Deviation, Varience, SD, SE


Deviation (from the mean)偏差

Average deviation平均偏差

Absolute deviation绝对偏差

Average absolute deviation平均绝对偏差

Squared deviation平方偏差

Average squared deviation平均平方偏差= variance

Standard deviation标准偏差sigma

Find the mean, find the deviation from the mean, square each deviation, take the average (get the varience), and then take the square root, get the standard deviation.

Bessel’s correction

use sample standard deviation (/(n-1), not n)  to approximate the true population standard deviation- sigma.

抽样分布sampling distribution的标准偏差=标准误差SE
Population standard deviation – sigma /standard deviation of distribution of sample means (sampling distribution) – SE= square root(n)(n is the sample size)


我们知道对于均值分布,其中每个均值都是样本量为 n 的均值,该分布的标准偏差就等于总体标准偏差除以平方根 n,这就叫做中心极限定理。



如果画出均值分布图的话,形状会是相对正态的,其中标准偏差等于总体标准偏差除以样本量的平方根我们一直都叫它 SE

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