串的起始,末尾的索引。package com.string; //: strings/TestRegularExpression.java // Allows you to easily try out regular expressions. // {Args: abcabcabcdefabc "abc+" "(abc)+" "(abc){2,}" } import java.util.regex.*; public class TestRegularExpression { public static void main(String[] args) { if(args.length < 2) { System.out.println("Usage:\njava TestRegularExpression " + "characterSequence regularExpression+"); System.exit(0); } System.out.println("Input: \"" + args[0] + "\""); for(String arg : args) { System.out.println("Regular expression: \"" + arg + "\""); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(arg);//接受一个匹配的模式子串如:"abc+" Matcher m = p.matcher(args[0]);//输入一个父串 while(m.find()) { System.out.println("Match \"" + m.group() + "\" at positions " + m.start() + "-" + (m.end() - 1)); } } } } /* Output: Input: "abcabcabcdefabc" Regular expression: "abcabcabcdefabc" Match "abcabcabcdefabc" at positions 0-14 Regular expression: "abc+" Match "abc" at positions 0-2 Match "abc" at positions 3-5 Match "abc" at positions 6-8 Match "abc" at positions 12-14 Regular expression: "(abc)+" Match "abcabcabc" at positions 0-8 Match "abc" at positions 12-14 Regular expression: "(abc){2,}" Match "abcabcabc" at positions 0-8 *///:~
- 含义:在运行时,识别一个对象的类型。代码解释如下:
//: typeinfo/Shapes.java
import java.util.*;
abstract class Shape {
void draw() { System.out.println(this + ".draw()"); }
abstract public String toString();
class Circle extends Shape {
public String toString() { return "Circle"; }
class Square extends Shape {
public String toString() { return "Square"; }
class Triangle extends Shape {
public String toString() { return "Triangle"; }
public class Shapes {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List shapeList = Arrays.asList(
new Circle(), new Square(), new Triangle()
for(Shape shape : shapeList)
} /* Output:
去自动初始化Class对象,代码解释如下:package com.typeinfo; import java.util.*; class Initable { static final int staticFinal = 47; static final int staticFinal2 = ClassInitialization.rand.nextInt(1000); static { System.out.println("Initializing Initable"); } public void name() { System.out.println("name() is invoked"); } } class Initable2 { static int staticNonFinal = 147; static { System.out.println("Initializing Initable2"); } } class Initable3 { static int staticNonFinal = 74; static { System.out.println("Initializing Initable3"); } } public class ClassInitialization { public static Random rand = new Random(47); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Class initable = Initable.class;//泛型语法形式,尽量使用泛化的形式 // Class
initable = Initable.class;//泛型语法形式,尽量使用泛化的形式 // Class> initable = Initable.class;//泛型语法形式,尽量使用泛化的形式 Class extends Object> initable = Initable.class;//泛型语法形式,尽量使用泛化的形式 Initable.class.newInstance().name();//实例调用,即初始化该Class对象且将对象实例化了 System.out.println("After creating Initable ref"); // Does not trigger initialization: System.out.println(Initable.staticFinal); // Does trigger initialization: System.out.println(Initable.staticFinal2); // Does trigger initialization: System.out.println(Initable2.staticNonFinal); Class initable3 = Class.forName("com.typeinfo.Initable3");//只初始化了Class对象,并没有实例化 System.out.println("After creating Initable3 ref"); System.out.println(Initable3.staticNonFinal); } } /* Output: Initializing Initable name() is invoked After creating Initable ref 47 258 Initializing Initable2 147 Initializing Initable3 After creating Initable3 ref 74 *///:~ -
package com.typeinfo; import java.util.*; class CountedInteger { private static long counter; public final long id = counter++; public String toString() { return Long.toString(id); } } public class FilledList
{ private Class type; public FilledList(Class type) { this.type = type; } public List create(T[] ts){ List result = new ArrayList (); for(T t : ts){ result.add(t); } return result; } public List create(int nElements) { List result = new ArrayList (); try { for(int i = 0; i < nElements; i++) result.add(type.newInstance());//1.返回该对象的确切类型 } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return result; } public static void main(String[] args) { List l = new ArrayList (); CountedInteger[] cis = new CountedInteger[15];//空引用,相当于先给定了一个空间 for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++){ cis[i] = new CountedInteger(); } FilledList fl = new FilledList (CountedInteger.class); System.out.println("create1:" + fl.create(15)); System.out.println("create2:" + fl.create(cis)); } } /* Output: create1:[15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29] create2:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] *///:~ 在代码中`type.newInstance()`产生的是确定的类型,因为可以表述成` extends Object>`,(?)这在某些程度上有些受限,下面代码因为` super FancyToy>`的存在,返回的是`Object`类型,代码如下:
package com.typeinfo; //: typeinfo/toys/GenericToyTest.java // Testing class Class. public class GenericToyTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Class
ftClass = FancyToy.class; // Produces exact type: FancyToy fancyToy = ftClass.newInstance(); Class super FancyToy> up = ftClass.getSuperclass(); // This won't compile: // Class up2 = ftClass.getSuperclass(); // Only produces Object: Object obj = up.newInstance(); } } ///:~
Cicle c = (Cicle)new Shape()
即检查某个对象的实例是否属于某个类或接口可以简洁的记为一个 <实例,类|接口>,如果程序中编写了许多的instanceof
中为什么要用Class去包裹即Class extends Pet>
而不直接用extends Pet>
//: typeinfo/pets/Cat.java package com.typeinfo.pets; public class Cat extends Pet { public Cat(String name) { super(name); } public Cat() { super(); } } ///:~ //若干继承Pet的动物,这里省略 //...
//: typeinfo/pets/ForNameCreator.java package com.typeinfo.pets; import java.util.*; public class ForNameCreator extends PetCreator { //表示了一个不确定且是Pet的导出类的类型的List,相当于对类型的范围进行了指定,可以强制让编译器执行类型检查,想一想为什么要加Class包裹 rivate static List
> types = new ArrayList >(); //和上面的解释是一样的,但其不能添加元素,涉及到模板的知识(?) static List extends Pet> typ = new ArrayList<>(); static Map > petPeple = new HashMap >(); static List pets = new ArrayList<>();// Types that you want to be randomly created: private static String[] typeNames = { "com.typeinfo.pets.Mutt", "com.typeinfo.pets.Pug", "com.typeinfo.pets.EgyptianMau", "com.typeinfo.pets.Manx", "com.typeinfo.pets.Cymric", "com.typeinfo.pets.Rat", "com.typeinfo.pets.Mouse", "com.typeinfo.pets.Hamster" }; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void loader() { petPeple.put(new Person("d"), pets); try { for(String name : typeNames){ Class extends Pet> c = (Class extends Pet>) Class.forName(name) ; // typ.add(c.newInstance());error,can not run add types.add((Class extends Pet>)Class.forName(name));//进行了类型转换,是什么确定的类型都有可能,在运行时确定,这就是RTTI内容之一 } } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static { loader(); }//直接在new ForNameCreator()中执行loader(),或者直接在构造器中调用loader() public List > types() {return types;} } ///:~ //: typeinfo/pets/PetCreator.java // Creates random sequences of Pets. package com.typeinfo.pets; import java.util.*; public abstract class PetCreator { private Random rand = new Random(47); // The List of the different types of Pet to create public abstract List
> types(); public Pet randomPet() { // Create one random Pet int n = rand.nextInt(types().size()); try { return types().get(n).newInstance();//产生了确切的实例,因为 extends Pet> } catch(InstantiationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch(IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public Pet[] createArray(int size) { Pet[] result = new Pet[size]; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) result[i] = randomPet(); return result; } public ArrayList arrayList(int size) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList (); Collections.addAll(result, createArray(size)); return result; } } ///:~ package com.typeinfo; // Using instanceof. import java.util.*; import com.typeinfo.pets.*; public class PetCount { static class PetCounter extends HashMap
{ public void count(String type) { Integer quantity = get(type); if(quantity == null) put(type, 1); else put(type, quantity + 1); } } public static void countPets(PetCreator creator) { PetCounter counter= new PetCounter(); for(Pet pet : creator.createArray(20)) { // List each individual pet: System.out.println(pet.getClass().getSimpleName() + " "); if(pet instanceof Pet) counter.count("Pet"); if(pet instanceof Dog) counter.count("Dog"); if(pet instanceof Mutt) counter.count("Mutt"); if(pet instanceof Pug) counter.count("Pug"); if(pet instanceof Cat) counter.count("Cat"); if(pet instanceof Manx) counter.count("EgyptianMau"); if(pet instanceof Manx) counter.count("Manx"); if(pet instanceof Manx) counter.count("Cymric"); if(pet instanceof Rodent) counter.count("Rodent"); if(pet instanceof Rat) counter.count("Rat"); if(pet instanceof Mouse) counter.count("Mouse"); if(pet instanceof Hamster) counter.count("Hamster"); } // Show the counts: System.out.println(); System.out.println(counter); } public static void main(String[] args) { countPets(new ForNameCreator()); } } /* Output: Rat Manx Cymric Mutt Pug Cymric Pug Manx Cymric Rat EgyptianMau Hamster EgyptianMau Mutt Mutt Cymric Mouse Pug Mouse Cymric {Pug=3, Cat=9, Hamster=1, Cymric=7, Mouse=2, Mutt=3, Rodent=5, Pet=20, Manx=7, EgyptianMau=7, Dog=6, Rat=2} *///:~ 用动态的`instanceof`即isInstance()去计数,该计数的原理如下图:
A B C D E F B C B C A D 找出第二列出现B的次数,因为BCAD全都继承于Pet,所以要用`isInstance()`去判定是否 属于某个具体类型
//: typeinfo/PetCount3.java // Using isInstance() import typeinfo.pets.*; import java.util.*; import net.mindview.util.*; import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; public class PetCount3 { static class PetCounter extends LinkedHashMap
,Integer> { public PetCounter() { super(MapData.map(LiteralPetCreator.allTypes, 0)); } public void count(Pet pet) { // Class.isInstance() eliminates instanceofs: for(Map.Entry ,Integer> pair : this.entrySet()) if(pair.getKey().isInstance(pet)) put(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue() + 1); } public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("{"); for(Map.Entry ,Integer> pair : entrySet()) { result.append(pair.getKey().getSimpleName()); result.append("="); result.append(pair.getValue()); result.append(", "); } result.delete(result.length()-2, result.length()); result.append("}"); return result.toString(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { PetCounter petCount = new PetCounter(); for(Pet pet : Pets.createArray(20)) { printnb(pet.getClass().getSimpleName() + " "); petCount.count(pet); } print(); print(petCount); } } /* Output: Rat Manx Cymric Mutt Pug Cymric Pug Manx Cymric Rat EgyptianMau Hamster EgyptianMau Mutt Mutt Cymric Mouse Pug Mouse Cymric {Pet=20, Dog=6, Cat=9, Rodent=5, Mutt=3, Pug=3, EgyptianMau=2, Manx=7, Cymric=5, Rat=2, Mouse=2, Hamster=1} *///:~ 还可以用`Class.isAssignableFrom()`来计数,其是用来判断一个类Class1和另一个类Class2是否相同或是另一个类的超类或接口。下面代码对基类型和确切类型都进行了计数比如当遍历到dog的时候,dog的count++,pet的count++:
package net.mindview.util; import java.util.*; public class TypeCounter extends HashMap
,Integer>{ private Class> baseType; public TypeCounter(Class> baseType) { this.baseType = baseType; } public void count(Object obj) { Class> type = obj.getClass(); if(!baseType.isAssignableFrom(type)) throw new RuntimeException(obj + " incorrect type: "type + ", should be type or subtype of "baseType); countClass(type); } private void countClass(Class> type) { Integer quantity = get(type); put(type, quantity == null ? 1 : quantity + 1); Class> superClass = type.getSuperclass(); if(superClass != null && baseType.isAssignableFrom(superClass)) countClass(superClass); } public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("{"); for(Map.Entry ,Integer> pair : entrySet()) { result.append(pair.getKey().getSimpleName()); result.append("="); result.append(pair.getValue()); result.append(", "); } result.delete(result.length()-2, result.length()); result.append("}"); return result.toString(); } } ///:~ //: typeinfo/PetCount4.java import typeinfo.pets.*; import net.mindview.util.*; import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; public class PetCount4 { public static void main(String[] args) { TypeCounter counter = new TypeCounter(Pet.class); for(Pet pet : Pets.createArray(20)) { printnb(pet.getClass().getSimpleName() + " "); counter.count(pet); } print(); print(counter); } } /* Output: (Sample) Rat Manx Cymric Mutt Pug Cymric Pug Manx Cymric Rat EgyptianMau Hamster EgyptianMau Mutt Mutt Cymric Mouse Pug Mouse Cymric {Mouse=2, Dog=6, Manx=7, EgyptianMau=2, Rodent=5, Pug=3, Mutt=3, Cymric=5, Cat=9, Hamster=1, Pet=20, Rat=2} *///:~
- 注册工厂,可以用模板的方法+构造器的方式,结合上面所讲可以用
package com.typeinfo;
//: typeinfo/RegisteredFactories.java
// Registering Class Factories in the base class.
import java.util.*;
import com.typeinfo.Factory;
interface Factory { T create(); } ///:~
class Part {
* 模板+RTTI方法
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName();
static List> partClasses =
new ArrayList>();
static {
private static Random rand = new Random();
public static Part createRandom() {
int n = rand.nextInt(partClasses.size());
try {
return partClasses.get(n).newInstance();
} catch(InstantiationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* 模板+构造器方法
// public String toString() {
// return getClass().getSimpleName();
// }
// static List> partFactories =
// new ArrayList>();
// static {
// // Collections.addAll() gives an "unchecked generic
// // array creation ... for varargs parameter" warning.
// partFactories.add(new FuelFilter.Factory());
// partFactories.add(new AirFilter.Factory());
// partFactories.add(new CabinAirFilter.Factory());
// partFactories.add(new OilFilter.Factory());
// partFactories.add(new FanBelt.Factory());
// partFactories.add(new PowerSteeringBelt.Factory());
// partFactories.add(new GeneratorBelt.Factory());
// }
// private static Random rand = new Random(47);
// public static Part createRandom() {
// int n = rand.nextInt(partFactories.size());
// return partFactories.get(n).create();
// }
class Filter extends Part {}
class FuelFilter extends Filter {
// Create a Class Factory for each specific type:
public static class Factory
implements com.typeinfo.Factory {
public FuelFilter create() {
return new FuelFilter();
class AirFilter extends Filter {
public static class Factory
implements com.typeinfo.Factory {
public AirFilter create() { return new AirFilter(); }
class CabinAirFilter extends Filter {
public static class Factory
implements com.typeinfo.Factory{
public CabinAirFilter create() {
return new CabinAirFilter();
class OilFilter extends Filter {
public static class Factory
implements com.typeinfo.Factory {
public OilFilter create() { return new OilFilter(); }
class Belt extends Part {}
class FanBelt extends Belt {
public static class Factory
implements com.typeinfo.Factory {
public FanBelt create() { return new FanBelt(); }
class GeneratorBelt extends Belt {
public static class Factory
implements com.typeinfo.Factory {
public GeneratorBelt create() {
return new GeneratorBelt();
class PowerSteeringBelt extends Belt {
public static class Factory
implements com.typeinfo.Factory {
public PowerSteeringBelt create() {
return new PowerSteeringBelt();
public class RegisteredFactories {
public static void main(String[] args) {
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
} /* Output:
,下面代码给出了实例:public class TestRef { public staticvoid main(String args[]) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { Foo foo = new Foo("这个一个Foo对象!"); Class clazz = foo.getClass(); Method m1 = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("outInfo"); Method m2 = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("setMsg", String.class); Method m3 = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("getMsg"); m1.invoke(foo); m2.invoke(foo, "重新设置msg信息!"); String msg = (String) m3.invoke(foo); System.out.println(msg); } } class Foo { private String msg; public Foo(String msg) { this.msg = msg; } public void setMsg(String msg) { this.msg = msg; } public String getMsg() { return msg; } public void outInfo() { System.out.println("这是测试Java反射的测试类"); } }
package com.typeinfo; //: typeinfo/SimpleProxyDemo.java interface Interface { void doSomething(); void somethingElse(String arg); void doLastThing(); } class RealObject implements Interface { public void doSomething() { System.out.println("doSomething"); } public void somethingElse(String arg) { System.out.println("somethingElse " + arg); } public void doLastThing(){ System.out.println("doLastThing"); } } class SimpleProxy implements Interface { private Interface proxied; public SimpleProxy(Interface proxied) { this.proxied = proxied; } public void doSomething() { System.out.println("SimpleProxy doSomething"); proxied.doSomething(); } public void somethingElse(String arg) { System.out.println("SimpleProxy somethingElse " + arg); proxied.somethingElse(arg); } @Override public void doLastThing() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } } class SimpleProxyDemo { public static void consumer(Interface iface) { iface.doSomething(); iface.somethingElse("bonobo"); } public static void main(String[] args) { consumer(new RealObject()); consumer(new SimpleProxy(new RealObject())); } } /* Output: doSomething somethingElse bonobo SimpleProxy doSomething doSomething SimpleProxy somethingElse bonobo somethingElse bonobo *///:~
而动态代理是指代理类在程序运行前不存在、运行时由程序动态生成的代理方式,即proxy代码在运行时,jvm动态产生代理类(proxy)代码,因为使用反射和RTTI的特性,所以在性能上存在缺陷,通常代理模式用于java web而不用于前端,如Spring中大量使用代理模式,我们称之为AOP(面向切面编程)。但是在代码结构和耦合性来看具有无可比拟的优势。动态代理的简单代码如下
package com.typeinfo; //: typeinfo/SimpleDynamicProxy.java import java.lang.reflect.*; class DynamicProxyHandler implements InvocationHandler { private Object proxied; public DynamicProxyHandler(Object proxied) { this.proxied = proxied; } public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { System.out.println("**** proxy: " + proxy.getClass() + ", method: " + method + ", args: " + args); //可以过滤方法 if(method.getName().equals("doLastThing")){ return null; } if(args != null) for(Object arg : args) System.out.println(" " + arg); return method.invoke(proxied, args); } } class SimpleDynamicProxy { public static void consumer(Interface iface) { iface.doSomething(); iface.somethingElse("bonobo"); iface.doLastThing(); } public static void main(String[] args) { RealObject real = new RealObject(); //consumer(real); // 动态代理模式的关键点1:后面两个参数说明了如何进行动态代理 Interface proxy = (Interface)Proxy.newProxyInstance( Interface.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{ Interface.class }, new DynamicProxyHandler(real)); consumer(proxy); } } /* Output: (95% match) doSomething somethingElse bonobo **** proxy: class $Proxy0, method: public abstract void Interface.doSomething(), args: null doSomething **** proxy: class $Proxy0, method: public abstract void Interface.somethingElse(java.lang.String), args: [Ljava.lang.Object;@42e816 bonobo somethingElse bonobo *///:~
空对象模式(就是把NULL用一个类去替代)中使用动态代理去自动创建空对象 ,首先看空对象模式,因为这个比较简单,直接上代码:
interface Book {
// 判断Book对象是否为空对象(Null Object)
public boolean isNull();
// 展示Book对象的信息内容。
public void show();
public class NullBook implements Book {
public boolean isNull() {
return true;
public void show() {
public class ConcreteBook implements Book{
private int ID;
private String name;
private String author;
// 构造函数
public ConcreteBook(int ID, String name, String author) {
this.ID = ID;
this.name = name;
this.author = author;
*Description About show
public void show() {
System.out.println(ID + "**" + name + "**" + author);
public boolean isNull(){
return false;
public class BookFactory {
*@param ID 图书的ID
*@return 图书对象
public Book getBook(int ID) {
Book book;//将原来的ConcreteBook改为Book
switch (ID) {
case 1:
book = new ConcreteBook(ID, "设计模式", "GoF");
case 2:
book = new ConcreteBook(ID, "被遗忘的设计模式", "Null Object Pattern");
book = new NullBook();//创建一个NullBook对象
return book;
public static void main(String[] args) {
BookFactory bookFactory = new BookFactory();
Book book = bookFactory.getBook(-1);
package com.typeinfo;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
interface Book {
// 判断Book对象是否为空对象(Null Object)
public boolean isNull();
// 展示Book对象的信息内容。
public void show();
class NullBookProxyHandler implements InvocationHandler{
private Class extends Book> mType;
private Book proxyied = new NullBook();//指定了动态产生的代理实例
public NullBookProxyHandler(Class extends Book> type){
mType = type;
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return method.invoke(proxyied, args);
public class NullBook implements Book {
public boolean isNull() {
return true;
public void show() {
public class NullPattern {
public static Book newNullBook(Class extends Book> type){
return (Book)Proxy.newProxyInstance(NullPattern.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{Book.class}, new NullBookProxyHandler(type));
public class ConcreteBook implements Book{
private int ID;
private String name;
private String author;
// 构造函数
public ConcreteBook(int ID, String name, String author) {
this.ID = ID;
this.name = name;
this.author = author;
public void show() {
System.out.println(ID + "**" + name + "**" + author);
public boolean isNull(){
return false;
public class BookFactory {
public Book getBook(int ID) {
Book book = newNullBook(ConcreteBook.class);//将原来的ConcreteBook改为Book
switch (ID) {
case 1:
book = new ConcreteBook(ID, "设计模式", "GoF");
case 2:
book = new ConcreteBook(ID, "被遗忘的设计模式", "Null Object Pattern");
//book = ;
return book;
public BookFactory create(){
return new BookFactory();
public static void main(String[] args) {
NullPattern np = new NullPattern();
BookFactory bookFactory = np.create();
Book book = bookFactory.getBook(-1);
为例说明//1.建立一个接口,减少耦合性 interface Interface { void doSomething(); void somethingElse(String arg); void doLastThing(); } //2.需要代理的接口的实现 class RealObject implements Interface { public void doSomething() { System.out.println("doSomething"); } public void somethingElse(String arg) { System.out.println("somethingElse " + arg); } public void doLastThing(){ System.out.println("doLastThing"); } } //3.建立一个继承自InvocationHandler的导出类 class DynamicProxyHandler implements InvocationHandler { private Object proxied;//3.1 你要代理的对象 public DynamicProxyHandler(Object proxied) { this.proxied = proxied; } public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { System.out.println("**** proxy: " + proxy.getClass() + ", method: " + method + ", args: " + args); //可以过滤方法 if(method.getName().equals("doLastThing")){ return null; } if(args != null) for(Object arg : args) System.out.println(" " + arg); //6.RTTI即反射得知proxied的确切类型是RealObject,调用客户端在第5步制定的方法 return method.invoke(proxied, args); } } class SimpleDynamicProxy { public static void consumer(Interface iface) { iface.doSomething(); iface.somethingElse("bonobo"); iface.doLastThing(); } public static void main(String[] args) { RealObject real = new RealObject(); //consumer(real); // 4.具体指明你需要代理的对象,比如这里就是RealObject,因为在处理器内部是Object,所以这是在编译器无法知晓的,只能在运行时知道具体的类型信息。 Interface proxy = (Interface)Proxy.newProxyInstance( Interface.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{ Interface.class }, new DynamicProxyHandler(real)); //5.调用接口方法 consumer(proxy); } }