Day 2 House interior

Day 2 House interior_第1张图片

A ladder sticks out in the middle of the room. Each of its five stairs is attached to the opposite plane, forming shelves to store various books, trinklets, a set of wine glasses and an exquisite box. To the left of the stairs is a big window embedded in the wall. Half of it is behind bars, obstructing a complete view of the trees outside. To the right is the dining space and the kitchen. The table with two chairs is already set with spoons, knives and forks. On the narrow shelf beside lays two bottles, probably for seasonings. Further away from us is the kitchen, with cabinets on the ground, a sink and a coffee machine on the table. An iron pan and a steel one hang on hooks stick to the wall. The rectangular window on the wall, with its view, resembles a Chinese ink painting.

With tulip-shaped lamps lighting up the cozy room and sunlight shedding down from upstairs, the natural pattern of the wood, dark here and light there, fully reveals itself. The considerate design and compact layout  makes the room a small but comfortable place.

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