工作中需要频繁使用Oracle环境,但是每次搭建起来比较消耗时间,本想通过虚拟机模板的方式来快速安装oracle vm,但是每次改ip等环境也很耗时,因此想到docker中有没有已经做好的p_w_picpaths,这样就能快速获得Oracle环境。

root@- rac1:docker search oracle


docker.io docker.io/wnameless/oracle-xe-11g Oracle Express 11g R2 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 417 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/oraclelinux Oracle Linux is an open-source operating s... 304 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/alexeiled/docker-oracle-xe-11g This is a working (hopefully) Oracle XE 11... 203 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/sath89/oracle-12c Oracle Standard Edition 12c Release 1 with... 112 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/sath89/oracle-xe-11g Oracle xe 11g with database files mount su... 91 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/isuper/java-oracle This repository contains all java releases... 52 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/jaspeen/oracle-11g Docker p_w_picpath for Oracle 11g database 38 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/oracle/oraclelinux Oracle Linux is an open-source operating s... 34 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/ingensi/oracle-jdk Official Oracle JDK installed on centos. 20 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/airdock/oracle-jdk Docker Image for Oracle Java SDK (8 and 7)... 16 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/oracle/openjdk Docker p_w_picpaths containing OpenJDK Oracle Linux 15 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/cogniteev/oracle-java Oracle JDK 6, 7, 8, and 9 based on Ubuntu ... 12 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/n3ziniuka5/ubuntu-oracle-jdk Ubuntu with Oracle JDK. Check tags for ver... 12 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/andreptb/oracle-java Debian Jessie based p_w_picpath with Oracle JDK ... 8 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/oracle/glassfish GlassFish Java EE Application Server on Or... 8 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/oracle/nosql Oracle NoSQL on a Docker Image with Oracle... 7 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/infogene/oracle Image for running Oracle Database 11g Stan... 6 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/openweb/oracle-tomcat A fork off of Official tomcat p_w_picpath with O... 5 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/flurdy/oracle-java7 Base p_w_picpath containing Oracle's Java 7 JDK 4 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/jtech/oracle-jdk A Docker p_w_picpath based on the smallest Linux... 3 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/davidcaste/debian-oracle-java Oracle Java 8 (and 7) over Debian Jessie 2 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/kaluzki/oracle kaluzki/oracle 2 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/clincase/oracle clincase oracle db server p_w_picpath 1 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/jckrz/debian-oracle-jdk Vanilla Debian + Oracle JDK 1 [OK]

docker.io docker.io/publicisworldwide/oracle-core This is the core p_w_picpath based on Oracle Lin... 1 [OK]




root@- rac1:/home/# docker pull sath89/oracle-12c

Using default tag: latest

latest: Pulling from sath89/oracle-12c

863735b9fd15: Pull complete 

4fbaa2f403df: Pull complete 

faadd00cf98e: Downloading [=======>                                           ] 394.8 MB/2.768 GB

829e2e754405: Download complete 


root@- rac1:/home/# docker p_w_picpaths


docker.io/sath89/oracle-12c latest b8bf52883bc7 5 weeks ago 5.692 GB


使用刚刚下载下来的12g p_w_picpath创建一个container,并运行其上的oracle数据库

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 1521:1521 -v /my/oracle/data:/u01/app/oracle sath89/oracle-12c


[root@-rac1 ~]# docker logs -f ffbeb07058449672c640ddb4e59b8376dae2e3b4dd54142871da7adbc069ee79

ls: cannot access /u01/app/oracle/oradata: No such file or directory

Database not initialized. Initializing database.

Starting tnslsnr

Copying database files

1% complete

37% complete

Creating and starting Oracle instance

40% complete

45% complete

62% complete

Completing Database Creation

66% complete

100% complete

Look at the log file "/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/xe/xe.log" for further details.

Configuring Apex console

Database initialized. Please visit http://#containeer:8080/em http://#containeer:8080/apex for extra configuration if needed

Starting web management console

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Starting import from '/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d':

found file /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d//docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/*

[IMPORT] /entrypoint.sh: ignoring /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/*

Import finished

Database ready to use. Enjoy! ;)




[root@-rac1 ~]~$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                            NAMES

9e893d773494        sath89/oracle-12c   "/entrypoint.sh "   15 minutes ago      Up 15 minutes>1521/tcp,>8080/tcp   clever_chandrasekhar

进入oracle container

[root@-rac1 ~]~$ docker exec -it 9e893d773494 /bin/bash


root@9e893d773494:/# su oracle

oracle@9e893d773494:~$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Feb 24 03:03:00 2017

Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle.  All rights reserved.


Oracle 使用的实例名,用户名,密码如下


hostname: localhost

port: 1521

sid: xe

username: system

password: oracle

