android webview can't get session when using target="_blank" with link.

### Version 3.5.1 (maybe 3.5.0 included,not sure)

* vert.x core:

* vert.x web:

### Context

I used android webview to call a vertx url,when I switched from one page to another, the vertx server would always generate a new session id, so I lost session data set by previous page.

But,when I use iphone webview or PC Chrome to call the same vertx server, the session can be remembered correctly.  so the error is only subject to android webview 

### Do you have a reproducer?

we can reproducer the error following the steps below.

### Steps to reproduce

1. write a smiple verticle

public class Test1Verticle  extends AbstractVerticle {
	 Router router1 ; 
	  public void start() throws Exception {
	    router1 = Router.router(vertx);	 	    
	    vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(router1::accept).listen(8080) ;    
	  private void hit(RoutingContext routingContext) {
		  Session session = routingContext.session();
	      Integer cnt = session.get("hitcount");
	      cnt = (cnt == null ? 0 : cnt) + 1;
	      session.put("hitcount", cnt);
		  routingContext.response().putHeader("content-type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
         .end(new JsonObject().put("data", "cnt="+cnt) );

2.  place 2 html files in the web/h5 file folder,named test3.html and test4.html respectively. test3.html source code:


call test4