TCP segment of a reassembled PDU



windows下wireshark抓包经常会出现"TCP segment of a reassembled PDU"提示:

TCP segment of a reassembled PDU_第1张图片 


可通过wireshark的 Edit --> Preferences --> Protocols/TCP --> Allow subdissector to reassemble TCP streams 取消勾选该选项可消除提示:

TCP segment of a reassembled PDU_第2张图片 



网上大部分转载文章都在争论显示TCP segment of a reassembled PDU的ACK序号是一样的,所以显示提示,其实与ACK没啥关系。

问题的关键在于报文长度2194字节,已超出MTU的1500大小,所以提示TCP segment。


MTU Max Transmit Unit,1500,可通过ifconfig查看

MSS Max Segment  Size,1460=1500-20-20

PDU Protocol Data Unit





TSO TCP Segment Offload

LSO Large Segment Offload

GSO Generic Segment Offload 

LRO Large Receive Offload

RSC Receive Segment Coalescing 



Many operating systems and NIC drivers support TCP Segmentation Offload (TSO) aka Large Segment Offload (LSO) aka Generic Segment Offload (GSO). What this means is that the TCP stack sends a chunk of data for the NIC to break up into Maximum Segment Size (MSS) pieces to send on the network. TCP might hand the NIC 16k of data and the NIC will break it into MSS sized bites: 11 segments of 1460 bytes and one segment of the remaining 324 bytes. This offloads the task to the NIC and saves overhead on the host’s resources. It’s a performance thing.

   当TCP协议栈发送大块数据时,由NIC来进行分段。由于适配器硬件完成数据分段的速度比操作系统软件快得多,此功能可能会提高传输性能。此外,适配器使用的 CPU 资源较少。



Large Receive Offload (LRO) or Receive Segment Coalescing (RSC). The is the same thing but in reverse. The NIC coalesces TCP segments it receives from a remote host into larger packets before sending them up to the TCP stack. 



TCP segment of a reassembled PDU_第3张图片







  • TCP segment of a reassembled PDU_第4张图片
  • 大小: 34.3 KB
  • TCP segment of a reassembled PDU_第5张图片
  • 大小: 36.6 KB
  • TCP segment of a reassembled PDU_第6张图片
  • 大小: 115 KB
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