BSD发行版:BSDanywhere 4.4发布


BSDanywhere是基于OpenBSD的自启动运行光盘镜像。它包含了整个OpenBSD基础系统(不含编译器),并带有一份图形桌面、一套非典型 的软件收藏、自动硬件检测,以及对很多显示卡、声卡、SCSI、USB设备及其他外设的支持。BSDanywhere可以作为一份教学UNIX系统,一套 修复环境,或者是硬件测试平台来使用。
Stephan Rickauer has announced the release of BSDanywhere 4.4, a live CD based on the latest stable version of OpenBSD: "We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of BSDanywhere 4.4 - Enlightenment at your fingertips. As always, we release our OpenBSD based images in two flavours: i386 (32bit) and amd64 (64bit). Here's a quick summary of the not-to-intense changes since 4.3: removed packages: GIMP, AbiWord, Audacious, Mutt, rsnapshot, Darkstat - we are really limited in space that's why we decided to concentrate on the primary focus of BSDanywhere, which is hardware testing and system rescue; added packages: Dnstop, dnstracer; we now enabled 'machdep.kbdreset' which permits console CTRL-ALT-DEL to do a nice halt; new artwork." Read the rest of the release announcement for further information. Download (MD5): bsdanywhere44-i386.iso (612MB), bsdanywhere44-amd64.iso (683MB).
