
 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures(CVE) is a standardized format for reporting and tracking security related software issues.The Community web presence and management of the CVE compatibility program is handle by the MITRE Corporation.CVE format is also used for the National Vulnerability Database(NVD) managed by the U.S National Institutes of Standards and Technology(NIST)  

References Website:
National Vulnerability Database:

After a bug fix, vulnerability fix, of feature enhancement has been addressed in the Red Hat distributed software package, Red Hat will issue an errata announcement. There are three types of errata announcements:  

Red Hat Security Advisory RHSA
Red Hat Bug Fix Advisory RHBA
Red Hat Enhancement Advisory RHEA**


We should install yum security plug  


Man 8 yum-security

The main command in security update:

1.yum updateinfo
2.Yum updateinfo list --sec-severity=SEVS
The SEVS is such as: Critical,