Why we cannot perform an alter table directly to update schema?

How mysql performs alter table:

  1.  Lock the table

  2. Make a copy of the table 

  3. Modify the copy (the "new table")

  4. Copy all the rows into the new table

  5. Swap the old and new table

  6. Unlock the table

The key issue here is that lock time will be quite long for large table, whick blocks online transaction.

Percona's solution:

  • pt-online-schema-change tool:

    How pt-online-schema-change performs alter table?

  1. Make a copy of the table

  2. Modify the copy (the "new table")

  3. Copy all the rows into the new table (do in small chunks,  insert .. select)

  4. Add triggers to keep track of changes

  5. Swap the old and new table

     Remove the Lock/unlock steps, no longer blocking
     Load awareness -> chunk size is auto adjusted

     About 4th slower than alter table directly

     Cannot handle foreign key perfectly

  • XTraBackup:

  1. Detect and write redo log changes to xtrabackup_log

  2. Copy .ibd; idbdata1 to backup folder with timestamp

  3. Flush table with read lock

  4. Copy .frm  .myd  .myi files

  5. Get binary log position

  6. Unlock tables

  7. Stop and copy xtrabackup_log

mysqldump --single-transaction  --master-data



