
翻  译  者(付费):Paul(保尔)、MS.Liu(刘女士)等

中  英  文  校 对:阿若兰(本人QQ号2791344397)

Rick: Welcome Everyone to the 93rd Keshnov KesheKnowledge seeker’s workshop. Its Thursday December 24th 2015 and this is our

next to thelast knowledge seekers workshop the year and we have got some various people

that can show things , some picture and videos and so on but first of all, we will

check on Mr. Kesheand see what he has in mind and see what today’s teaching will bring us.


I think we are ready there Mr. Keshe how are youdoing? Hello


Speaker: I didn't disappear, i just forgot toget something and i just ran to get it for you. Good morning to you, good dayto you wherever you are and whenever you listen to these teachings and  what we call knowledge seekers programs  we have come a long way in establishing a lotof new technologies, a lot of new sciences. we have come in a way to

understand more inhow things are and how things work.


Hopefully we have added  to the knowledge in so many ways, the correctway on the

knowledge of all and the respected scientist of the past. As

i say,knowledge

of science ( science, knowledge of a man) is

like a house, brick by brick and  the

other 2( has bring the other two on) another

brick on the wall and somehow very soon  the way we are going we will becoming a brick in the bottom of  in a new wall of science,well but atleast we hope we set the foundation rightthat the wall on the wall of this waywill there are  go upinto a better state of what icall understanding.


One of the problems i have seen in the past few

weeks with the new teachings especially with the plasma is  how people arethe way

the people idevelopingnew technologies  different aspects  of this technologywith

the way they see it on the thing they see it  and how some of you are adding to theknowledge whatin away, in a very beautiful way and you are adding to the knowledgein a theway you understand it and that was the purposeof these teachings.


So allow individuals to participate in the

development of the technology.and not just to do as we do monkey see monkey does. There are a number of things

which has been, in so many ways,interesting for us to learn and teach and in

so many ways every now and then we need a summing up of what we learnt, what we knew, what we thought. What has

been the total understanding and what has been the essence of how things look

and are and how they shouldbe.


In the last couple of weeks we have taken a newdirection in the course of teachings and as we become more and more plasmaoriented and work. Today  i am going tobring to you a very fundamental knowledge, It is so fundamental that you allhave done it, you all are doing it but as i said we are going in such a highspeed of teaching that for everyone to understand thewhole teaching is very verydifficult.


It is extremely hard to follow it unless we

recap every now and then so today and next week not only are trying to add to

the knowledge but recap and add in a way that start making sense to a lot of

people. If you go back to the original teaching and , i will try yo use a

marker that you can see, we spoke all the time about the plasma and we said the

plasma is expantional and it expands, this when we draw it like this we only  speak about magnetical  or gravitational  but this it the mean average both ways ofwhat is brought inas magnetic and what is brought in as gravitational and gravitational is always

more than magnetical and magnetical if it gives too much and gravitational does not take in plus one or at least higher order

strength, thatwhen it becomes lower it becomes the strength of the magneticor and  displacement of the fieldsthen we don't have a  mass, the mass come from when the gravityincreases.

如果我们今天和下周时不时地回顾这些知识,那很容易就能跟上进度。这样做不只是为了增加知识,还要总结概括并以浅显易懂的方式让更多人了解。如果你们回顾以前的课程,(我会用记号笔画出以便你们能理解)不难发现,我们一直在讲等离子。我们一直说,等离子体不断运动扩展,像我画的这样,[if !vml]

[endif]要么是磁力作用要么是引力作用,事实上,它一般是受两者共同作用,即磁力作用和引力作用,[if !vml]

[endif][if !vml]


So what we did if you recap we went into the

stage of looking at the very first original reactors which were built in early

2005 , 2006 and before and we came and we showed the first reactor which was

shown as the dome. remember the blue ones and the black ones and we showed that

we put a cap inside it,we made it 2 cores the way as it goes at the centre one becomes a caroline coreand the other becomes what we call the outer core.

如果你温习了,接下来我们就看看2005,2006年早期建立的首个原始反应器,它像一个圆屋顶,记住那些蓝色的和黑色的,然后我们在里面加一个帽,[if !vml]


In a way we try to create 2 division of the

strength of the fields.in some cases we created the rotation in both clockwise,in

some cases we created both anticlockwise,and insome case we can rotate one clockwise and one anti clockwise of the two, but atthe end, it wasn't a physical rotation of the core which counted it was the howthe gravitational and magnetic fields in each section or what we thought wecreated a wall decided to move. We had one section which created its own fieldand with our knowledge we created a second field.

这样,我们就创造了磁场力的两个分层。在某些情况下,我们创建两个顺时针旋转;在某些情况下,我们创建两个逆时针旋转[if !vml]

[endif];在某些情况下,我们可以创建一个顺时针旋转和一个逆时针旋转[if !vml]

[endif]。但最后,这并不是核心的物理旋转,而是通过计算各部分引力场和磁力场的强度而旋转的,或如我们所想,建立一堵墙(隔层)[if !vml]

[endif](凯史在半圆形里面画了一些绿色的波纹,指的是隔层,wall)促使其运动。本来一个部分里只有一个磁场,而我们依靠所学又创建了第二个磁场[if !vml]


In so many ways if we recap and go back

understand the knowledge onwhat we have added up to now that has been thatwe have a caroline core and we have a second corewhat orwe call the outer core or its traditionallyknown as,we found out,you will find out does the physical barrier ofwhat we call to be the inner core acceptable.or how we got stuck with thisidea  because as a physicalIntangibletangible idea of this existence of physicality that we could say  up tothere is this matter  and inside is different.

在很多方面,如果我们回顾到现在学过的知识,有一个凯若琳核心[if !vml]

[endif]和另一个传统意义上讲的外核心[if !vml]


In reality we have seen the physical matter now with the reactors,  the

gases (X)and the

nanomaterials you made.material state field is irrelevant, what the field strength decides, inside or outside which

dictates the position and the interaction. So what we assume to be the caroline

core,for example,and isobtained contained  in the physical wall of the inner core,  how we assume and we could explain which wasacceptable at a time was that this inner core where we have like this is asolid and is said that it holds containment of the matter inside it and itleads to the creation of one field and then the second field created by therotationof the

outer core leads to creation of 2 fields, one going this way and and

the other one going that way (the outer core in the anticlockwise

direction, the inner core in the clockwise direction), or both go the same direction

or as we added to the knowledge and (00.15.07)we

know for example in the stars in the sun, there is no inner core outer core,

the boundaries are made by the interaction of the field strength, so in a way the theory of the  innercore of the earth becomes invalid, does not make any validation.

实际上,装有反应器的物质、甘斯、纳米材料与物质的场强之间是不相干的。场强度决定了内部和外部的等离子体的位置和相互作用。那么,例如,假设这是凯若琳核心[if !vml]

[endif],其包含在一个内核心的物理壁隔层之中,我们应如何假设呢?也许我们可以这样解释,正如图上我画的这个内核心是固体,(此处在里面的核心外围又画了一个圈,并用笔涂实)[if !vml]

[endif]它里面包含了一些物质,这样便形成第一个磁场[if !vml]

[endif],外核心的旋转运动形成了第二个磁场[if !vml]

[endif][if !vml]

[endif],此时,外磁场可能逆时针旋转,内磁场顺时针旋转[if !vml]

[endif](凯史画了两个箭头);或是两者同方向运动,或是我们所了解的在星星和太阳中,没有内核心、外核心之说,磁场的边界都是在场强度的相互作用下形成的[if !vml]


Because now what it is is the magnetic gravitational

field which is made by 1 section in different strength in fact( respect of )  another section which is this part now holdsvalidity now makes sense.becausein the sun there is no solid core. In the sun in the stars in the galaxies., we don't see solid walls separating galaxies from

each other. We see the gravitational magnetic field strength which creates that

separation,point of no interaction or balance interaction so in so many ways in what we

been taught in the beginning of the time of the new science of the geological

structure of the earth where there is a inner core and what we call the inner inner  core which is known as the caroline core andthe outer core become totally meaningless.

因为该部分磁引力场的强度不同[if !vml]

[endif](凯史在绿圈与黑圈之间画了波纹,表示内核心的场强)。而另一部分[if !vml]


In the centre of the earth, there is section which creates

its own gravitational magnetic field and through the structure or whatever physicality its field

strength interact with another field strength which could be created by a part

of the outer core or the  lower of the physical structure of the earthand so we receivethe interaction of the 2 fields which the interaction of the 2  gives us the magnetical and the gravitationalfields of the planet.

在地心中,有一部分形成了自身的磁引力场,通过地质结构或任何物质,其磁场强度与可能在外核心或较低的地球物理结构中形成的磁场强度相互作用,使我们能监测到,那么,两者的相互作用也就形成了行星的磁引力场[if !vml]


So it is very interesting now that we understand

this, now that we understand the structure change with a simple, very simple

idea,this outer core to your magnetic coil, and change this one to your

gravitational coil so what happens? The field strength of your gravitational coil which you putinside each other is not a physical matter of the copperandor nano materials, it’sis the

interaction of the nanocoated material  with whichthe field interactionwhere with the field interaction of the nano-coated of the gravitationalcoil creates the field flow.

这就有意思了。既然我们已经了解这些知识,那么对这个结构进行一些简单的改变,把外核心变成磁场线圈[if !vml]

[endif](MAG COIL=磁力线圈)(马克笔标出的最外层的圆圈),让这个(黑色实心圈)变成引力线圈[if !vml]



So if you make section have crossed your  springs此处为回转的线which

you made,what you should see is the structure of the inner part of the planet, youshould see the structure of the inner part of the solar cell star, youshould  then see the structure of theuniversal creation of the universe.It's Is the section of the structure of the  universe which man has not seen up to nowand or has nothad the ability to look at itand or has not

had the tools to observe it,follows the same principle. Then the question to ask is are we in the innercircle or are we in the outer circle? Are we in a gravitational field flowgalaxies or are we in a magnetical field flow galaxies?

所以,如果你将弹簧交叉[if !vml]

[endif](画了一个弹簧)从而制作一个单元的部分,你应该能看到地球的内部结构,应该知晓太阳、恒星的内部结构[if !vml]


There is a reason i raise this point because alot of you in the past years have followed the work, have been through it ,made the ping pong balls, made a steel coils made the small copper coils, youmade the 21 cm coils from the steel and we all followed the procedure step bystep to mature to understand.


Can I ask a question? Do you see my writingcorrect way or is it sideway to you ?

Okay , let me see if i get the right way

OKay you should have told.

Talking is a good thing

Lets see if we can get it done this way

how is it now? ...I’m writing upside down and nobody said it to me.


Okay , I’llsee how I can help you. Just wait a few minutes.



Is it okay now or is still sideway or upsidedown?

I cannot get it right side up[if !vml]



how did we get to this

that is not the problem

Is it better now ?

That is not a problem

Is it okay now ?

No worry we will get it right one day  18:43



So what we come down to is the reality that does

the situation with what we gathered or what we think exactly what we see here ,what is important is hence or

have we missed a very big part in the whole of what has been taught in the past few

days,in the past few weeks,be it in private teaching, be it in public teaching because, (im going to move this out of

the way and move a little bit that way) so let us look at what we have and what we have

done, go back to the beginning,go back into what we started and how we come, because by the end of this

today’s session,you will find out a new dimension in a lot of thingswhich you have done. a lot ofthings which has been added on.


Why i raised this point, look at this, this is

structure of what you call the earth in this bracket here, is the structure of everythingthat

we knowhas been

done up to now in all the teachings. we have just changed the tools

we have just changed the elements. This is the first inner core 8 years ago,7-8 years ago nearly. This isthe first structure we did in , what was it 10, 12 years ago.

为什么我会这样说,你们看看,方框里的结构图就是地球,就是截至目前所学到的所有知识[if !vml]


This is the same structure as the little gas

balls you made.  This is the same structure when you added gas in . It is

the same structure as the centre of theplanet earth.It is the

same structure as the earth,It i s the same structure as the sun. It isthe same structure as your coils, nothinghas changed. Creating gravitational section or creation a different sectionwith a different strength and then cascading it with another field strengthwith another system.


The present coil system we use, we use the same copper coil, nano coated, gas coated what aboutif you useandaluminium coil and copper coil and nano coated  both of them. won't we get a more effective

gravitational magnetic field. What about if you put the aluminium outside and

put the copper inside.would the choice of material by putting brass and the copper will make the

difference?because now the field  if you created by the centre due to the composite

materials within the gas of the brass is totally different that the copper

outside. Extend the knowledge to the point where this become your core markup

set and this becomes your house. Can we create a system that the interaction of

your coils creates aposition within

the house that you don't need no wiring you work with field instruction. [if !vml]


[if !vml]

[endif]我们现在用的线圈系统,都只是纳米涂层的,甘斯涂层的铜线圈。如果同时使用纳米涂层的铝线圈和铜线圈会如何?磁引力场的作用力会不会更显著?如果铝层在外,铜层在内,效果会怎样?选材时,如果黄铜材质的线圈放在内圈,铜质的放在外圈,会有不同吗?因为这个核心的磁场来源于甘斯涂层的黄铜与外层铜质这两种截然不同的材料之间的作用。假设中间的黑色实心圈是主要的参照点,最外面的圆圈就是房子[if !vml]


Teachingis to  ?not to

monkey see monkey does.but another part of this is important because if we go back and if we look at

what we did. Look at what we did. I draw a circle and youput adot poleon top, you call this  the ping pong balls. You rotated it you put amotor on it and you rotate as fast as you could,you saw the sections in it on it  butstill you contain the matter part of the plasma within the structure of theplasma.

教学不是让你一味地鹦鹉学舌,还有一点很重要。如果我们回顾以往学习,看看我们是怎么做的。画一个圆圈,上面有个洞,[if !vml]

[endif]这就是我们所说的乒乓球,然后放上发动机让它高速转动,[if !vml]


youcreated the star formation and we saw the effect of the fields to create a free plasma. (00.30.04)we

created the coils and we connect the coils, we see return on the power supply.

If you look,up to now acts

of this position we always have contained the plasma, elements of the matter part ofthe plasma.

通过创造星型组合,我们了解到磁场间的相互作用生成自由等离子体[if !vml]

[endif]。通过使用线圈,并将其连接到一起,[if !vml]


Is there a way where we can create a plasma

which itself can hold itself but we create a field force that itself dictates

its own containment. In the teaching of last week, i explained a very simple thing that a lot of you missed

or understood but did not take notice or it wasn't important because it was

just an issue. I explained how  the

motion and  trend in the rotation of the plasma  iscreatedby the equatorial rotation or by polarity rotation.

有没有一种方法可以实现等离子体自制而不是我们去创建磁场利用磁力实现自制。在上周的教学中,我讲了一个比较简单的知识点,可能很多人忘记了,即使理解了也没注意,觉得它不重要,毕竟只是一个问题。当时我向大家阐释了等离子体的旋转趋势是赤道循环或极性循环。[if !vml]

[endif][if !vml]


We explained, it doesn't matter which way we

look at it,the interaction of these 2 field forces leads to the rotation of the physicalplasma. Where is the maximum amount of fields which is absorbed inside a plasmaat the equator line at this point.  This is your gravitationalabsorption and this  is magneticadsorption or repulsion.

它的循环运动方向和我们观察方式是没有关系的,[if !vml]


。在赤道线的这个点,(与极线交叉的点)等离子吸收磁场作用的最大强度,这就是引力吸收效应,[if !vml]


Then go a step further and ask yourself a very

fundamental question and the question is we have been told that where we have,

i will try split this next to each other so that you can see it because it is

important. Where here we have magnetical rotation and we have equatorial

rotation which is a gravitational rotation what we have assumed up to now is when we have the sun and we have the earth,

because of the direct line on the equator we get the maximum heat due to its

facing the sun or be it that way closer or constantly on the same line on the straight.  directline.

如果再深入一点,思考一个基础性问题,(我会换另一张纸进行解释,方便你们学习,因为这个知识点很重要)根据我们了解的磁力循环和赤道循环也就是引力循环,假设这是太阳,这是地球[if !vml]

[endif](左边太阳,右边地球),由于地球赤道正对着太阳或距离太阳相对较近[if !vml]

[endif](在地球上画了一横线,表示赤道),所以在地球自转和公转过程中这条线上能吸收到最大热量。[if !vml]


If we understood all of thisand on what we thought before, we understand a flaw in the

technology or a science which we have accepted. The equatorial line is always

the most heated part of any element of any plasma be it the sun be it the earth. because this is the point

where 2 fieldsconstantly interact, if you see this, you understand very clearly that the flaw that the equatorial heat comes

due to placing the sun constantly does not apply is not correct. Because the rotational polarity and equatorial rotation

of magnetical in the field strength creates theheat and in respect to wherethe heat seats and how the heat is distributed to the temperature gradient which partially leads to what wecall the heating of the earth,  any system.

This is important because in thefuture when you start working with the plasma totally,you find out you cannot ignorethis heating line which comes from rotational diagonal or the polarity andequator.

如果我们能够理解之前学过的所有知识点,就会发现之前认可的该项技术或科学中存在的一个谬论:无论是太阳,还是地球,赤道线一直都是等离子体上接收热量最大的地方[if !vml]

[endif],因为这部分一般持续的受两个磁场的相互作用[if !vml]

[endif][if !vml]


。因为是(地球本身的)极性循环场强度和赤道磁力循环场强度相互作用产生热量[if !vml]

[endif],热量的分布[if !vml]

[endif]引起温度梯度的变化,从而从某种程度上我们称为地球或任何系统中的热力。这一点非常重要,当你日后完全从事等离子体相关的工作,就会发现受对角线循环或是极性和赤道循环作用影响的热量线[if !vml]


This puts a lot of assumptions which we have why there is such a high heaton the equator lineand to intothatnow we understand the reality why . Not because of its position with respect tothe sun. Then this makes a lot of things which we assume totally on balancedwith

the whole interaction of plasma in the

whole world of assumption of plasma interaction . Thisis now brings another subject into the whole understanding.


Here we explained that the magnetical and the

gravitational field interaction. Here we created the containment with the ping

pong balls or copper coils;here wespoke that the fields of these copper coils or ping pong balls leave the

physical boundary and they interact and they create free plasma position. If you understood this

and you understood what we put on the table in the past few weeks, a lot of you

from 26 of October, November, start  making all of these coils. You are

looking for allusive power, I am looking for allusive lift where you made the

position where all of you got so carried away with the energy that you missed

the the reality

of the work of what they put on the table in these coils.[if !vml]


在这里,我向大家解释了磁力场和引力场的相互作用[if !vml]

[endif],第一幅图解释了乒乓球或铜线圈的控制性能[if !vml]

[endif],第二幅图解释了铜线圈或乒乓球的物理边界以及通过相互作用产生自由等离子体及其位置[if !vml]

[endif]。如果你们能弄清楚这些知识,就理解了前几周我们在课桌上制作材料的原理[if !vml]

[endif]。很多人是从10月26号或11月开始制作这些线圈的。你们是寻找这些工具潜在的运转动力,而在你们的注意力被桌上这些线圈运行的能量吸引而忽视其工作原理时,我在寻找当时暗含的支撑论据。[if !vml]


I will bring the paper up. You will have a look. Maybe

some of you understand.where things are very much misunderstood. Now if you

understood and you are now understand the operation of this system, is undertheway to create boundaryless free plasma where you have a controller. If youunderstood listen and watch maybe a lot of you will be shocked with what isgoing to come on the table for you.

我会把这张纸拿上来,你们好好对比看一下[if !vml]


I am going to hold it in my hands i hope i wont

damage it, it is

coming a long way from phillipine. You have yourmagnetic core, you have yourgravitational core. Would it be right to reposition the tool in a way that themagnetic core sits within the gravitational and inside you create a freeplasma. The plasma which you have the control of , you can dictate the power ofand you can decide in how it will move. In a way if you look at this, you canput this in a rotational way this way and leave your gravitational is online on its own line.  This is what i wanted to bring you with building this, but in a way we have the side

benefit with the power supply. The whole purpose of teaching the coil system

you looked as usual for energy i looked for the free parts. If you

understood and understand you can expand and build a coil exactly like this

which goes this way and leave your gravitational coil this way. In the center ball here which is

a spherical. If you look at it it would be like this. If i can put it that way,

it would besomething like this. Without me damaging the system, it would be something likethis.    [if !vml]


我把线圈拿在手上,希望不会弄坏,这是从菲律宾运来的,外面这一圈是磁力圈,[if !vml]

[endif]里面的是引力圈[if !vml]

[endif]。不知道可否重新调换位置,把磁力圈放在引力圈里面,相互垂直[if !vml]

[endif],中间产生自由等离子。你可以控制它,可以提供动力,并决定其运动方式。在你观察这个结构时,你可以让磁力圈逆时针旋转,引力圈仍在自己的运动轨迹上,我想让你们按照这个方式建立该系统,但我们可能仅在电力供应上享有一定的有利条件。讲授线圈系统的目的是平常你们主要寻找能量供应,而我关注的是自由等离子部分。如果你能弄明白这些,就可以发散思维,制造这样的线圈结构,磁力圈是赤道循环,引力圈是极性循环[if !vml]

[endif],中间区域是球形的。应该是你们看到的这个样子,我会把它立起来,希望没有毁坏这个系统,就是你们看到的这样。[if !vml]


Now here you create a plasma[if !vml]

[endif]which is exactly whichis an exact copy of the plasma of the universe. Which is an exact copy of theplasma of the sun.This will dictate the magnetic and this dictates thegravitational but this has a beauty. This ring itself  has  both gravitational and magnetic

fields while this both has the same both gravitational magnetic fields. So in fact by making the coil we have

made the 2 essence of the creation of the plasma, fields continuously

interacting and the fields here have to interact more atthis level here if i can turn it this way. Youcan see it at this level where equator line you get more fields being absorbedinto gravitational. The 2 gravitational field are closer and closer as they

are closer magnetical gives to this to make it more

rotational gravitationaland onthis side the magnetic will be the same. So you have achieved in fact, i hope ihaven't damaged it because this is a lot of way but it is the only way we canteach. So what iswe see is the true structure of the plasma.


,如果我把线圈翻过来,[if !vml]

[endif]你们可以看到在两个线圈距离最近的地方相互作用更明显[if !vml]

[endif]。你们可以发现在这种层面上,在赤道线上更多的磁场都被吸收成为引力场,两个引力场离得越近,磁力场就会更容易受引力场影响,而在另一边的磁力场也是如此[if !vml]


In so many ways when you stack this up in a tree

stacker,you try to

create the same essence of work, which was gravitational

and magnetical, gravitational and magnetical, Gravitational and magnetical,but in a way a magnetical anda total gravitational to  put which makesit stronger.

如果你试图创建整个系统的基本结构,把这些叠加起来,引力圈和磁力圈;引力圈和磁力圈,引力圈和磁力圈,[if !vml]

[endif]再是一个磁力圈[if !vml]

[endif]和总的引力圈[if !vml]


So if you understood this. We covered all basis

of production of the plasma in a very simple way this had the physical

containment, this had matter component. In this setup in this structure, if you

can understand and take astep further. You will understand now you have more or less near enough freeplasma control. Where you can change the gravity in the centre or change themagnetic in the outer.

如果你明白了我们讲过的关于等离子的所有基础知识,简单来说,第一纸的第一幅图是关于物理控制[if !vml]

[endif],第二幅图是组成要素[if !vml]

[endif],在黄色板子上的这个实物图中,如果你能再深入一点,多少都会明白自由等离子体的控制,[if !vml]


If you understood this process, now you see

another tool in the arsenal of plasma play. A huge tool. For those of you who

can understand and can take this to the next level you will have a wonderful

time, because now you can add into the atmosphere as you like, you can

replicate the structure of other planets that can=with the free plasma.


Now in fact if you look at it you have a free

plasma condition. It is like water. You decide what you are going to add what

colour,what texture,what material how and

then you can change it.If you understood the whole process from the beginning,you will understand a verysimple criteria. And that is we have reached a point near enoughto

demonstration of the creationof the plasma in the way the universe does it, with a  difference that here now we don't look at thecopper as a copper wire, we look

at the gans nanocoated material which our plasma take and the copper is inside

it is irrelevant. it is totally and absolutely irrelevant, it can be anything.

It can be a hair, it can be aluminium, it can be titanium,it can be anything.

事实上,如果你现在找个处于自由等离子状态下的物质,好好观察观察。[if !vml]


It is the fieldswhich will dictate the creationof the plasmainside in the center and

now you can control with that the plasma. You are looking for energy and you

are looking for free plasma,out of those set up bring the knowledge to the point that all of you one way or

another will start moving into

next step for free plasma and if you can do this,

then you made 4 coils and open your coils and twist them and place them at the

state in 90 degrees in respect to each other the way i show you very much like,

i can get the paper out of the that really watch like this, [if !vml]



Now you have the beauty of a control plasma

without any tangibility,

where here you went to create it here now you control

it. This is another way to create a free plasma.But this is the waywhat the universalsystems create plasma.

现在就能感受到无形的等离子体在控制整个磁场[if !vml]

[endif][if !vml]

[endif],这是很美妙的一种现象。在第二幅图中[if !vml]

[endif]创造等离子体,现在则能控制等离子体[if !vml]


It Is the plasma created from theinner core or is the plasma created when the matter outside creates such a massthat their fields interaction leads to the creation of the plasma insideout.Then this raises another question. Is centre of every structure hollow.Hollow of a visible matter we see but full and saturated with high levelmagnetic and gravitational field of the plasma. Does the hollow center earthhave any meaning ? Does the hollow centre sun have any meaning. Hollow in a waythat none physical visible matter is state at the man point of vision? Yes itis hollow.


You saw this in a ping pong balls when you put

them on rotation. You saw the hollowness suddenly was an empty gap in between

and i explained many times that the empty gap has come by the interaction of

the fieldsor interactionof the gases which arewinning withinthe cup,winning withinthe bowl. This is another tool in a waythat can lead you to flight control which we are looking for to production ofthe material in ahousehold plasmalevel for the first time.it is in the hand of you and you can decide, because lets look at it this waywe saw what alex showed us last week with the onions whathe did we put with the orange. You made the star

formation balls. Now let us make the springs . You have the spring which is

going this

way, you have a spring which is going  this way.You have a spring which isgoinghere and you have a spring which is going there. You have a spring here and youhave a spring there. You created spring here and you created spring there.Hollow plasma. But interesting a point which you might have not noticed is thisitself creates its own plasma, then look.

当你让乒乓球不断旋转运动时,会发现乒乓球内就是这样的情况。两者之间的空心突然变成一个裂口,对此我已解释多次,由于磁场或甘斯的相互作用出现了这个裂缝,它也可能存在于杯子或碗中。这也是引导你第一次从等离子角度寻找生产材料实现控制的另一种工具。决定权在你手上,让我们回顾一下上周阿历克斯讲授的有关洋葱的实验,我们当时用的是橘子。之前做了星型组合的球体,现在让我们来用弹簧。先让弹簧横放,再竖着放;[if !vml]

[endif]然后在图中四个位置放上同样形状的弹簧[if !vml]

[endif],然后中间是空心等离子体[if !vml]

[endif]。[if !vml]

[endif]有趣的是,你可能没有注意到它本身就是一个等离子体[if !vml]

[endif]。[if !vml]


The hollow plasma, center plasma free, and the outer plasmadictated by the interaction of the control of the matter. Then now for the

first time you have full control to change gravitational magnetic fields of

each individually and this will create you what you wanted 4 free plasma, and if you can take it to this level

and understand this you will find out you will need no rotation, you will need

no in a way of physical

structure because if you lock position of these, then the only thing  that is leftisfor the fields to interact onevery direction. And for everyone to understand in a very simply way. You havea system which not only conserves its own energy but it allows you to create aposition of different field strength acrosstheits environmentaccording to whatever you need might be.

空心等离子体就是中心等离子,是自由的,物质的相互作用控制外部的等离子体[if !vml]

[endif]。接下来你就可以完全控制改变每个等离子体的磁引力[if !vml]

[endif],从而出现四个自由等离子体[if !vml]

[endif]。[if !vml]

[endif]如果你已进行到这一层面,你会发现并不需要旋转或任何物理结构,因为如果将这些位置像这样固定[if !vml]

[endif](画了三个箭头),接下来唯一需要做的就是磁场间各个方向相互作用[if !vml]

[endif]。[if !vml]

[endif]简单说来就是你创建了一个系统,不仅能量守恒,而且允许你在当前磁场环境中,根据需要创建满足不同磁场强度的位置[if !vml]


And this is what in so many ways in the world of

chemistry a chemical bond. Youcan see that it is tried to be filled up in atomic structure or whatever you call it with thecomposition


position, electronsprotons and neutrons. But the totally totalitysits in thisstructure teaching.

If you manage to connect these in a way that youcan dictate the gravitational magnetic field of each one into a box then youdecide this to reduce or that to increase or whatandcan be done sowith any ofthe and in a verysimple way, youcan create the allusive lift.?Because now you don't have to have the gas andrubit or put in the container. for the first time you have created the freeplasma into essence of free. With on nophysical contact containment and in a way transparent that the energy cango flow in and

out of it. This brings into play a lot of understanding in a lot of ways in what you call

chemistry and physics in space technology,in development of the spacetechnology. This allows every man to be able to take into space.

很大程度上,这就是化学世界中的化学联系。你会发现它在试图填满整个原子结构,或是不管你叫它电子的位置,电子、质子和中子。但它的整体就是我们刚刚学习的知识。如果你试图把每个等离子的磁引力场连接起来到一个盒子里[if !vml]


I said last week this is your stacker. And if you can put 4 of your

stackers then you can position them in the right place. You will find you will

achieve a point where you can lift. Not necessarily Where not .. you can

only lift but in putting you reactors in position, if you get your position of

the field right,you can allow other materials to lift without ever being made into the

structure. Then by changing these fields, you do not need to have the

material within the frame of the system, you

can position it outside or inside the frame or you can dictate it in how much level up  it goes.This is part of directional transportation and directional communication without any

matter of state at the super conductivity in the matter of the plasma. You call

this the physicality of the man, you call this the emotion of the man and call

this the soul of the man. 55’

[if !vml]

[endif]上周,我提到这就是栈式存储器,[if !vml]

[endif]如果你有4个栈式存储器并将其放在正确的位置,那么你就可以找到支撑飞升的点。不只是能举起抬高,还可以把反应器放在相应位置。如果磁场各部分的位置设计合理,[if !vml]

[endif](淡色的圈是反应器,深色的是磁场)其他物质不需要融入该结构就可以在这个结构中被举起来[if !vml]

[endif](在深色圈里画了两个叉叉)。[if !vml]

[endif](三角形表示整个结构)通过改变磁场强度,不需要把物质添加到该系统的架构中,你可以把它们放在框架的里面或是外围,或是控制其向上的程度。这是等离子体中没有任何超导电性物质条件下的定向传输和定向沟通。你们称三角形最上面的层次为人类的肉体[if !vml]

[endif]、三角内部的是人类的精神[if !vml]

[endif],肉体之外,也就是三角外面的是人的灵魂。[if !vml]


Where physicality does not need to operate

within the totality of the structure andthe fields can be outside and you decide howthis field is ejected to which direction as you can change this and you can runa very easy communicationthrough zerotimebut matter. So you can see how the coils come intooperation.

物质不需要在整体结构中运行,磁场也可以分布在结构外围,[if !vml]

[endif](画了一个圆圈)通过改变,你可以决定磁场向哪个方向发射(飞升的方向,在上面画了一个三角箭头)[if !vml]


 You cansee how the position of the coils for the first time gives you the freedomwhich you did not have with any of the setup before, but it was part of the

teaching. But you had to need to understand how everything works,because it was part of thestructure to set or structure to work with.


But one thing interesting you will see is thesame proposition as what we saw in thepre free plasmaof thegases galaxies. Where you made the ball you saw the free,

now that you make the plasmas in the centre and you will see one thing that

these plasma will have the same hollow centre. That is where the field are so

powerful and the matter level thatwe don't see it but if we absorbed at the higher level. If we develop

technologies where we can go in,we will see this is the structure.

不过,你会发现一个很有趣的现象,它和我们此前发现的关于星系中自由等离子的命题一样。当你做球的时候,你会发现自由等离子[if !vml]

[endif],现在你创造自由等离子放在中间[if !vml]

[endif],你会发现这些等离子都是空心的[if !vml]

[endif]。这就是磁场如此强大所在,我们在物质层面是看不到的,但是,如果我们从更高层次上了认识这一点,努力开发相关技术,就会明白这一结构。[if !vml]


High magnetic fields which is the gravitational

working with the lower magnetic field which is magnetic and consequently the

rotation of the plasma. Conversion of the strength into motion. This

point will become very very important in the coming days and the coming weeks

while you get and do the jobs you have done with the systems. If you start making these

coils, and ifyou start positioning these coils more than a flat into a spherical shape.

高磁力场就是引力场和较低的磁力场的相互作用,从而实现等离子体的旋转运动,[if !vml]


Excuse me just one second i have to do somethingin the back.


The whole structure changes. The whole  understanding changes, the whole teaching of the

creation of the plasma changes. If you understood for example the gravitational

magnetic fieldsinteraction at the equator,(01.00.00)it

should not be very far for you to be able to create a heating element with the

coils you have. Itshould not be very difficult to make systems that are heaters.


You can make and use the same system for highgravitational magnetic field for communication lines. You can make systemswhich give you all the facilities for everything which you need and you want,because now you have understood hopefully and you can see the beauty of thissystem inside the gravitational magnetic field which even the magnetic has amagnetic gravitationalsection to it. While it isgetting its giving , while it is getting it is giving and taking at the sametime. That is exactly the true way a plasma works. Where the gaps comes in andthe fields go in where the gaps comes in the field comes out. This if youunderstood is the true working of the plasma and the fields which you wouldcreated here are exactly the same.

你可以将同样的系统用于高磁引力场以作通讯交流的线路。你可以用这些系统为你提供所需要和想要的所有便利。因为你现在弄清楚了这个知识点,而且你会发现这个系统在磁引力场中的美妙之处,即使磁力场也有引力部分。在接受的同时在给予,它在给予的同时也在接受,这就是等离子体运行的真正方式。出现裂口的地方,磁场可能会进入或出去。如果你明白等离子体的工作原理,那么你创建的磁场就会与之相同。[if !vml]


 Exact plasma inmotion, plasma strength and in so many ways a plasma which for the first time

you have full control on making the gravitational fully and magnetical fully or

creating a gravitationalmagnetic field thatwill it becomes and feels the strength, [if !vml]


or lighter. Heavier in mass, in magrav,lighter in mass in magrav and in comparison to another entity heavier or

lighter creating gravitation magnetic position which is the target of the space

ship program . The space ship program is heading that way.  1:1:40

等离子体的运动、强度及其方方面面也会是一样的,这是你第一次完全控制引力场和磁力场,或者第一次创建磁引力场,其强度或重或轻,质量变重是由于磁引力场的改变,质量变轻也是由于磁引力场的改变。通过与另一个重一些或轻一些的实体进行参照比较,创建一个磁引力场的位置,[if !vml]


As i said you are getting so close into one of

you creating a system which is strong enough to show in public about the lift, motion and full control. This

gives you a control arm. You decide how which

gravitational is required and which one is in the higher. If you want to

descend in an angle or you want to descend vertically, or horizontally, or other way to descend.


Any of you who has worked with these coils and you

will see the right order, coating and gassing, any of you is at a point, all of you at that

point of collecting to a

plasma supply to

another not theelectron supply. Electron vibration is too weak to do anything to the plasma.This is why the presence science uses MegaWatts wrong for GigaWatts to do thelittle thing with the power plasmathat they can show. Because 1.4 GigaWatts of an electron vibration is a peanut

compared to a single plasma in strength. That is why places like CERN, places

like what they use to create plasma runs into so much energy intake and very

little out because it is peanuts. All they are doing is spinning something up, but not changing the structure but

with one coil which you have made and you can follow it through you can achieve

more than these top scientists have achieved in these research centres because

they work with the peanuts, they

work with the crumbs and you start with the fullbread.

你们任何人有用过线圈的,就会知道正确的顺序进行涂层与甘斯化。每个人都到达这样一个节点,大家都喜欢等离子供给而不是电子供给,电子振动太弱,完全不能与等离子体相抗衡。这就解释了为什么现代科学采用兆瓦而不是千兆瓦来计量小物件的运动。因为与普通的等离子体相比,1.4千瓦的电子振动的强度就像花生。这就是为什么像欧洲核子委员会这样的机构 , 他们习惯创造等离子体消耗如此多的能量,外部却释放如此少的能量,因为他们用的是花生。他们所做的就是在不改变该物质的结构的前提下,使其自旋,你也可以用一个线圈做到,如果你根据此前学习的方法,你甚至会比研究中心的那些顶尖的科学家做得还要出色,因为他们只与花生或是面包碎屑这样的小东西打交道,而你一开始就是从整体开始。

Any questions


[John]: Mr Keshe this is John in britishcolumbia


Speaker : Yes


[John]: You had mentioned when the blueprints

came out when we started working on the stacker system the horizontal setup,

that the spacing between the stackers, between each layer is very important. Is

that only apply to the horizontal configuration or as well asapplying to a stacker with avertical configuration


Speaker: Both ways. This is another wayyou can make the stackerswhich are the stackers themselves


[John]: I don't understand the stackersthemselves


Speaker; No,Now with this system you still can make thetree stackers


[John]: but the spacing is going to have to bemuch greater


Speaker; Yes but the power is much more


[John]: Okay


Speaker; In a way if you look at it the top

stacker and the bottom stacker destabilizes the field as middle

stacker is  much easy tocontrol.


[John]: Okay


Speaker; because you feed it you don't wait for

it to be fed from outside. Because you

feed it, you keep

the strength in the centre.

If you look at it, if it makes sense to you let's look at it this way.If you look

at the structure like oxygen or if

you look at the structure like helium. It is a tree

stacker and that is why things like helium are stable and inert because the

field flow inside creates a condition in the middle that incovers the totality

in a field of gravitational magnetic field. The inertness of the gas is due to

the balance gravitational magnetic field in the structure just like plasma.

Nothing to do with short of  actual one

讲话者:因为你为整个系统提供供给,那么就不需要等着从外面获得供给。因为你为其提供动力,所以你就能把磁场强度维持在中心的位置。如果你观察并觉得对你有意义,让我们这样来看,如果你把这个构造看成氧或者氦,这就是树形的栈式存储器。[if !vml]

[endif]这也解释了像氦这样的物质—稳定,有惰性,因为里面的磁场流在中间创造了一个磁引力场环境,[if !vml]

[endif](中间画了一个深色的圈)[if !vml]


[John]: OKay, 2nd question just a quick one. Youmentioned using a plasmatic source instead of using an electron vibrationsource would be any an array of Alex’s beads be a sufficient source to get thesystem triggered? or beginning ..


Speaker: Alex’s beads creates certain amounts ofplasma, plasmatic conditions


[John]: OKay Thank you


Speaker: You need to know how

you strength in the current and how you strengthen.. you see when you speak aboutAlex’s beads and then you speak about the current, in that level you thinkabout the current plasma not current electrical


[John]:Yes  约翰:嗯,对。

Speaker; and it is a big difference. If you lookfor vibration of the electrons it will not show because it is too powerful butif you do it as one. In a way if you look at Alex’s bead and in what we talkedabout the split capacitors, it is the same process, it is very much the same process


[John]: Yeah just eliminate modal state in the

bead,it would eliminate bead  in the electron state correct ?


Speaker: Yeah


[John]: That is what i thought, Thank you.


Speaker: you are welcome


There is a way you can do something very

interesting.if you want to work in a total plasma condition even with your split capacitorsor your battery that you don't need the matter state like you use the aluminiumfoil or you don't need the gas state of the matter but you can jump up withinthe fields.


One of you, i think you know who you are hasstarting playing with wire sm pipes, you are on the right track but slightlyout of line but if you think of it you can sort it out. Where if you chooseyour wires are slightly different than your tubes  or totally different than your tubes and thenwhen you put the wires in the tubes and the tubes in the bigger tubes, then youwill see a huge difference in the performance of the system the power supplyand demand of the system.



speaker]; different material wires besides copper ordifferent gauges


Mr Keshe’:Pardon, Can you speak louder?


[Speaker]; different material wires besidescopper or different gauges


 MrKeshe’:I think the man has spoken


[Speaker]: Yes 提问者:是的。

Mr Keshe : Yes man you can say what you want tosay, What gave you that idea to do it


[Speaker]: I have for a long time .now i  haven’t havegot the stuff to do it so i am starting to do it.


Mr Keshe: Why don't you choose an aluminium wireand a copper coil and then brass copper wire and plastic coil


[Speaker]: Plastic coil ? 提问者:塑料线圈?

Mr Keshe: Plastic coils are one of the bestenergy transfer units they will pass pipes.


[Speaker]: OKay   提问者:好的。

Mr Keshe: I see a lot of you are still following

monkey see monkey does. go back to what we explained last week about Amos said to me you know what the 。。 has to bewhen you were talking about water working like magrav i heard a lot ofpeople talkingabout it on youtube with the rest.  1:11:40


Understand what it means just don't look at it for whatyou do, what you wanted out of the water.If you use nanocoat specific types of plasticsnot just to use plastic pipe,you will get a huge energyrelease because you work onhierarchy Hydrogen. That is why the body uses sugar C-H bond,

none of you have picked up this to use it for your development. Any of you who

used by accident plastic in you nanocoating,have already used the energyof the plastic and you don't play with it. It is a huge amount of energy whichcan create a huge amount of gravitational field but thehierarchy hydrogen of

whatever the energy which is there , which is carbon - hydrogen bond in

plastic. 1:13:40


You are looking to create a gas of C-H.why don't you nanocoat theplastic and use this part of the structure in your system. why don't you buyplastic wires and nanocoat them and use them as the copper wire. You have tostart opening.  because a lot of you willfalling outfrom now on because intuition is creeping in and a lot of people start doubting

their own results theirown work they do and they leave it because they don't understand but everyoneof you knows rightly what their doing. Just try to understand the process.


I was explaining to my son yesterday or the day

before yesterday that we never die, death is not something to be afraid of,

(01.14.48)all we do is we change state of matter. We came from a different

state of matter, lived through that state of matter, when we change the

position in the state of matter strength that would we are not physically

visible at this strength, they call it a death. Why not the celebration of a

new cycle. If you understand

this, then you can understand very simply what you can do in your process.

Convert the simplest energies.don't go for complicated when you needn't. To control your capacitors for these

coils that you will have don't look at the gas of titanium,gas of plutonium look at thegas of hydrogen, look at the gas of C-H bond plastic. A lot of it very rapidyou can control it.


Any other question. You are on the right trackbrad but understand what you are doing


[Rick]: There is a question from Arthur whoasks, what is the best way to nanocoat plastic, is it stillplastic caustic?and the difference between theplastics.


Speaker: Caustics used to be one of it.and different plastics createdifferent kind depending on the pressure and how they have been built and, i donot know much about it, i haven't worked a lot with them, but the more i workwith plastic the more i realised i have not understood the work of it.


[Rick]: You did determine the difference in onepoint in the necks of the coca cola bottles being different than the body ofthe bottle and they were better for use in some of the experiments forgenerating hydrogen


Speaker: Because it allows you toreleases the hydrogen very rapidly.


[Rick]: and they do use caustic to break down

plastic bottle thatare hard to break down


Speaker: You don't break down with caustic what

is caustic. Is it  hydrogen,or is itoxygenand has a sodium you have the hydrogen in the plastic. The 2 balances, then ifyou look at it a lot.of  you have nevertested itto see inside you  have the nitrogen, sodium , from the causticyou have the carbonfrom the plastic and you have the free oxygen from the

caustic.have a look what combination it gives you. A lot of Amino Acid ,A lot

of free energy already in the shape of wood. In a shape of free energy life, well then we can see the

variety of fields you can use tocreate what you like.


[Rick]:Okay there is  another question from EMC Square .will different ganses?be  applied to the individual coils orcan the or can the same soup of different gases can be applied to all coils1:19:00


Speaker: We explained this before, depends on

how you want the coil to perform. We have seen different performances we have

seen different characteristics of it. The structure of how you do this you have

to start planning things, you have to start making things preplanned and  just getting things then because it is done before you regret.


[Rick]:Well this


Speaker: We don't see any muchnew innovations


[Rick]:Well that is right and this came up in

our discussion in the plasma reactor group. Chandor came in toward the end of

the show and then started discussing that we should have a plasma schematic

basically or a vision wherethe plasma is going to flow in our device, whatever  itis

It is or we are making, we should have that full vision

before we even start to use the physicality to direct it.


Speaker: The thing is if you understand and

wanted the visuality of it and so gentleman with the 3 boxeswith gases of different ..which

are now part of the Keshe foundation innovation which has now become members of

the Keshe foundation like more for the team of innovators and none of who play

a role of the month of January. 1:21:00


We showed you where the direction is. You wantto see how they interact, follow the example put your thing in and move yourmagnet on the top and see how the bubbles of the gas will fall off, move yourgas in a solid container until and move it to one corner and see how thebubbles will be decreased in your side they will be depressed and there will beno bubbles, then you see how everything works.


[Chandor]: Hello it is Chandor here. as I am here I just like to

add to what Rick said so 24hours ago or 25 hours ago, it was the Kesheplasma reactor groupweekly meeting where we have seen beautiful 3D drawings made by RobertKavatesian and I just suggested before doing a lot of work for making such abeautiful 3D rendering of the concepts to avoid to do any mistake it is betterto understand it by any …


Speaker: Excuse me if I should stop you there, Iam going to stop you there , I know you mean good but I we all never makemistake, we just look at the things our way


 [Chandor]:Yes,I meant about the direction of

the coils and .difference

in one portion and difference in another portion..there I suggested when you are working with coilswho do have an idea about the direction of the flow in

the coils. What you want of them before you actually starting wasting the time

and material for the working it out , just to have a concept of the idea before justdoing a monkey see monkey does copy-paste job

Speaker: Even so that was the purpose of what Isaid yesterday



All : [speaking]

[Chandor]: Just to understand understand the flowsof the plasma which are behind. 1:23:22


[Rick]; We were in particular looking at the

split capacitor and trying to see I think you had the different winding on the

coil and we were trying to envision how that would affect the flow with the

give and take of the plasma . There is the picture in question right there [if !vml]


Can that be rotated a little bit,John.


Mr Keshe: Can i try respond to respond to hiswork of this what you are showing on the screen.


[Rick]; sure of course.


[Mr Keshe]: What about if you put a 3rd coil inbetween these 2.


[Man]: Well right now what Robert and i doing, we are just generating models

and we, i know, i understand what you are saying,but from what Chandor was saying,

all we doing right nowis generating models all the different configurations that you could have soyou have choice when you want to assemble these devices but a 3rd coil in thecentre of this, exactly how would you connect that? What would be the purposeof the 3rd coil other than


Mr Keshe]: What is the purpose when we make it 4coilsandon thesame stick.


[Man]: well if you had 3 coils on the same stick,you could drive all 3 layersof your stacker unit with one device i suppose.


[Mr Keshe]; Yes but going further.what are you dealing with ?Aren't they the same kind of   the sameline in the feedback on the low side,have you ever thought of that


[Man]; Strikes me with that,as thatcould be configuredas for lack of a better term and amplifier.


[Mr Keshe]: More or less because we take more of

one side to the other .Whatabout if you put 2 coils on this, What about if you put 4 coils on this samespace


[Man]: Exactly


[Mr Keshe]; so let's just open the eyes we are

looking at a lot of different ways of applying and using these things. In a

coming time i will explain to you how can put a plasma through another plasma

without a matter condition. Getting there a lot of people will be going that

way. I will explain that way i just left it. I just came to touch it but another way we saw so we slept for what is way   1:26:50


[Rick]:MrKeshe, I think we need to adjust your microphone a little bit.



it better now? It'sdropping off, it has been too long i think.


[Rick]:Yes,I think so.Is there a better microphone for the new year?


[Keshe]:Wecannot afford it, because it is too...


[Rick]:Yeah,maybe someone will buy it in Christmas as Christmas presents.



who like to use the microphone, it's just that it keeps on moving. The position

is as i said earlier on the time to teach, the way we taught up to now is

coming to an end. We discuss to inspire and we have seen a lot of inspiration a

lot of new people doing new things. I am showing to some officials in the

coming week.The true flying system, gravitational magnetical flying system, we are set to do this. That is

strange enough,all of you can do it.We are to present the flight system to the, to

governments, it will be done in the coming 3,4 weeks.we will not show in public butwe will show the technology and leave it to the government to start our projectpiece for us. The flight system will be shown to the government officials inthe coming weeks and i am talking to world leaders not toordinary people.officials.This is the cause we done.


[Rick]: There is a Douglas here who says hehas achieved lift of a smalliron object but i don't think that is the kind of lift that you are talkingabout. Maybe we should hear more from Douglas


[MrKeshe]; Is Douglas the gentleman in this generation.


[Rick]; I don't know he just made a comment inthe chat and , he said yes that is me, do you want to speak perhaps


[Mr. Keshe] : yeah sure, we don't go for secrecy.if he speaks let him speak butdouglas have you spoken to your boss.


[Rick]; You cannot mute there Douglas if youwant to speak, there he is


[Mr Keshe]; Because he works with a reddit on the innovation side(01.29.50)


[Rick]; Do you want to say something thereDouglas ?


[Mr. Keshe]; Can you show us Douglas what youare talking about ?


[Douglas]; (01.30.04)I

have it on a video that was listed on my youtube channel, but it was there a few days

ago. It was piece of iron ferrite i think i explained to Renin about this and i

didn't know if i could, anyway the Iron ferrite accidentally whichwas just a chip, iaccidentallydropped it down in  mysolution gans and i reached in and i grabbed it with

pair of stainless steel surgical forceps and i noticed an immediate attraction

at an unbelieveable distance almost as it liftedup out of my solution toattract itself to the forceps and i thought that was odd being that they were stainlesssteel. i know there is 3 different types of stainless steel and each one ofthem have a different reaction but i placed the object in front of aPreyyer pliersneedle nosebar farwhich i know where ironand therewasn't any or was a little magneticity there but that was

nowhere near the

attraction so i tried it again with the forceps,it didn't work it went to like5-7mm before it move the object again so i redid thescenario process on the camera, i dropped it in the solution

picked it back up with the forceps and that time started the procedure over

again and this time the forceps could make an interaction and make the piece of

iron ferrite movingineach direction i wanted to at 20mm away but we are talking about a small pieceof iron ferrite, i mean it was just a small piece but i get the concepts ofwhat is gonna be used for


[Mr Keshe]: is it still on your youtube or you

took it down . Can you show us the picture or the video?


[Douglas];(01.32.12)It is still on the youtube but there is particular warn there is  nothingrevealing to it, in other words there is nothing thatsomebody nobody would see that they wouldcause an issue, it is just me with a micrometer and drawing some lines out inmillimeters out on a piece of paper and show the interaction between the ironferrite and needle nose pliers and also the forceps.It would have been one of alight issue to the video because i wont be making anymore videos. Sincebecoming a part of the foundation.


[Rick]: If you wanted you could play your video

on your screen andshare it with us, if that is okay


[Man];  Ifyou have a local copy play that one rather than download it again and uploadit, all at the same time.


[Douglas]; local copy… this is the one thing iam not good at the computer thing, i can build them, i can tear them apart andturn them into bit but this whole knowledge it takes to get over to Youtube andput that on this page, that i like


[Man]; Can you provide the link to Rick, he can do that,


[Douglas]; Yeah Rick did it the other day he

pulled up one of my pages cast out in 1969 in Yahoo. com on youtube


[Rick]: let me try to find it again there.


[Douglas]; It would be the one labeled magnetic

anomaly in nickel gans.Mr Keshe you still there.


[Mr. Keshe]: Yes


[Douglas]: Because i got a question regarding

something,making the CO2 gas same formula since day one and i have quite some production of some

beautiful white CO2 gas .

The thought It has not come to me last night whydon’t

Inot add

CO2 to the mixture,so I made my own home made generator of sugar, yeast, water and rice and

generated my own CO2 mixture through tubing down to the same nano coated plated

with a zinc plate and I have not yet produced any white substance, since it is

all a rusty coloured substance but at the bottom of the hose where the CO2

bubbles are coming out .Ihave solid chunks of white mass that looks like CO2 gas


[Mr Keshe]; No you are producing zinc oxide andpartially you are producing calcium in the water.


[Douglas]; But we need the Zinc Oxide right?


[Mr Keshe]; Yeah but what it is if you, I amgoing to go back into something which goes back to the physiology and intochemistry and biology and the whole process.


[Douglas]; That’s what we thought at first too, but because we thought that the zinc structure from

the iron was coming through but you can tell the zinc structure is not even

been altered.it is still just as shiny as it was, There is no rust or rust colouration


[Mr Keshe]; you don’t see it that way but on the

other hand when you get the white residue at the bottom ,It’s not much of it, it’s justa block of it?


[Douglas]; Yeah where I moved the hose, whereever I moved the CO2 hose I will end up with a little white ball at the end ofthe CO2 hose.


[Mr Keshe]; Do you understand what is the atomicmass of calcium?


[Douglas]: No I don’t understand it, I have been mess of it.I will have to look itup.


[Mr Keshe]; Can we see your video and then wego?


[Rick]: Excuse me.Can you give me the nameagain? It’s what 1969.


[Douglas]; yeah cast iron 1969;


[Mr Keshe]; so if you go back on a calcium, goback on the zinc,  go back on the CO2 andif somebody tells us what the atomic mass of the calcium is on the periodictable.


[Douglas]; I can give you zinc but I don’t havecalcium now, I can pull up the chart


[Someone]; 40 calcium is 40;  1:37:00


[Mr Keshe]: Yes Iam awake was getting away.


[Someone]; I sent you an email


[Mr Keshe]; Yes I saw it,I didn’t ignore it Ihaven’t had time to read it yet


[Rick]: Okay I have got the video setup here,let me do a screen share on that


[Douglas]; yeah it is not a very long one thistime


[Rick]; Should I play it, it's 6 minutes, 7minutes right.


[Douglas]: Yeah it not a very long one

[if !vml]


[Rick]; So should I play sound on it?


[Douglas]; There is nothing there I don’t playmusic in it or anything, so it's me describing what is going on


[Rick]; I should play that then or else you candescribe it, you should be able to see it there, let us 0 in on the livescreen. Okay that is it.


[from the video]; Hey Everybody Cast-iron here,its December the 16thstill 9pm at night, I have just discoveredthis and I wanted to share it with you guys let me see if I can get down hereto the micro level so you can see, this is scaled off exact 5, 10, 15, 20 and25 millimetres lines and this is a piece of the magnetron magnet. Now earlier,accidentally, I was messing around and dropped that small piece into the nickelgans, it went straight to the bottom if it and I have a pair of forceps herehaemostats some of us call them you clearly see here let me back up so you guyscan see, forceps, haemostats whatever you want to call them and as soon as Igot near the water, this thing leapt up out of the nickel gans and attacheditself to this stainless steel surgical stainless steel instrument. Prettyamazing on its own. These little pliers here are magnetic I will show you 25,20, 15, 10 millimetre we still have no reaction, just a tiny bit of a fieldreaction at 10 millimetre, we get up at 5 it will attach itself so you can seeit is clearly magnetic, now I have to do it again and drop it in the gans itseems like, it seems like I do, it seems like I have the last time so this maynot do it this time I may have to drop it in the gans in front of you andrepeat the process ok at  25millimetres ,20 millimetres, 15millimetres actually bit , there it’s on the line, 15millimetres , about 10 a little less than 10 okay. Now then watch this I willdrop over here in, let me see, watch me drop it in there the, not seeing whereit landed, I will race down here and pick thing up, it attached to itinstantly, from out of the water. I will dry, dry it off here real quick, itand my tool which is surgical stainless steel which didn’t know had magneticproperties such as those anyway, we gone put that right back on the line andonce again we will come, 25, 20, 15 and we are at 10 nothing is happening thistime at 10 as you can see we get in closer 7 and a half still nothing happeningwe get in around 5, still nothing happening. Now then  25, 20, 15, usually around is where I startseeing it move around 13 right there, 10, 5 and it flipped. That is what it is,it’s the poles. Ok so there is the poles that’s the pole that is attractedright there, it is kind of hard to define a pole on this thing it’s a shivernow, let’s try this again, 25 so we know at 15 at 10 we got a reaction, notmuch of a reaction , now it starting to move at about 7, 8 you can see it ismoving a little bit we put it back there on the line about 7 or 8 and did yousee the thing move as soon as just, look here all the way back here. I hope youall are picking that up. Don’t ask me to explain that other than somehow oranother the gans has made some kind of magnetic link of between these 2, thisis a, look here all way back at 20 if you go up above it spirals you see backhere at 20 you don’t get jack shit nothing. I just thought I would share thatwith you, that was dropped in the nickel gans just one of the other tests I’vedone that is truly amazing going to have to do some more testing with moremagnets and different strengths and other things this is an anomaly I don’tthink has been brought up yet anyway peace and blessing to each and every one ofyou. Thank you Mr. Keshe and thank you all knowledge seekers throughout theworld.

[end of video]

(01.38.55)´ó¼ÒºÃ£¬ÕâÀïÊÇÖýÌúÊÓƵ£¬½ñÌìÊÇÊ®¶þÔ¾źţ¬ÒѾ­ÍíÉϾŵãÁË£¬ÎÒ¸Õ¸Õ·¢ÏÖÁËÕâ¸ö£¬ÏëÓëÄãÃÇ·ÖÏí¡£ÎÒÏÈ¿´¿´Äܲ»ÄÜ°ÑÕâ¸öµ÷С£¬¿ÉÒÔÈÃÄãÃÇ¿´Çå³þЩ£¬ºÃÁË£¬ÄãÃÇ¿ÉÒÔ¿´µ½ÎÒÒѾ­ËõСµ½ÕýºÃÖ¸Ïò5¡¢10¡¢15¡¢20¡¢25ºÁÃ×ÁË[if !vml]

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[endif](距离10MM)µ±ÎÒÃǵ÷µ½5ºÁÃ×µÄʱºòËü¾ÍÎüסÁË£¬[if !vml]

[endif]ËùÒÔÎÒÃÇÖªµÀËüÊÇÓдÅÐԵģ¬ËùÒÔÎÒµÃÔÙ×öÒ»±é£¬¾ÍÏñÎÒÉÏÒ»´Î我把它丢到甘斯溶剂里一样,Ò»Ñù£¬Öظ´ÕâÒ»¹ý³Ì£¬ÏÖÔÚÊÇ25ºÁÃ×£¬20ºÁÃ×£¬½Ó½ü15ºÁÃ×£¬[if !vml]

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[endif](吸住,在7CM-8CM左右位置)ÏÖÔÚ¿´ºÃ£¬ÎÒÒª°ÑËü·Å½øÈ¥ÁË£¬[if !vml]

[endif](把小磁铁放到甘斯溶剂里)¿´×ÅÎÒ°ÑËü·Å½øÈ¥£¬²»Òª¿´Ëüµôµ½ÄÄÁË£¬ÎÒ»á·ÅÂýËٶȣ¬°ÑËü¼ñÆðÀ´£¬[if !vml]

[endif](用钳子放入溶剂里面),我去把它捡起来,它立刻吸附上去了,我拿出水面。[if !vml]

[endif]ÎÒÂíÉÏ°ÑËüŪ¸É£¬[if !vml]

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[endif]È»ºó25£¬20£¬15£¬[if !vml]

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[endif](动了一下,01.43.56)ÎÒÃÇÔÙ°Ñ钳子返回,[if !vml]

[endif](返回到15CM-20CM之间,在空中时磁铁动了)µ½7ºÍ8£¬¿´£¬ËüÁ¢¿Ì¾Í¶¯ÁË¡£ÎÒÏ£ÍûÄãÃǶ¼Àí½âÁË¡£让我们回到20CM的距离在空中做螺旋状的运动,[if !vml]


: Is the there anything else you want us to see  right away there.


[Douglas]; No that was just about it in the

magnetic anomaly i have been concentrating on work on another project, Istill got the magnet out, buti just haven't had time toplaypoly withthem a whole lot.


[Rick]; okay thank you


[Mr.Keshe] What would be interesting is go back

and find the same kind of magnets 2 of them, and keep one away from nano

material and nano ganses and ones yousee if you have the same effect.


[Douglas]; i was using the needle nosed pliersand iron and surgical stainless steel


[Mr Keshe]; depends on who made the steel and

where it is made if it had some iron in it. because stainless steel it depends

on how theyroll it. So you can try to buy the same pair of, i think a lot people can testthis we will see what is the outcome.


[Rick]; You could see if a magnet attaches tothe pliers there, not the pliers but the other pinchers, the forceps.Because

if a regular magnet doesn't stick to them.there is definitely somethingodd going on down there.


[Douglas] That is what i am saying i have hadthem for years, i use them in all sorts of applications holding electronicdevices, little small wires when i am soldering them together. i have nevernoticed a magnetic reaction that is why i was laughing. Not once have i noticeda magnetic reaction and in any a time that i have never used those forceps, ihave 2 pairs, one of them is a little bigger but they are both German surgicalstainless steel, well i don't know that makes any difference Dad was a chemicalengineer he says there is 3 different types of surgical stainless steel and hesaid one of them does not have magnetic properties. I don't know that is out ofmy element


[Rick];Just try a magnet and just if it attracts to it that would tell you


[Man]; Me and Vince did this a year and half

ago we got the gans and dried them out and got stuff stuck there around, you

don't even need a stainless steel you can get do it with straws and wood and

you see the interaction with the pieces of gans with

it, spin around and fly off and get recharged and repelled to different material.


[Rick]: you could have used you hands , youhands were, your hands were able to do it too


[Man];That is what i am thinking it is basically the gans that's creating the fieldthere, is that basically what you are saying because that is what i am feelingtoo.


[Man]; I think there is a bunch of videossomewhere of what we did.


[Rick]; I think it is different than magnetic

because a magnet was

making what you are talking about,Brad and Vince,a magnet was making about the same thing. The difference is using hand, a handcould make a more difference than the magnet it's certainly.


[Douglas]: Exactly it could contain bothproperties, both attractive and repulsive yes exactly


[Rick]; What else do we have here? is there more comments about

that ? I have got Alihere who has his video about a madgrave star formation, maybe we could have alook at that.

Okay let us see what we have here. Let me getthat set up and.


[Mr. Keshe] Before we go to that, can we explainwhy some of you get like blocks of white stuff at the bottom and you don'tunderstand what it is because a lot of you have seen it, a lot you reportwhat  is the difference between C02and  zinc oxide.


[Rick]; That is an important point that you havegot to clarify.


[Douglas]: The way i understand you Mr Keshe thezinc oxide has a orangish colour, no.


[Mr Keshe] No Zinc oxide is always white orangeyou don't get a zinc oxide it is white in the gans state the orange color ismainly C-H


[Douglas]; okay so zinc oxide is white,  it would be similar to the CO2 gans


[Mr Keshe] Yes but it is a slightly differentwhite


[Douglas]; cause i did that with aluminum and i

obtained another one that is almost white but itis aluminum


[Mr Keshe]: Aluminum is a gooey white, the onewhere you get the luckiest substance at the bottom when you make the CO2 can ishare the, what do you call it okay.


[Douglas]; Okay let me write these down.


[Mr Keshe]; What you see  here Zinc oxide is ZnO2 you have 60+16+16which is 92. If you look at when you have the zinc oxide and you have theplates inside where you are creating a carbon 40+40+12, These 2 become molecular gans ofcalcium plus the carbon. Which that carbonbecomes partially CO2 and this molecular calcium gans, this is the solid bit atthe bottom of your body, at the bottom of your container.

你看到的氧化锌其实是二氧化锌,也就是锌的原子质量与两个氧的原子质量相加(60+16+16),总数为92. 当产生氧化锌时,其内部的锌板在化学反应中生成碳,也就是两个钙分子与碳的原子质量相加40+40+12,总数为92.[if !vml]

[endif](01.52.26)这两个(2个40)变成了钙的甘斯分子[if !vml]

[endif]加上一个碳,[if !vml]

[endif]其中部分碳已转化为二氧化碳[if !vml]

[endif],而这个分子状态的钙甘斯[if !vml]


This is how calcium is created is created in thebody of the man for the bone structure. Partially the difference when thepeople who can not digest milk or cannot take calcium in the body or when youhave a calcium loss or soft bone tissue. Doctors look at the wrong side of thething. You can compensate it with the zinc and you can do that very very easilywith the conversion of the zinc to calcium.


This is what the oyster does, this is what the

sea fish does, what you call it shell fish do. That is why they absorb so much zinc from the

bottom of the of the sea, because theygo through the same process,it has never beenunderstood so add to the knowledge. You understand now. They absorb the zinc ,they store the zinc in combination with the presence of the carbon which ispart of the breathing system which they use. They produce calcium,  that is how the shell of the sea shell fishesare created.

(01.53.44)牡蛎就是这样做的,海鱼也是这样做的,水生贝壳类动物也是这样做的,这就是它们从海底吸收大量的锌的原因,因为它们也要经历同样的过程,这也是之前从未涉及到的知识,现在你们应该了解了。它们吸收并储存锌,与参与呼吸系统的碳相结合,[if !vml]

[endif]从而生成钙。[if !vml]


And that is why for example oyster has white what we call shell.

It is the calcium conversion where there is the CO2 created inside using zinc

for the creation of calcium which becomes the shell of the fish. That is how

you produce these blocks at the bottom of your pot wherever you have the zinc.

You literally produce oyster shell or the bone structure which we have in the

body of the man. This has never been known now maybe you understand adding to the knowledge.


 We see alot of people say i produce zinc oxide, when most of the time whenever you seewhite solids at the bottom of your pot you are creating zinc oxide, because thezinc oxide leads to the creation of the calcium which is bottom of the molecular structure gans of calcium.That is

actually sheets of mole, ganses of calcium which is

stuck as a molecule and stays together on nano layer ,?so

true nano layer of material,the same as you make with the nano coated copper.


Those of you who index the teaching. Maybe youindex that how the shell of the animals are created. Where it comes from zincto calcium in the gans state. Thank you very much for bring this up, i havetrying to teach this for a long time, but keep forgetting that i teach somepeople but i explain they say , whenever you see solid residue you have used ahigh power you did not put a filter like a LED light on it. So what you have done i have explained it before, what you have doneis when you put your copper outside and zinc plate in, the current

flow of which when then 2 you tie it up together.99% you are making zinc oxide.If you take a lot and put LED light into amotoror a LED light, everything that they don't like, it don't need tobe a sin,let you create CO2.

做课程索引的人也就可以找到动物的壳是怎样产生的。它是在甘斯状态下从锌转换成钙的。谢谢你提出这个问题,我一直都想给大家讲这个知识点,但总是忘记。当我给一些人讲的时候,他们却说,当你看到固体残留物时,是因为当时能量过高,你没有放一个带有LED灯光的过滤器。那么接下来你该怎么做呢,正如我之前讲过的把铜放在外面,锌板放在里面,[if !vml]

[endif]当把两者连接起来的时候产生能量流动,[if !vml]

[endif]那么99%的可能会生成氧化锌。[if !vml]

[endif]如果你产生了较多的氧化锌,安装一个LED灯连上马达[if !vml]

[endif],你就会生成CO2。[if !vml]


That is why as i said before in the couple of

weeks past teaching, the new and the CO2 plates and the CO2 kits which are

dipped in the Keshe foundation manufacturing italy from next week. all have an LED light it is

because it is a CO2 kettle. If you want produce zinc oxide take the LED out and

just connect the 2 wires together and close all connections. Wherever you see

these residue solid bits at the bottom, you produce calcium exactly like oyster, like the bone of the man. One

of the sections of the bone of the man, is the way man creates bone, the bone

structure is the use of the zinc,becausezinc is connected to the emotional part and the bone structure producing an

immune system ,isto guarantee the survival of the emotional part in the blood which it creates.

(01.56.45)这就是我前几周说过的,从下周起,新的二氧化碳包会进入凯史基金意大利制造中心,所有的都将会有LED灯光,因为这是一个二氧化碳容器 。如果你想制造氧化锌就把LED拿出来,像图中那样,将两条线连接在一起,然后关闭所有连接。当你看到瓶底有固体残留物时,便产生了钙,这就像牡蛎壳和人体骨骼一样。人体骨骼的产生,是骨架中含有锌,因为锌与人的情感相关联,因此骨骼是人的免疫系统,确保血液所产生的精神活动的有效进行。

So zinc is part of the essential part. It is a

glue, it is a , what is the word for it. It is an agent,a catalyst, when you create afield of zinc for the creation of calcium in the bone of the man or creatingthe bone structure, because it carries part of the emotion with it.

OKay can we see the next video.


[Rick]; Thank you for that clarification we need

to show here.oops.


[Mr Keshe]; Is this the video from Ali?


[Rick]; Yes, let me make it a little bigger so

you can see it netter.


[Mr Keshe]; How did it go with the stackermanufacturing system


[Rick]; Its not clear on what exactly he isdoing right now maybe he can tell us;


[Ali]; Hi Mr Keshe and yeah this is the stacker

that i built again about 15 stackers in total, i was very busy last week and i

created a star formation and i was experiment with, today and when i dim the

light i see, it has to be pretty dim but i see shimmers underneath and I do see like shapes and it is

kind of like a tin glass that moves so it like a misty vapor around a unit when i move my

hand or something soit's creating this field around.

阿里:你好,凯史先生。[if !vml]


[Mr Keshe]: Let me stop you there, you havecreated the first lift system (01.59.56)

[Ali]: Yes



[Mr Keshe]:You have created the first lift

structure of the UFO or what you call the space ship. If you see the shimmer it

is the way you stacked them the

way it is,i explained that in the last teaching you have done what i explained stackingit the way it is on the last teaching of last week so you have to adjust thefield flow and you will see our UFO or your spaceship. Do you see the shimmerfloating or vibrating?


[Ali]: There is movement so when i look at it

even see rotation of the field so what i did i made sure that i have different ganses, so i am,..


[Mr Keshe]:You have achieved what we said,actually part of the structure we showed or did it in the coming time and thatis why taught it that for people to understand but i don't use the way you usethe stackers, we are using 5 magrave systems.


[Ali]: OKay


[Mr Keshe]: i taught this last 2 week when i

talked about you put one stacker on top of the other you have done exactly how

it should be done. Control you energy you will start seeing the first UFO, I told you somebody will do it beforebut

forget those you are close.  as birth surprise.


[Ali]: It is interesting because today is mybirthday


[Mr Keshe]:Happy Birthday try to start poweringit though power supply, try to power it through plasma capacitors or batteries.You will see the first UFO and you have done it exactly the right time


[Ali]: So what i did,i made some powder from the quartz crystaland i 3 types of gas, one was CO2 CH3 and the other one was the heavier one, iput the dust of the crystals in the gans and i coated the stacker with the dustof the gans and the quartz crystals  andthen run some...

阿里:我研磨了一些石英晶体的粉末,用到3种甘斯,CO2、CH3和一个比较重的甘斯,我把石英晶体粉末放入甘斯中,再把这些粉末涂在存储器外,[if !vml]


[Mr Keshe]:Do you have the system running now ?

凯:现在系统正在运行吗 ?

[Ali] Yes .


[Mr Keshe]:Can you go on camera if you can showit i want to have a look at something


[Ali]; i have to either move my computer orbring it over here. I can bring it over here hold on


[Mr Keshe]: do you want me to give you a timeand come back in 5 minutes if you want


[Ali]; I can bring it in a minute it's justgonna take a second hold on


[Mr Keshe]:That would be interesting to see ifyour shimmer has a dome, if you shimmer has a dome you will achieve the firstUFO structure


[Ali]; I saw on the bottom i wanted to look atthe top it is like kind of like a tin glass and i can put my hand in through itand the plasma goes into my , into the palm of my hand

阿里:我在底端看到过,好想看看在上面是什么样 的。它就像锡杯,我可以把手伸进去,手掌都能感受到等离子运动。

[Mr Keshe]: Can you stop this video, Rick canyou stop sharing the video


[Rick]: okay


[Mr Keshe]: You have achieved the constructionof the first soft UFO what do you call it spaceship if come by uranium that isfantastic i am sure you understand the meaning of it


[Ali]; Awesome i will go bring it over yeah holdon


[Mr Keshe]: I gave you the hint i gave you the

structure and you,just

do what you want to do,  Ali: Pardon?  Keshe:We keeps

on falling off don't worry, it got too excited Okay is that okay now ? You have

to switch off you back light if you want to see it, and we are seeing you hairand your headphone

凯:我给你一些提示,交给你们结构是怎样的,接下来你们想怎么做就怎么做。阿里:怎么了? 凯:没什么。我们这边有点掉线,不用担心。真的很激动。现在好了吗?如果你想看清楚,就要关掉壁灯。我们看到了你的头发和耳机。

[Ali]; Okay justhold on let me move this over a bit


[Mr Keshe]: you have to get your stacker verystraight, don't move it


[Ali]: Yes these are made of plastic plates sothey are not that, just finished the stackers last night the making of the so

阿里:是的,这是塑料板,可能不会特别直,[if !vml]


[Mr Keshe] You are feeding the bases together,exactly.


[Ali]; So yeah the power comes from the bottom,

i have 2sets of different gansesso it starts from the heaviest gans goes to the middle and goes to ..

阿里:是的,底部要提供动力,[if !vml]

[endif]在底盘我有两种甘斯的设置,于是能量从最重的甘斯到中间[if !vml]


[Mr Keshe]: You are following everything word byword


[Ali]; yes , and then again heavier medium andCO2. and then at the top it feeds the stacker hereall of them  at the bottom go to

the top and connects to the second stacker goes to the top and then feeds the

bottom, goes to the top. And i put like a really low voltage like maybe 2 Watts

or 3 watts and an adapter when i go [if !vml]


阿里:呵呵。对。然后能量流到中间比较重的部分,[if !vml]

[endif]再是CO2,[if !vml]

[endif]上面[if !vml]

[endif]给这个存储器提供动力,[if !vml]

[endif]而底端的能量流到上面,与第二层相连,先到顶端,再向下,再去顶端。我用的电压比较低,大概是2到3瓦,[if !vml]


[Mr Keshe]; How do you feed the centercolumn the one at thecentre?


[Ali]; The centre column right now is plugged tomy second magrave unit so i have another magrave unit here let me …

阿里:我刚刚在中间的圆柱中塞了一个磁引力装置,[if !vml]


[Mr Keshe]; are you married or are you single


[Ali]: im single


[Mr Keshe]; No wonder your time to make things


[Ali] so i have another crystal 6 stacker here .

阿里:我还有一个晶体,6个存储器。[if !vml]


[Mr Keshe]; I have seen this before. Ali: yeah, so this ten right now is plugged feeding the other right now. Keshe:youhave achieved the first space ship structure and i congratulate you.


[Ali]; Thank you i am really happy.


[Mr Keshe]: you have to know how to strengthen

the wall of it and you have to understand how to , this just what i was just

teaching this morning You have to understand how to strengthen it,in a

connecting one to the other, what i suggest you to do is stop making the

carboxides, the zinc oxide. the what do you call these CO2 and CH3 make a

slightly different, can you switch you light off?can you make the dark room isthat okay

凯:(02.07.04)你要知道怎样加强场强,我今天早晨刚讲过的,你要知道在两个存储器相连时怎样增强它。我建议你不要再做碳氧化物或氧化锌,或者是你说的CO2、CH3,稍稍做些改变。[if !vml]


[Ali]; Yes sure


[Mr Keshe]: Can you move you hand inside it ?


[Ali]: That is bit too dark so i am going toopen up another light here yeah so that's the…


[Mr Keshe]: Can you tell where you see theshimmer or is it,do you see it now or ?


[Ali]; Yeah it's really like little particles of

light now that coming around here. when i go underneath i can see something above

here i can't even touch it, is like a little glass thing that keeps moving

sometimes it shapes around like even there is a rotational field that i see ,especially in the centre, i see a big

column coming out, like white column coming out of here in middle. [if !vml]


阿里:能。大概在这里有小颗粒一样的微光。如果我从下面看,大概在距离存储器顶端15到20厘米的半空中有光,我不能碰,[if !vml]

[endif]像玻璃一样,不断地移动,我看到这边就有旋转的磁场,特别是中间出来的状似白色圆柱的光。[if !vml]


[Mr Keshe]: you have achieved the productionof the first space shipsystem And I congratulate you


[Ali] thank you, Thank you Mr Keshe


[Mr Keshe] :You have to know how to strengthen

the centre field as well that it can spread between the 3 dishes. We will show

this technology worldwide, it in the coming time and this was part of the forcefield for

bring world peace. What you have to do if you can, is to fix this structure

solid, fix it to a plate that none of your plates move and none of your plates

move sideways. Fix it into the structure that can be held with the power systems which you had

brought and exactly what I showed in a couple of Thursdays ago and you followed

it, the intentions was to get you to show someone and show somebody and you

have done it.


[Ali]: Thank you and I was also thinking maybeyou use different kind of cores because now everything is copper, we want tohave gradients of differences so maybe a …


[Mr Keshe] : A lot of

field forces you don’t see. remove you plates and it fuses

the fields force.you understand when you central column and the slight move and you don’t see itto differentiate tomorrow morning the move themselves. You have achieved thefirst UFO structure I congratulate you


[Ali] : Thank you  阿里:谢谢。

[Mr Keshe]: it is a very joyful time, and those

of you be promisedby 2016 we will do it and we

are getting what you promised now you done it

because I told you, inspirethose I don’t teach but I show and if you, what you

got to see when you put your hand in or out,

how do you feel emotionally?


[Ali]; Definitely,  Idefinitelyfelt it the first time I was there, It was like I was buzzing inside this thingand it wasn’t even connected to anything, like I was putting the plates one byone the minute I was standing on top of it, my whole body was buzzing and itjust feels good to be inside it

阿里:好的。我感觉像是第一次到这里,[if !vml]

[endif],没有连接到其他物体,我好像在这个里面有些晕晕的一样,就像是 我站在上面把塑料盘一个个堆起来,我整个身体都发出嗡嗡的声音,在里面感觉很好。

[Mr Keshe]: See you power supply which is

electron vibration which is not as strong enough, you have to change you power

supply you can keep your power

supply the way you want. Caroline, escheat of what do

you call this spaceship. And in parallel with it, plasmatic batteries used to

control it in a way that with one of you bases, put let us see4 batteries the next one do 5batteries and with the 3rdone to 6 batteries. All in series and theway you have done, but your batterieshave to be parallel with each other you understand.


[Ali]: yes 阿里:好的。

[Mr Keshe]: And then what you got to do? On every line which

you now come around the 3 bases connect one line from your magnetically side or

from your gravitational side to the centre column. You understand? now you have connected the 3

bases in a series to each other and you have connected the central column to

another power supply. You need to connect a gravitational and a magnetic or as

a feed back to the 3 bases to the line that you are feeding with another supply power, you need

this to be able to control and one thing that you gonna be make sure is the

your systems are locked, make sure that you systems are locked that is what I

said, I am carrying with me 5 units for this purpose. We are showing to the

world leaders that time of changeshas come and you showed it


[Ali]: And having said that having the coils the

new format of 3dimensional format that I would say if had all 3 coils in that format thatwould even be better. Isn’t it.

 阿里:如果将线圈换成新的三维版式的线圈,情况也许会更好。不是吗?[if !vml]


[Mr Keshe]: Yes, you are going too far but it's

good, the way you have to do.it is you have to make sure that your gravitational distance between you

gravitational centre ring is equal to the distance to the centre. You coils can

touch each other, you gravitational coils can touch each other or its advisable

to, you knowwhen you do this one and you then you do the next one, try to keep a gap equal

between your gravitational coils too, but they do not touch, if your coil is 5 cm I think youare using a 82 turn it should be 5.2 cm or something like this

凯:是的。你跳跃的太快了,但是对的。那么,你要保证引力圈环间的引力距离要和 到中心的距离相同。线圈可以相互接触,引力线圈可以相互碰触或最好是这样,你要知道什么时候该怎样做,保持相同的引力线圈间的间隙,这个不能碰触,如果你的线圈是5cm,就用82转,这样就是5.2cm.

 [Ali]: Imusing 89 and 144 so it’s the golden ratio 1.61 (02.15.17)


[Mr. Keshe]: so your stackers have to open up slightly but they will be placed

on tight, make sure you have a feed back and start feeding, because when you

start feeding all of the batteries on each base in the system 4,5 and 6 you

create that variation in power that creates the rotation of the plasma and by

feedingfrom you magnetical to your gravitational from gravitational to central stacker

you create a balance lift.if you fit it to the table correctly and if you get you spaces correctly,your table first of all youshould see a shimmer and then you should not be able to see you system anymoreexcept like, You are very close to a compete flying system but try you are onthe right path, Its just  you gottaunderstand,ifany of these plates move and you lose your strength and that what happens mostof the time


[Ali]: Okay, one of the things I like is toconnect to my consciousness and use and move the unit with my mind and thereason I use quartz crystals in the gans was that the quartz is the bridgebetween you consciousness and the physical aspects


[Mr. Keshe ]: you don’t need to do it, you

achieved the first step in the structure in what need to be done correct and do

it the right way and one of the things you will find out you got to do. I see

you have got wires touching everywhere make sure your wires don’t touch the floor.

Do all this changes and you will see a color, you see what it was doing and what isnotdoing, you electric current wires should not be inline they all  have to come from underneath because you canput it away.


Make sure the whole environment is in a constant balance of the

electron field but not in a plasmatic field and if you have seen the shimmer,

this is what I have told you will see a shimmer suddenly become solid, possibly

you will not see you plates. It is possible. it make you come invisible but

if you see the thing, if you have, if you want to see and want to become

invisible or becomes a point that you don’t see it. Before you even start any

further build yourself 4 capacitors in  paralleland 8 capacitors in series, it is very important, you make 4 capacitors inparallel and 8 in series, connect them in series to each other and if you donot see the visible system if you get to that point to which, I hope you don’tbecause you have a misrelated, you just put the 2 end of the wire, everythinghas to be nano coated in the zone where last you have seen your system. It will bring you the universal power supply and  the current flow of the plasma it becomesvisible that is the only way you can make things visible or make yourself 4capacitors blockin parallelthe way you can and then 8 in series, then you

will create a power flow but the create a capacitor with a capacitance which is

the same at what you have and your system becomes invisible or visible. You can

add to the power supply, you don’t if you build it just get a a long string of wire, you canpoke into the shimmer you see.


[Ali]; Thank you Mr. Keshe, thank you everyonethank you Rick


[Mr Keshe]: this is fantastic, This is what we

said we are going to see a shimmer that is what you saw, this is what the

purpose I taught .so

somebody will do it and you have done it, and it is nice to see that it has

been achieved in such a way. You have to move back, but if you have a, I know

you have one of the videosbecause I think one of you has already done a video. Do you have one of these pens which show the field? Which

lights on the top.    


[Ali]: Are you talking about these pens?

阿里:您是说这样的笔吗?[if !vml]


[Mr Keshe]: which lights on the top,


[Ali]; Becauseis was not my video im not sure


[Mr Keshe]: oh yeah Alex, has one of these, andget one of those and see how your field goes we gonna disclose this, I think wehave to do it. Is Alex on the background anywhere? Stay there Ali please


[Rick] So Alex you wanna go ahead


[Alex]: Hello


[All]: Hi Alex how are you?


[Mr Keshe]: Alex, there is areasonI have brought you in here is what you are doing at home with the lightsflashing if you create such a position and put the end of a light near thewashing machine and think to different part of the plasma he makes, you willsee the same light


[Alex] Okay


[Mr Keshe]: You understand


[Alex] I am gonna do that


[Mr Keshe]: Do you want to share with us whatyou have done?


[Alex]: I have , It is not configure now becauseI have been in the kitchen yesterday,


[Mr Keshe]: Would you like to explain what youshowed me a couple of days ago


[Alex]; Alright when you plug your appliances tothe magrave system even when the system is switched off it has a lot of currentin it, like if you put a .


[Mr Keshe]: It is a plasma current not anelectric current


[Alex]: Oh yeah, if you connect one wire to theappliance for instance like a washing machine and then at the other end of thewire you get a lot of current.


[Mr Keshe]: Let us say to the wall of themachine not to the machine itself just connect it anywhere on the body of themachine


[Alex]: And then you connect the other one tothe end you get, passing light, passing currenti have trying to find out howto, I have been trying to make this discovery but it really not possible.

Mr Keshe told me to add some capacitors which Idid but nothing changed.


[Mr Keshe]: Yeah but you have to add enough toreach the point


[Alex]: I have to add a lot of capacitors?


[Mr Keshe]: since there is AC to DC flow


[Alex]: But sometimes it's works with DC aswell, it depends on what part of the machine


[Mr Keshe]: Yeah this are the fairly a bit largeLED bulbs 3 of them. Can you tell us what is the power of them


[Alex]: If fluctuates, I think it is between120V- …


[Mr Keshe]: No no the power, how much does it saylike how much energy?


[Alex] Yes that is what  I am saying on the reading it is 120V then itgoes down to about 80 or 86V.


[Mr Keshe]: I mean on the bulb on the light bulbyou use what does it say is the power of them


[Alex] Oh it is 12. 12V DC LED lights and thenin it. I will make a video and put it online so that anyone can see.

阿:是12,12伏 DC LED灯。我会把它做成视频放在网上,以便大家观看。

[Mr Keshe]: How many are you using 3 of them?


[Alex]: Sometime is use 4 but if I use 4 one ofthem just blows up or just comes on lightly


[Mr Keshe]: This is to show that for the first

time, maybe you understand why I said to you use a capacitor in 4 and 8 that we don’t need to

connect to the system, to the margrave system to use this energy, because it is

plasmatic it flows ,soin a way, what you add to the body of the freezer and to the earth, that is whyyou have faulty AC because you connect it the sink to the same. But if you connect it toanother part of another system. This is kilowatt and Kilowatt you can use whichis a plasmatic and you have free energy. 


[Alex]: Yeah that is true because even the …


[Mr Keshe]: Let me explain , Alex please. Those of you who have been looking forpower supply free energy from the margrave unit after the margrave this iswhereitcomes all before the margrave when you power it. You do not connect to the

power unit ,you

connect to a power unit which is already supplying appliance or another unit,


And then you connect that unit and you connect

total plasma condition and whatever you use in the plasma condition because it

doesn’t go through your meter is a free flow energy. This is in the part of the

adding of the knowledge will come next step in the 60 days for those who have

started putting 400 , 500 Watts , after the system and too before the systems,

now you have to run this for about 60 days maybe 3 months and then if you

connect it into the appliance which you put after the system and you connect to a line before the system or

earth it you get an AC supply or a DC high voltage for your system to use and anything youuse in this side is free.


It is too early for us to release it because

none of you have gone through that process. The reason Alex is getting this is

because he has already been using this for nearly 6 months in the house.

Everything in the house is plasma flow and very soon you should be pointed out that you don’t need to have any more wire intothe system. I have told Alex what to do hopefully he gets a chance to do it andtell us next week or 2 how to make the wireless systems in the power supply.Your margrave system come to use for power supply and let Alex do his work, heknows what he wants to do. Have you managed to do it yet Alex?


[Alex]: I would have for the equipment I amstill waiting for it to come. When it comes i am going to do that.


[Mr Keshe]: How are you going to receive thatsoon weren’t you going to show me yesterday.


[Alex]; Maybe 阿:希望快些。

[Mr Keshe]: No problem thanks anyway, it is apleasure to work with you Alex


[Alex]; Alright Mr. Keshe, thank you 阿:谢谢凯史先生。

[Mr Keshe]: This is where now we come we're

going to do total work through plasma. as I said to you we gradually go because we

allow people and knowledge seekers to add to the knowledge as it builds up the

system which you see here on the screen on the table with Ali is the first system A lot  of you will try this process and you will failbecause youare not following the rules of what i said you dont follow the process the way I have

said.. Some of you will succeed but halfwaycollectively we all will achieve it, this is a victory or success for humanitythat is not one of us but all of us reaches.


At the foundation we have access to people like

Ali and the others who are around have allthe gone to the phase of producing thesethings. One of the ways in a future i will show you the 3 dimensional withoutthe 2 coils. We have already produced  inthe ration of section August October of this year and we will show it. It sitsin Phillipine we bring it to be show now that it's been put to an advance. Itis combination of both magnetic and gravitational field with one  structure and its been made by our people inthe Philippines they did not bring it to the table, now it is time to bring itto the table they bring it out and showing,


What we got to do Ali is make sure the fields within the system feed

themselves.Don't allow any leakage connect the magnetic and gravitational

fields on both stackers, if i was you i connect the gravitational of all the 3

trays at the bottom to the gravitational of the bottom bottom plate and connect

the magnetical part tothe top of the plate we see on the top. Have you connected the 2 stackers on top to each other

or is it just free?[if !vml]



[Ali]: No the 2 stackers are connected. so the bottom goes to the

second ,3rd oneto the up to the up so all of them are connected in series - to +

不,是连在一起的。所以,最下面向上连,到第二层,到第三层,[if !vml]


[Mr. Keshe]: I think i would have been advisableto keep the 3 stackers separately


[Ali]: Or just do 3 by 3  (02.30.05)


[Mr. Keshe]: Now that you have connectedthe  magnetical from the 3 platesand  gravitational from the 3 platesto the bottom and magnetical to

the top, you create the the flow you are looking for , you should see the top

of yoursystem creates a whitey silverish glow.and then you should see what you would see is

that this white silverish glow will moveaway. it is like a bubble. You should see a bubble which comes up about thesame distance as the one of the stackers and then he will create in one sweep aflash of light. It just comes like a flash of light will connect with the 3base bottoms and you will see your UFO or your spaceship.


You have to see the floating bubble up, if yoursystem is made in a way that i showed in the pictures 14 bubbles sit in themiddle betweenwhat do you call it, the 5th  and 6th as you can see. Then you will have aproblem. If you do your stacker solid, i wish i could send you, send the …, Itell what we are going to do Ali,

you get some…, my... , hold on…,Is Ella on the line ?We have

Ella anywhere today? Vince do you see her in the background , or Stanley


[Vince] No i don't see them


[Mr. Keshe]: What i am going to do Ali is  i am going to the factory to send you 10 boxes,the blue boxes that you can build you stacker solid into the boxes


[Ali]: Thank you very much Mr. Keshe i highlyappreciate it .


[Mr. Keshe]: go to Ella and give your address toElla and we send you the boxes through


[Rick]: Just send to me in the web master


[Mr. Keshe]:Sorry vince is Francois or JFonline? Nothing maybe JF is not listening. I think Francois or JF have about 20boxes they can give you in Canada a few pieces


[Rick]: Let me work on the back


[Mr. Keshe]: Yes work on the background because20 boxes went to JF for other thing he is doing. Ask them to give you the boxesand put these rings in the boxes. Then they are solid, they don't move


[Ali] Thank you very much


[Mr. Keshe]: You are quite welcome andcongratulation i salute you


[Ali] Thank you peace to this planet and to thewhole universe


[Rick] Westill have the night  before christmas you still got a lot


[Mr. Keshe]: Not forget the light of christmascame from the Iranian culture


[Rick] On the day before christ’s birthday. Kindof a spoiler it's interesting


[Mr. Keshe]:We should be able to do it. I think there are the units

with JF we can transfer if you are in Canada, you literally rapidly get it

to each other and some more to jam, We are going to announce as part of the

structure as part of the process with respect to our work in the coming days ,which is what now what do you

call it Ali has shown we will make an announcement in this respect as part of

the world peace project. We are very much on course we do not disclose the way

we used to for people to cause trouble but we are on our way and this completes

information depended by

, Ali project needs a lot of very very fine tuning to get it and you will see

it. Your cups,your plates the way they are stacked, they destroy a lot of you field that iswhy a lot of your, the shimmer you see is not so strong. You have to get itperfectly right


[Rick]: Are they styrofoam plates


[Ali]: yeah the one which you use to save onfood


[Mr. Keshe]: you have to stack them veryperfectly correctly  and you have to makesure your centre fields are all the same. when you used, because now the

units you had, you need the 2nd generation of the plates, the present

generation is a very thick wall between the coils you have to turn it upside

down orcut the centre half and put the thing on it. i have done that in factory acouple of weeks ago.


When you get it if you a problem to do it ,contact me and i tell you howto do it. You have to clip the middle plate out and you have the ring to put itin the position and all you need to is to string it and  it hold in exactly the same position. theplates of the new core coming out in january. But we get on the line all thesystems which we have sold or has

been ordered or had been manufactured and have left or leaving in thenext few days. Speaking of the New Year and Christmas, the factorymust have been shut down to make sure we have no orders.  all the power units just waiting to beshipped. Literally or technically no problems inside.Labeling that boxes havebeen packaged wish it  is completed bythe end of the year Hopefully we  able todo.


All the power units

or car units should be  0 ordered backlog in the centre end  of December and all the unit which is goingcharity organisation should be coming out of the Philippine government and tothe African nations should be completed by hopefully end of January.so with this number equal to

sales sent to the Palestinian government to the African nations and to the

Italian population in a very random manner .on the other hand i should say

today is the day before christmas and maybe we have received our presentsfor the christmas with seeingwhat is in front of us. So 2016 will be the change and we have seen the changebefore 2016 and the wisdom comes from within not from outside and it'sbeautiful that is found within the structure of Keshe foundation where we willwork and i shall openly show it. If you can place this unit on a transparentplastic that if you manage to get it lifted from this position you will see thestar formation  light on there very veryeasily and the plastic will allow you to see it. I congratulate in a very deepway.

所有的动力装置或车用单元都已在12月中完成订单,送给慈善机构的单元也已经准备好;还有送往非洲各国的应该会在一月末完成,与销售额相同数量的装备会非常随机的送给巴勒斯坦政府,非洲国家以及意大利。另一方面,今天是圣诞节前一天,也许我们收到的圣诞礼物就在眼前。2016年会是变化的一年,之前也已经发生很多改变,智慧也会由内而外散发,这样很美妙,就像我们看到的凯史基金会的结构一样,我们再一起工作,在一起分享。(对阿里说)如果你把这个单元放在透明塑料上,如果你试图让它在这个位置上飞升,你会发现这个星型组合变得很轻并很容易就被抬起,塑料能够帮助你。预祝你能有更进一步的发现。[Ali]Same here i send my love to you, and to everyone and this earth and everyone inthe universe


[Mr. Keshe]: Just carry on like this you have a

perfect job .you

have to just balance it. If you photograph this shot ,you will see your plates change

position because they are loose, you need to lock it in . Get polytrim pins and

go and lock and tie them up, like put 4 pins around, drill it through that it

just hold them in their position.You

know this plastic pipes that they hold them to the safe regular stacker  and i'msure if you get it right, if you haven't interfered with anything you should beable to do to show the whole shimmer. There is a problem with this, i know ican see it to reach a full, what i call the spaceship shape but make sure allthe time you keep this system off the ground.

凯:像现在这样继续,你一定会取得好成果的。[if !vml]


[Ali]: Okay  好的。

[Mr. Keshe]: Keep this system off the ground . If you keep it into ground level, ,you will not see such an effect.Whenyou put it on a transparent plate make sure the plate doesn't sit flat likethis on the table,  they has 2,3 legs to make them minimize any

connection. But it will do, keep a distance measurement and try to leave a

radio very near to this and listen to the radio ,constantly listen to the radio, it tells you if  you hear the break in the noise, the soundgoes down the radio goes silence,it means just go out of the room in a safe distance because the field start

building up and it builds very rapidly and the system you will see the

structure of the spaceship.but i have done this many time and leave a radio very close by.people who work with us knowwhat i am talking about, when the noise of the radio goes when you feelexpansion comes but with this system you have a rapid expansion and you will govery very fast and fly


[Ali]: OKay 好的。

[Mr. Keshe]: Just get yourself a radio, you need

to listen to FM and AM ,youneed 2 of them, one gives you the indication which way you are going


[Ali]; Okay, Thank you Mr Keshe


[Mr. Keshe]: You have done exactly what was

said and this is absolutely perfect .so just don't forget to add the Capacitors ,so listen to this presentation

3 or 4 times before you start working, get everything correct, if we just found

Francois online,we could have got you. Give your address to, what do you call it, webmaster and we will get you

somehow these units to be done .but

our units for this things require a little bit of modification, but it locks in your systems,

it locks the system in it doesn't just l et it move it goes into the box

to margrave unit .Arman are you online,I know you are online


[ARMAN]; Yes 是的

[Mr. Keshe]: have you transferred the unitewhich was supposed to go the department of energy or it is still with you


[Arman]; NO 还没有

 [Mr.Keshe]: I mean do you have it with you 4 or 5  


[Arman]: No I have 2


[Mr. Keshe]: Yeah you had 3 and you took 2before , 5


[Arman]: No 2 I had and one is the in thefactory


[Mr. Keshe]: No problem, it is just that I

wanted to see how fast we can get him some units to lock it in. It okay seewhat you can if you have aproblem, the guys in Canada I know there is 20 units on the way that was seethat they get you that


[Ali]: Okay that would be excellent, thanks you  好的,真是太感谢了。

[Mr. Keshe]: Congradulations fantastic and onbefore Christmas. Any other thing we can see?


[Rick]: Yes, sorry who is here ?


[Bernard]: (02.44.28) Its Bernard, I might havea system to show here, I have been holding off on it I didn’t want to confuseeverything it pertaining to the same principles as Mr Keshe has brought up ifwe have got time maybe I can show it


[Mr. Keshe]: Yes please why not


[Bernard]: Hi Mr Keshe how are you, hello toeveryone


[Rick]; Show your video then we can put it no


[Bernard] I have a few photos and stuff, I havegot a new mac here and im sort of getting hand on things cause im still trynawork, you might have to help me, I think I can show my screen


[Rick]: You might not want to show your wholescreen you might want to show just a window depending on what is on your screenbecause it will show everything on your screen


[Bernard]: It is just a picture window that willshow up and I will scroll through and click on what I want to show. Alright, Ihave a couple of short videos and I have a few pictures to show and I canexplain it as we go I guess


[Rick]; Sure just click on share screen


[Bernard]: Hold on a minute here I have the

whole thing covered everything up , I will hit share screen there alright. Yousee this ?


[Mr. Keshe]: Nope, just a little round thingwhich is a head of man I think


[Rick]: You should be able to   share screen and window will come up withselection and you have to select,

 瑞:你应该能看到 分享屏幕的选项,然后会跳出窗口供你选择。

[Bernard]: Okay screen I will hit screen shareand I will select screen share here

 伯:好的,点 分享屏幕,再选择我要分享的。

[Rick]: It should be a green button on thebottom of the zoom window, is that what you mean.


[Bernard]; I have got, share video, sharescreen, I have got it here okay now I will try to see if I can put my picturesup here. They are up. Can you see it, is there something behind if…

[if !vml]


[Rick]; Instead of … Oh here we go I am startingto get it.


[Mr. Keshe]: What are we looking at which one?


[Bernard]: These are just different things Igot. This would be the unit there. i have some music behind it, can't get mypictures into another department, this computer yeah. I don't know mac can,,,


[Rick]; You could just be able to , you could


[Bernard]: I will show you the video first, i

have a video up here, maybe we should go through that quickly, it just give you

an idea, it show you unit working. It is function and probably has been for 18

days now hooked to the house   


[Mr. Keshe]: And what deduction can you see


[Bernard]; I have been keeping tabs on my smartmeter and stuff and yeah things can calm down considerably, i don't know how, ithink my , excuse me ?


[Mr Keshe]: How much ?


[Bernard]; In 24 hours there was probably about.87 on the meter and it down 33 in a span of 17 days but i think what isshowing is the.


[Mr Keshe]: You are in North America or inAmerica


[Bernard] i am in Canada, Eastern Canada


[Mr Keshe]: I thought you were in America. you

are on the 2 phasesystem?


[Bernard] Yes


[Mr Keshe]: That is why, we said when you are on

a 2 phase systemwe get 66% that is what you are going to get you get 66%


[Bernard]: Yeah but later i think my smart meter reversed polarity or did something and

they caught on to it and at one point, it dropped 400 point one night and the next

morning it started climbing again.but what happened i think what is showing on the meter is what is going outinto the grid. This is what i think is happening


[Mr Keshe]: Yeah the positions. I have seen

something very interesting you will see this is what it is, because you are pushing on2

phases you are forcing the 3rd phase to accept which is this is way in india

-Europia single phase connections online, in the 2 phase you are forcing the 2

phasesare forcing the 3rd to phase to reverse,its possible. This is something that  we have seen that in the factoryin the elevation now you couldunderstand why one ofthe phase is 0


[Bernard] But now i getting charge…


[Mr Keshe]: you are getting charged what


[Bernard]; Now what is happening is, i went

online to check my readings when it was close to,just my bill. There was somebit of confusion, it was 0 balance and nothing would come up,and then finally igot my bill, they had a little note on it, if you disconnected, doneconstruction,but something was not adding up in their department or something was adding up on it in your apartment,

they finally billed mefor what i have been pushing in the meter,

because my meter is just showing what has been,something being drawingin but what is happening  it's showingwhat  is going out. Thatcausestheconfusion


[Mr Keshe]: So they are taking power from you


[Bernard]: Their charge would be for what is

showing on the meter .but

what is showing onthe meter is im pretty sure  is it iswhat i am putting into the line.


[Mr Keshe]: Is there any difference between it


. [Bernard]: :Oh yeah i have done some testswith it here, i back off on a few things, i even unhook the system  yesterday, and what was showing on the meterwent down to just a trickle, that means I wasn’t putting anything into it butmy load in the house was still running continuous.

[Mr. Keshe] I see you have that in the 2 phase I

have seen a morestrangething in a 3 phase. I am

gonna explain to When I explained toyou something which we have explained to the energy suppliers that is why they

aren’t very happy with us. I will let the cat

out of the bag



[Rick; can we see a picture there Bernard ?


[Bernard]: I am going to let another cat out of

the bag,all them transformers on the telephone poles, probably closer to my house, theyall going to be nano coated, those will be little reactors I think.


[Mr Keshe]: yeah, let me explain to you

something very interesting, do you want to show something and then I explain,[if !vml]



[Bernard]: I will show a little explanation,working unit here, there maybe some music come on I will try to kick it off


[Mr Keshe]; Yeah take the music off, we don’twant pay a penalty for you


[Bernard] Let me just turn that off right away.I will have to scroll through all these stuff here, if is the right one


[Mr Keshe]: Is that your stacker ?

凯:这是你的存储器吗?[if !vml]


[Bernard] Yeah there is music behind it , ican't explain. i have coils all over. all the way around it, they are in starformation and that piece in my hand that feeds the bottom. it is a nano pastein there with foil and stuff and i have other coils in series wrapped aroundit, the plasma battery  is also.... here as you can 2:53:00see in

the bottom are in star formation and i have got one big plasmabattery in the centre andthere is a coil directly up top over that but that plasma battery is connectedto the bottom coils. The system feeds inat from the tuck and starts at the bottom star formation coil sothese are positive negative flow coils. Where my thumbs are …

伯:这是有音乐的,我也不知道该怎么解释。我把这个存储器的四周都围上了线圈,就是那个星型组合,我手上拿的这个东西是放在底座为其提供动力的。[if !vml]

[endif]它是纳米涂层的金属薄片,这是缠绕在外围的其它线圈,还有等离子电池。[if !vml]

[endif]底部的这种结构就像星型组合,在中间,我放了一个很大的等离子电池,[if !vml]


[Mr Keshe]: What does this system do ?


[Bernard]; It produces the power that i am

talking about, those are the power batteries, i have 6 of them on top, there

are tied in series together but they are tied in parallel when they get to the

bottom of the system but it is  a bitcomplicatedbut i put the theory to use here and it works, actually i think it is quitepowerful i am not sure how much it puts out but i don't know if i can unnute this quickly

伯:我说的这个是提供能量的。这些是能量电池,我在上面用了6块电池,[if !vml]


{from video}

This is just from the battery setup right now, ithought i had 3 weeks on the battery

刚刚是从电池装置上发出的,大概使用了三周。[if !vml]

[endif][if !vml]


[Rick]: the thing is the music and stuff, whatyou can is screen share without the audio


[Bernard] Can you hear

me now? i guess i will explain.It is just a battery charger, it is a computer

right. it runs on its own ,right now,i have got he system tied into itself. It is strong enough to feed itself plus

there is, i am running about 800Watts on that and it was 500 Watts showing on

the inverter so i was getting basically 300 Watts this was all in the testing

stage when i was getting the system goinglefthere for 3 weeks before i tied it to the house grid.So  there are other systems, so basicallywe have seen this. i've got some picture i can show you if you want to see canyou still hear me ?

伯:你现在能听到我说话吗?我可以向你们解释一下。它只是一个充电器,[if !vml]

[endif]现在成为一个计算机了,它现在正在运行。整个系统是绑在一起的,[if !vml]

[endif]能量巨大,可以自给自足,现在功率大概是800瓦,逆变器上显示的是500瓦,[if !vml]

[endif]所以剩下的300瓦基本上是供我使用了,系统还在继续测试,这个系统在我把它加入房间的供电网络前,已试运行了3个星期。[if !vml]


[All] Yeah 可以

[Bernard]: I have a few

different kind of photos. I am just trying to  scrollmy computer so i can sorta picking

my way round it, trying out stuff into it.I can't seem to get itout of this section here with all the music. I will try this i will shut themusic down but it shows in more in detail how i constructed this thing

我还有一些其它照片。现在我在拖动电脑的滚动条,希望能找到需要的东西。我好像总是不能把音乐去掉,再让我试一下,我会关掉它的,这里有很多我建构这个系统的细节。[if !vml]

[endif][if !vml]

[endif][if !vml]

[endif][if !vml]

[endif][if !vml]


[Mr Keshe]: Can you stop

the music please, it okay stop it because it can cause us problem. We donnot want have problems.


[Rick]: What you can do is onyour screen share is to not select to do the audio feature and see if thatmight help. You might have to reselect you screen share without the audiofeature


[Bernard]: Rick can youstill see my screen,


[Rick]: Yeah we stillsee your screen


[Mr Keshe]: You music issafe, your mac is safe. oh you are a mac user


[Bernard]: yeah theyjust hacked in and burnt my other system. I was under attack for quite a whilehere with stuff i was posting. Yeah now they will be more difficult to getbecause things are encrypted.


[Rick]; What you have todo is re share  your screen stop thescreen share and re share it


[Mr Keshe]: Let meexplain to you a little bit about how you get hacked because a lot of peopleare getting this problem. It coming through your skype. It done professionally,it's done by NATO Belgium and Germany and we know who is doing it are. Do not  use your skype for communication on yourlaptop. You can do the skype on your mobile they can't  get android mobile they can't touch at themoment. but this done by, these professionals they come and send you somethingby skype and they come  in through Belgiumand Germany.


[Bernard] They gotinto my other computer that way they pretty much put anasty virus, but skype, i don't even have skype anymore i have this livestreamhere and


[Mr Keshe]; Yeah it isthe skype they use it, it is the same thing that they damaged our system. It isuntrue the same people and everybody knows who they are by now. Especially inGermany they are Hackers and in Belgium there are part of the structure of thegovernment to damage as much as they can. We have seen what they have done andwhat they do.


Since that it is

finished now they can pickle as much as they like ,itwill be a waste of time and whatever they like. We will make announcement inrespect to these things very soon and  ithink just to let me advise you do not use skype, do not post anything withconnection witha skype connection on your mobile that come anddestroy everything. It is done by people we know who they are, they are in apost and the people who understand therolelaw in different countries but i do apologize we go the samesituation most of us got  stranger on theKeshe foundation. people work round the

foundation and people post about the foundation then get done. It is a very

nice job they are doing it, they get very well paid in thier accounts in swiss

banks and the German banks but the German banks and the international banks

system is watching what they are doing and the ones who are doing because the

money is going in literally in a very very back door way. 既然已经结束了,他们就可以任意破坏,这样很浪费时间,但他们喜欢。很快,我们会就这些事情发个通知,建议你们不要使用Skype,不要通过Skype发布相关的帖子或是在手机上用Skype发帖,否则他们就会毁掉你的所有东西。我们都知道他们是谁,他们有自己的岗位,了解不同国家的法律。我也要道歉,我们都有遇到同样的情况,很多人都在凯史基金会发现一些陌生人。他们在这里工作,发布一些关于基金会的信息,然后就被攻击了。这些黑客从事的工作很轻松,而且高薪,他们在瑞士银行和德意志银行的账户上都有一笔不菲的存款,不过德国的银行和国际银行系统会密切监视他们在做什么,谁在做,因为这些钱毕竟都是通过非法途径转入的。

(03.00.21) i have a very good news for you if i canadd Keshe foundation pen and  the palhave been certified as a medical equipment. We got the medical certificate ithas been done yesterday and we have been equipment too.if they would have given us one

we would be able to advertise.but because of his work he has gone into certification 2 will take us a few

more days to do all the final bits. we have make a lot of paperwork background

for it. It has recognised as a health medical health system not as an



it is said quite an essential tool which allows

still to advertise but not the way did without going public with it,but we really have tonegotiate to bring it down to 2 than the full medical system. Then nobody couldhave advertised to see it to get the website that we have to come to astandard, you cannot advertise for aspirin. You cannot advertise for anythingwhich is medical one  and have we beenlucky and we managed to negotiate our team managed to negotiate with the teamsat Keshe that it has been recognised hopefully when we release the good injanuary


  it carries this healthCE certificate as a medical equipment and i can congratulate Keshe  team in the fine tree they are working veryhard to get this done and so the way because we done the pens and the paddifferent with the way it was doneChina. It is done under the European regulations

the materials has been changed to be in the regulations to have a C certificate

to be out ,but

our management and the new director we brought in. they decided we are doing such

a fantastic thing they treasure it and we have been given health certificate 2

which is we can

sell it as medical equipment but whatare some restrictions during advertising is which we have to followour

lawyers . As i said we have just in the company now

they are seeing how we can advertise.


we had to remove some

wording to the structure then it will be the leaflet which are  accompanied will be certified as healthequipment and is not of off the table or whatever we will see how far we can gobut for the next 3 4 weeks all should be tied up somehow and you buy healthequipment  certified CE health toauthorized by or under the Euro regulations.there

is a lot of restrictions and a lot of advertising but with them moving it to 2

still allows us to advertise but we cannot do it to 1. There is a possibility

that the pad will move into section 1 in the next 12-18 months if they decide

to do to but at the moment we do not see it that way but the pen has been

marked for total health equipment, with the certification. it is not the way you do it .This is not the way has been done by a

lot of people. i have modified it to be that way and hopefullywe should be able to deliver this and we have shown it, i have it here  i showed the box to you.Just one second please.


This is the exact copy

of what you are going to get .without We have modified tip within the two stern within the regulationfor the health equipment so it cost us a little bit more we had to change thecasting because of the regulations and the pad has passed full certification


[Rick] You want to startyour video there Mr Keshe


[Mr Keshe]: I am just

waiting for caroline. We are giving these

units as a gift to as part of the world

peace position. This is as strong as

before. We

even had to pay for the boxes to be redone because of the certification.This is

the way you will receive it and we had the tip for health regulations.the tip was changed to comply to regulations to what we been asked to do,the ultimate shape and size is the this the tip might be slightly changed 17000EURO we had to pay to be in the regulation.

凯:我在等卡洛琳。我们释放这些产品作为促进世界和平的一部分。这和以前一样强大。[if !vml]

[endif]由于标准的限制,我们甚至还要付钱返工做这些盒子。你们收到的就是这种样式。为遵从规定,我们对尖头进行调整直至符合卫生标准。[if !vml]

[endif]最终的形状和大小大概是这样的。[if !vml]


This is the box you will

receive it in. It is white in the backer,blue background and it is white  and blue sits in a white embedded withconventional folder to it. Everything we dofromKeshe foundation manufactures has to be within the standard .now

we all follow the boxes to be presentation the documentation and certification.we do not put anything out without certification.   and on the other hand we have received hugesupports from the governments to launch these materials and we are expecting in coming days

these major will be brought into this way.    

ÕâÊÇ外部的包装盒¡£笔是蓝底白边,放在一个°×É«µÄǶÈë³£¹æÎļþ盒中¡£[if !vml]


because we stop trying to do it even with the power units. We  took our time, we designed

the power unit. The power unit

which come out in January are different one which we are released now and maybe nowwe every unit that has been sold it manufactured and is sitting in the factoryand it just a matter of shipping them out .


All the tracking numberare being issued on a daily  basis to thedispatch we holding as usu.al the only

thing dispatch will start what we thought will be the blockage in the full

stage.You will recieve an email from the dispatch that your material has been

shipped .we even have a problem today a huge system

of bars has gone missing. and we watching it appear

how they tampered with it. We choose

the time of the launch that dispatch to be within the highest traffic

christmas time that it cannot be lose as many a[if !vml]

[endif][if !vml]

[endif]t least aspossible.

But anything

you have paid for, anything you have done reach

withis manufactured it is just a process of packing and sending it out which wehave  a limit of what we do because ofthe security check.


Even some of you today or tomorrow

will receive a message from the foundation dispatch saying your system has been

dispatched. We have seen some scare mongering by people putting on the fire and

whatever these are the same people who are hacking the systems, it is a German

group. But  ihave to tell you one thing i know kevin drevver is on  the german group working.


Keshe foundation Germany

has been registered on Tuesday as an independent registered company.Keshe

foundation manufacturing is done so or will be done next week.but Keshe foundation germany is living entity in Germany legally,all those who tried very hard stop it i do apologise for your lose of effort.


Congratulations to eric

and kevin and richard who worked very hard. Keshe

foundation germany structure  is specifically built for Germany.i signed the documents last week and Keshe foundation manufacturing Germany has

already been signed all the documents for its establishment and it will be

operating sometime in February hopefully and they are

pulling on the back of the Armin and Silvestre to structure,the production nanocoating and the teaching team.


We will start

manufacturing in 6-7 countries by February and in that way the number of

document which is going to be released hopefully by Armen  this week. We had to modify the companyagreement because amount of flaws into it and  something was missing. I has been hopefullydone he was working on it to release today or tomorrow.


any of you have applied

to become manufacturers and your request has been done, we sent you the

documents and they will do the security check in background. Those of you who

receive the form to register Keshe foundation in our countries we have build up

specially for this purpose, the dual way

to allow the maximum benefit to you nation and as i said congratulation germany

and we are authorizing the establishment of Keshefoundation bulgaria as an independant the last we saw the people we saw anagreement with they have not done the job .Keshe foundation Bulgaria is open forestablishment from the people we requested from them  and they had a mandate they just never usedit,so keshe foundation Bulgaria can be produced

because it is default for the people who set it that way,that's to start to creating a Keshe foundation manufacturing, we did not get a

response from our request,so  we assumed that they will not do it  legally we are We are not bound to any suchactivity so Keshe foundation Bulgaria is open for registration but those of youwho are opening the manufacturing the structure would be the same and the restKeshe Foundation Manufacturing Japan has been registered in Tokyo,we have gone into the phase of preproduction with conjunction ,withone of the major work production companies.


They have started

pretesting and production should be established in the next few weeks we will

support heavily the Keshe foundation China as a major cooperation.we will send documents to the Chinese governments for our investment into the

Chinese Keshe foundation collectively divingthat we are writing a cross which

means in far enough Keshe foundations in China that’s directly from the Keshe

foundation Headquarters in equal basis, if they need it. If they can do it

themselves ,we will not do because we see china as part ofour support for Africa


The other point which

have to inform you is that Keshe foundation as a spaceship organisation has

been separated from the Keshe foundation FSSI .we

have a Keshe foundation website. We have a Keshefoundation SSI is  theteaching division and the Keshe foundation has a spaceship independentinstitute has been setup so KFSSI is and has become independent from SSI.the Space Ship Institute has become as it was set up spaceship institute.orghas received its own website.has been seperated(03.15.07)

还有一点我们必须要告诉你们,凯史基金会作为研究宇宙飞船组织已从凯史基金FSSI分离。我们有基金会的网站。我们有基金会SSI的基础教学部,凯史基金会设立了独立的太空飞船学院,因此,KFSSI独立于SSI。SSI已建立自己的网站spaceship institute.org,并且已经分离了。


it up Vince?  文斯,网站建成了吗?

[Vince]We are waiting for the confirmation to come through on the other end of thesite


Keshe]; It's okay you can go ahead .I have

received the documents. It is still the same house we are just changing holding




[Vince]: Right we needto work on that in the background


[Mr Keshe]: so now Keshe

foundation as of more of less this week we have Keshe foundation.org.we have KFSSI which is a teaching arm and as I said early on with respect to

SSI as I said to presentation of Ali that what we are

about to do the spaceship institute.org

is established as a spaceship program .

凯:那么,凯史基金会至少会在本周成立网站,Keshe foundation.org。KFSSI负责教学,像我之前向阿里介绍的关于凯史SSI的信息,我们要做的spaceship institute.org 是太空飞船项目。

you will understand the

reason we done it. so it

carries its own logo which is a blue circle on its own.KFSSI stays with the blue logo with the circle around it. I just received text

from our lawyers that the registration is completed.SO we have 3 sides KFI ,SSI

which is a teaching arm headed by Marco.Keshe foundation as a mother,as

aparent stays the same and from now we have space ship institute.org as a space

program, separated from teaching and separated from the



This is done  becauseour collaboration with the government in announcing the establishment of noborder,no nation,work  one country to

develop the space program as an independent space ship. If we achieve what we

are working on in our coming time, we will

announce one of the major cities as the spaceship city. Which means where as

you have Cape Carrol as part of Nasa , Kesh

foundation has found home for its space program in collaboration with the

government. If we manage to sign the document in the next 2-3 months we will

have a space launch centre within the world organisation which means we had to

do this ,to separate the spaceship institute as

organisation devoted to a space ship program and if we receive we hope one of the things we hope to receive it duringthe holidays and we will announce a city which will be based in, based at, weoperate through and we are home for launches.

这是因为在与政府合作时,就在宣传建立没有无国界,共同开发空间项目。如果我们在未来能取得一些成就,我们将宣布其中一个主要城市作为宇宙飞船城。这意味着,哪里有Cape Carol ,它就是NASA的一部分,凯史基金会与政府合作的空间项目有实验基地。我们会努力在未来2到3个月完成所有文件的签署,作为一个世界性的组织,我们会有自己的空间发射中心,这意味着我们必须做到这一点,宇宙飞船研究所要单独作为一个组织从事宇宙飞船项目研究,希望我们能在假期中收到文件,如果可以,我们会尽快挑选一个城市作为项目运行和飞船发射基地。

 This has taken us a long step but now that thesite has been done as you heard. the site is

ready spaceship institute.org as in

independent space program is more or less launched. We will have a home base,

launch base and a whole organisation base and we hopefully receive the support

for and receive the agreement for a couple more organizations.

这已经使我们向前迈了一大步,现在网站已经建成,网站是spaceship institute.org作为独立的空间计划项目,算是投入运行了。我们将有一个基地,发射基地和整个组织基地,我们希望得到更多组织的支持。

 the blue flags stays as the spaceship instituteas not KFSSI. KFSSI is collaboration betweenthe foundation and the work of the foundation which comes to the

teaching asone of the 5 beneficiaries of the 90% of income of the foundation income and

then the special issue which is part of the second line willcome to operation,so we start going the direction we came and in so many ways,once the webmaster team put it on, you can from the Keshe foundation websitegot to KSSI or go to spaceship institute on its own.

蓝色的旗帜仍属于宇宙飞船机构,而不是KFSSI。KFSSI是基金会和教学部的合作机构,基金会90%的收入来自于此,因而是 5个收益机构中的一个,还有一个关键问题,第二条线将会很快投入使用,我们要开始我们做最初的方向,很大程度上,一旦网站管理团队将它放上去,你就可以直接从凯史基金会的网站去KFSSI或者去太空船研究网站。

 I would like to thank those in the governmentand authorities and people behind it who are listening today for the support.we

ask them to listen and kept you the end .KESHE Founation foundation space institute if we manage to

finalize the paperwork without any interference .we

will have a home base city launch and the name of the city we will call the

home of the space ship program. We have a very good backershopefully they can complete the problem and then we can go as we are planning

to do. I think we are long enough into this it is

nearly 12.20 we can call it a day for today


[Rick]: Mr Keshe let me

finish with a comment from someone from the last workshop shiwata emwa.she says dear Dr. Keshe  in this path ofknowledge, we are bounding ourselves with the infinity

loop that is you are linking us all

together like a unit with the power of the margrave. The older lady holding a

crystal with the coils made up by her own with limited resources like the

candle of peace that was outstanding confidence that you have given us and the

boy from Africa making gans from his own from his own body for treatment of malaria and successfully treat

it also, this is now flowing as in the ancient Vedas.I don’t know about the real origins , for me each

unit is a shri yantra and the spaceship is the manna .this

is really going towards beauty and perfection and to the universal law.thank you

   瑞:凯史先生请让我再读一个评论,是上一个工作坊的学员shiwata ewma。她说,亲爱的凯史博士,在这条知识之路上,我们团结在一起,不断学习,你把我们连到一起就像一个磁引力场的动力机制。老太太利用自己有限的资源,手里拿着缠绕着线圈的晶体,分外安详,而这种自信是您带给我们的,来自非洲的孩子,用gans为自己治疗疟疾并且治愈,这就是不断流传的Vedas,真正的起源我无从得知。对我来说每个能量单元就是shri yantra ,宇宙飞船就是我们的家人。我们不断走向完美,这就是普遍规律。谢谢你。                                                                                            [Mr. Keshe]:You are welcome hopefully.we

will be able to announce new changes in the new year in a very positive direction our people are working on a

background very hard. Even during the holidays to make sure it happens we were

surprised even the people in the factory wanting to be back. Just taking 2 days

off just today and tomorrow,they start work again on Saturday because they have seen how the power units

will report changes to them .becausethey have seen that they are using it themselves and we will increase  research, new products will be announced bythe innovation centre.we

are looking for a huge number of people to employ for the foundation .


[Rick]; The Chinese callit the happy box I wonder what the Italians call it

[Mr. Keshe]: What do youmean?

[Rick]: Well the Chinese

call it the happy box because it makes them feel happy when they go into the





[Mr. Keshe]: There are 3

more reactors on the way to Chinese. I have to

explain that with the setting up of the factories,we are looking within the Keshe foundation family to employ across the world

between 30000-50000 in 2016 -2017.


we have opened the site

as the factory’s build up as the production and the new materials comes we are

looking to build the structures between the Keshe foundation supporters.if you know about Nano coating.ifyou willknow about the gans making you have done enough work with the plasma technologyplease get in touch with the factory section because I know the Armin need alot of people to do the job.

我们已经建立工厂,生产产品和新材料,这是我们在凯史基金会的支持者之间建立的结构。如果你知道你会知道纳米涂层技术和gan 的制作工艺,还有与等离子体技术相关的从业经验,请与工厂联系,阿尔曼需要很多这方面的工作人员。

 He is going to get things from the Germans fora couple of weeks I think, to make sure

things go the way they  ought to do it .puttingindustrial teachers or plasma teachersto teach the factory worker. We need to teach

the people before we teach the factory so that we know. I congratulate Armin

for his hard work. he had to work very

hard in the back background as a devout man to the technology. In so many ways,

as I pull away from the teaching site and all youthought I’m just not going to teach But I teach only one day a week in ininstitute because most of my work from now on goes to what we just announced{sound error}


So the reason that I

pull out of the teaching so much, it will be

done by the teacher, by the new teachers which Mark is setting up because we

have to see the development of the space ship city and making this thing takes

a lot time. And I will be heading the space program in the spaceship city if we

come to agree on the final pieces,so therewill be less teaching by me in a way in balleta but the expansion of theteaching goes to Macho with the team if the teachers he setting up.


I thank Marko for his

hard work he was even there yesterday he hasn’t gone home for Christmas yet, we

met on Monday now he still working, Stanley and Macho setting up the entire

teaching as a structure. We will open the African teaching centre with the help

of Macho and Alex and we are hoping to open if we can get any kind of work done in theUS teaching centre.but you don’t need tomove from you continents to come to Europe. This is what Marco is planning inthe background, as far as I know. We are hoping that we come to some form of collaborationwith the Chinese to open directly teaching centres in china.


We might announce open

centre somewhere in the destination of the spaceship city.we bring its own reach centre and own teaching centre and the capability and

capacity has to be discussed that we can actually come to work within the

spaceship teaching centre and work as developers of the spaceship program. We

kept all this to the back end of the year now we have always received the first

green lights and we have gone to the

position to take over this position. so from this

week on you will have keshe foundation,  you haveKFSSI as a teaching arm,you have  keshe foundation spaceship institute on itsown is going to be its own local separate.


The manufacturing willbe done we are moving the manufacturing to a new location  with the offer we received from the Italiangovernment, I thank the Italian authorities out television station some of ourteam have seen the pictures from station is the most modern on the edge of thestation system we can have for satellite and internet and banking system Ithink we are the first to put an application in for the Keshe foundation bankwhich is not another company is called Keshe foundation banking system or thebank centre.


We have all the

facilities .it takes us a few months to get the formalities

finished in the new year. we are not

going to another bank like normal commercial bank all the factories of the

Keshe foundation will bank with the same bank and all the credits all the

payments all the sales, the income of the foundation will go through the same

bank all of the organization of the bank we been told to authorise our own

credit card, our collection of the money that we can get people to pay into the

account very much like a pay pal system. We have been told primarily agreed

it’s just a formality to put it in order .

我们拥有所有的设施,在新的一年里,我们要花费几个月的时间来完成这些手续。我们不会再去其他普通商业银行,凯史基金会名下的所有工厂的全部贷款、转账、支付、以及基金的收入都会通过这一家银行进行交易。我们已经接到通知可以办理信用卡,集资,可以像pay pal(支付宝)那样让人们进行账户交易。这基本上已经定型,只是将这种形式在规定范围内实行。

we have come a long way

in 12 month but in the other hand it could not be done without the support of

all of you around the world to bring the knowledge on the table for a lot of

people. People make it they feed it they see it,they see the change in them we will show magical systems that are coming into

operation now that the first 2 system had been accepted as a medical. Section 2

it has opened our door for the massive release of more medical systems.I will show you next week ,a new way of

using your concentration regeneration of cells like if you have a heart problem,high blood problem where you can support without any internal operation to

rebuild the cell, rebuild the tissue ,we start

teaching it and release the equipment for it to be tested by the scientific

world. As I said I thank Vince for the massive work he has taken on in the past

12 months and especially thank his wife who lets us have him in this way.


[Vince]: She welcomes

you too  她说不用谢。

[Mr. Keshe]: It is the

same with Sandor and all of your who supported our propagation. We made a lot

of sacrifices but I think it is paid up if we

manage to finalise the spaceship city with the governor, rulers,the presidents of these countries,we go to thenext step of the development of the space technology. We will see what happensour people have moved in position and I wish them all the best to complete thisventure with the spaceship city.


We will the support I

wish I was with them but it is getting done, Especially if we have moved away

from the position to let them do their job this bring a lot of support to the

Keshe foundations internationally and we are not looking for recognition.we just want to carry on develop the system and today we Saw Ali showing us the

first of what we said .          Thankyou indeed, have a nice Christmas and as we said we come from the light we goback through the light.Thank youvery much


[Rick]: Thank you MrKeshe and that ladies and gentle will be the end of the 93rdknowledge seeker workshop for Thursday December 24 2015 and we will see backagain next week time and place

