Capture local packets using Wireshark 使用 wireshark 抓本地包

一般而言 windows 系統本地到本地ip 的傳輸不會經過網卡,因此無法由 wireshark 捕捉解析,本文介紹 wireshark 同步安裝 Npcap方式,藉此loopback本地ip 到 本地ip

本文 不推薦網傳 route add mask 這個方法,因將大幅拖慢系統效率(所有本地到本地的包都要重新入網卡),甚者導致 timeout而無法運行Network program

Generally, data transmission between local IPs on a Windows system does not go through the network card, making it impossible for Wireshark to capture and analyze. This article introduces the method of installing Npcap alongside Wireshark, enabling loopback from local IP to local IP.

This article does not recommend the widely circulated method of adding a route with the mask, as it significantly reduces system efficiency (all local-to-local packets have to be re-routed through the network card) and can even cause timeouts, making it impossible to run network programs.


      • Wireshark select Adapter for loopback traffic capture
        • Open wireshark
      • Install wireshark + npcap
        • Wireshark installer select "Install Npcap"
        • Npcap installer when wireshark installer in running
        • Select
