I’ll just take a cab and meet you.我打车去找你。
I've been tossing and turning all night 翻来覆去睡不着
toss and turn! 这个词组的意思就是辗转反侧,难以入眠!
You treat me like dirt.你不拿我当回事,也可以翻译成你虐待我。
treat someone like dirt 不把某人当人看
You can go to hell. 你可以去死啦
也可以翻译成 去死吧,去死!
Business as usual常用来形容事情经过了异常之后恢复正常状态,可以翻译成“一切照旧,虚惊一场”。
People resumed work after a small fire incident, it was business as usual.
What's good here?
同样的意思还可以用另外一个句子来表达,“What doyou recommend? ” 一般说来,每个餐厅都有它最拿手的几道特色菜,所以就一定要问一下,以免后悔哦
Would you look at the time? I'm late for work.你看看都几点了!
be late for: 迟到
It's just that she's so... cheap.She's beneath you.
I'll get us drinks.我去拿点喝的。
drink: 饮料。
You’re beating around the bush
I'm toast:我完蛋了。我死了。我不行了。
toast吐司,烤面包片 烤;烘。我成烤面包了=我完了。。
Don't change the subject 别转移话题
Don't change the subject, that's not the point at issue.
This dress is awfully tight.I cann't get into it.衣服太小,我穿不了~
awfully: 极端地 tight: 紧身。
get into it: 穿进去
wife and child in tow: 拉家带口
in tow意思是“拖着,在一起”
Money is a little tighter than before.我手头点紧张
tight: 拮据的
You're on: 就这么定了。
如果有人和你打赌,你可以和他说“Ok. You are on.”
It's almost dinnertime 快到饭点了
You got a little time later 你一会有空吗?
按语法来说a little 不能修饰time。但是老美就这么用了,所以,口语无语法!
Do whatever you want 爱咋咋地
I have no doubt about that. You can always do whatever you want.
Well, it's a little chilly in here.这里有点小冷啊。
it's not chilly.一点都不冷。
My hunch is always right 我直觉一向很准。
hunch 直觉
Rug up.穿暖和点。
A thick, woolen rug covers the floor behind the desk.
You're so touchy.你太敏感了吧。
touchy: 易怒的, 过敏的
Tom, Dick and Harry 随便什么人都行
短语 Tom, Dick and Harry 字面上是三个常见英文人名,实际含义是指任何人,随便什么人。
短语 a clever dick 可以用来形容那些炫耀或卖弄自己有渊博知识的人
I overslept 我睡过头了
He overslept that he was late for class. 他睡过头了,所以上课迟到了
my room is locked up 门被反锁了
my room is locked up, I need your spare key toopen it. 我的房门被反锁了,需要你的备份钥匙来开门
It's almost dinnertime 快到饭点了
dinnertime 午饭时间
my schedule is just unreal,我的行程排得满满的。
schedule: 时间表 unreal: 不真实的
You treat me like dirt.你不拿我当回事,也可以翻译成你虐待我。
treat someone like dirt 不把某人当人看
Why didn't you call?怎么没给我打电话?
You always know what to say.你嘴总是这么甜!(形容一个人会说话)
When I was not notice 趁我不注意
I love hot-hot-hot 我爱吃麻辣烫麻辣烫(串串香,全国各地叫法不一样)的英语说法是hot-hot-hot或者说spicy hot pot。
当然最好是有实物对照,不然你只说hot-hot-hot ,老外还是很难想象的到~
Keep it real~做人要厚道就是这么简单~
Don't look at me that way.不要这样看着我。
look at: 看
that way: 那样.
Hey guys ,take it easy 哥们 有话好好说.很常见 在美剧中
How to eat kitty 如何把妹
You are a promising guy 我看好你呦
promising 有希望的,大有作为的~
You mean to confuse me 你是故意给我捣乱的!~
Hold it still 拿稳了 递给别人东西的时候,用这句~~
Take in a stray dog(收养一条野狗)
take somebody in: 收留,收养
Don't touch that; it's full of germs.别碰那个,上面都是细菌
As the saying goes 俗话说 这是一句固定短语~ 后面直接接你想说的话就可以了
scared me out of my wits 魂都吓没了 魂都吓没了。可见有多可怕~~
He's having two left feet(他笨手笨脚的)。俩左脚,可不笨手笨脚的吗
I became stout as I grew older 年纪大了,发福了
stout 的意思是 粗壮结实的;肥胖的 坚定的,顽强的; n.矮胖子,烈性啤酒
You are weak! 你(们)真没用!
The past is the past.过去的就让它过去吧。
I got carsickness 我晕车了.那么晕船 晕飞机呢?
That's Problem of character deficiency 人品问题延伸:顽固型病理性人品缺乏综合症
Refractory Pathological Character Deficiency Syndrome简称:人品差到死(RPCDS)
You look like you've seen a ghost 你怎么跟见鬼了一样
The water is boiling 水开啦;水烧开了,都用现在进行时~ 这句话,不用其他时态~
I am not trying to exclude you 我没把你当外人
exclude you 排除你~
Who gives a shit 谁鸟你(谁理你),鸟~就是答理. 不鸟你,就是不搭理你
Good work ! 或者 Good Job! 辛苦啦!~表扬,感谢对方的时候用这句~ 你辛苦了~
It's beyond your capacity! 伤不起
网友说: 伤不起”就是说后果不是你能够承受的,字面理解就是或许这件事会对你造成影响(或造成伤害),而这影响你真的无力承受!!
eighty percent new 八成新
要表达一样东西的新旧,除了 brand new,half new,还可以说 :几成新
He puts on this sour。老是愁眉苦脸的
let's not invite Joe. . He puts on this sour 别邀请Joe来参加,他总是愁眉苦脸的~
You're not getting it: 你没明白我的意思。
When i was not notice 趁我不注意
I've told you many times before 和你说了多少次!!
I'm sleep-deprived: 睡眠不足
sleep-deprived: 睡眠不足
Run along then滚一边去
Teach them a lesson 给他点颜色瞧瞧。美剧里面常见!或者可以说make it hot for them
That's not exactly 没什么亮点。就是说一个东西太一般了,没有亮点,没有特色~
Live up to your reputation 果然名不虚传。live up to: 没有辜负,实现
Low pay~工资低 ~~多么简单的说法,不用salary Low pay更口语化