
Disconsulate: Anglo-American relations

① America's new London embassy opens its doors to the public today.

② Donald Trump has had more practice opening new buildings than most, but the real-estate-mogul-turned-president didn't fancy cutting the ribbon at an official ceremony next month.

③ The snub comes at a difficult time for Anglo-American relations.

④ After cancelling his appearance, Mr Trump bemoaned the "bad deal" struck over the embassy's prior, central location in Grosvenor Square.

⑤ More likely he wanted to skirt the demonstrations his first official visit would have caused.

⑥ Prime Minister Theresa May rushed to embrace Mr Trump as the first foreign leader to visit the White House, but has since distanced herself from his more incendiary comments.

⑦ Jeremy Corbyn is the most anti-American leader the opposition Labour Party has ever had; this weekend his foreign-affairs spokesman described the president as "an asteroid of awfulness".

⑧ The diplomats' digs may be finished, but the diplomacy will need lots of spadework.


consulate /ˈkɒnsjʊlət/: n. 领事馆

embassy /ˈɛmbəsi/: n. 大使馆

disconsolate /dɪsˈkɒns(ə)lət/: adj. 忧郁的

real estate: 房地产;不动产

mogul /ˈməʊɡ(ə)l/: n. 大亨;巨头

fancy (doing) sth.: 喜欢/想要……

cut the ribbon: 剪彩

snub /snʌb/: n. 冷落;怠慢

bemoan /bɪˈməʊn/: vt. 对……表示哀叹/不满

skirt /skəːt/: vt. 回避

incendiary /ɪnˈsɛndɪəri/: adj. 煽动性的

asteroid /ˈastərɔɪd/: n. 小行星

digs /dɪɡz/: n.(复数名词)住宿;住所

spadework /ˈspeɪdwəːk/: n. 艰苦的准备工作
