2016-08-11 TalkingData 锐眼看世界:Oracle 的现金出纳系统可能已被攻破,Alphabet 一岁答卷如何?奔驰展示自动驾驶公交车

锐眼视点:在全球范围大规模使用的 Oracle 现金出纳系统可能已经被俄国黑客攻破,除了 Google,Alphabet 旗下其他子公司过得如何?奔驰的自动驾驶公交车上路测试。2016 年日本有哪些值得关注的高科技创业公司?


简讯:黑客可能攻破了 Oracle 的现金出纳系统

原文链接:Hack Brief: Hackers May Have Breached Oracle’s Cash Register System

Oracle 在全球范围部署的 330,000 个负责信用卡结算的微系统可能被攻破了,攻击者可能是俄国黑客。如果属实将造成大范围个人信息泄露。

Oracle 对客户确认了这次入侵,并且在给 Wires 的信中提到:

“Oracle Security has detected and addressed malicious code in certain legacy MICROS systems,” the letter reads. “Oracle’s Corporate network and Oracle’s other cloud and server offerings were not impacted by this code.”

Alphabet 一岁了,有喜有忧

原文链接:One year later, Alphabet is a tale of two Googles
2016-08-11 TalkingData 锐眼看世界:Oracle 的现金出纳系统可能已被攻破,Alphabet 一岁答卷如何?奔驰展示自动驾驶公交车_第1张图片

2016 年 8 月 10,Alphabet 一岁了,Google 在摆脱了不盈利的 “Moonshots” 项目后,凭借稳定的广告业务增长完成了伟大的一年:

  • The business soars: Revenues topped 21 growth last quarter and operating margins keep getting fatter.
  • More focus: One senior exec at Google recently explained a key change from the Alphabet reorg: Before, meetings cluttered with discussion of extraneous projects — the self-driving cars, medical doodads and internet balloons. Now, Google meetings are spent on Google alone.
  • Porat appeases Wall Street: Not too long ago, investors were making fretful phone calls about Google’s abundant spending. Not anymore. Thank Ruth Porat, the former Morgan Stanley CFO who helped orchestrate the Alphabet reshuffle. “Implementing a competitive culture in what was becoming a behemoth — that’s critical,” said Colin Gillis, an analyst with BGC Partners. “Ruth Porat has been priced into the stock.”
  • About that stock: It has climbed nearly 24 percent since August 10th of last year.
  • The c****loud cometh: Google CEO Sundar Pichai somehow convinced Diane Greene, a big name in the enterprise world, to come from Google’s board to run its new cloud unit. That unit seems, slowly but surely, to be becoming business hit number two after search ads.
  • Taking on Oculus: Earlier this year, Google launched a virtual reality division, which is set to compete with Facebook to own both the devices and, perhaps more critically, the software behind the newfangled media.
  • Hardware cohesion: Google finally brought together its disparate hardware parts under one roof. Now it has to ship its most significant product: A rival to Amazon’s surprise hit, Echo. And perhaps give us answers about the long awaited follow-up to Google Glass. The company has not provided any clarity into its strategy.

然而,相比之下,其他的 “Bets” 却不尽如人意:

  • Losses added: Alphabet poured $859 million into these units last quarter, nearly $300 million more than the same quarter last year.
  • New equity: Employees at the non-Google company may soon have to get used to new stock packages — ones that aren’t tied to that soaring Google.
  • **Fiber breaks out of ****its ****shell: **The high-speed internet initiative made some significant advances against the cable incumbents this year. More importantly, it revealed its potential ace-in-the-hole plans: Less fiber, more wireless.
  • Nest hits a wall: One of the messier parts of the Alphabet had a difficult year, driven, in part, by some of the changes with the Alphabet structure. It now has a new CEO and its fate is remains unclear
  • Verily cuts deals: The medical research, drug discovery and whatever-else arm spun out of Google X and cut some major partnership deals.
  • Verily hits some snags: But it also faced some considerable damning scrutiny.
  • Robot exit: After Page failed to find a chief for Google’s scattershot robotics team, it was moved into the X research lab. But a big part of it, Boston Dynamics — makers of the creepy-cool humanoid robots — went on the chopping block.
  • The car stalls: Google’s self-driving car program has delivered some impressive tech milestones this year. What it has not delivered: Much of a business plan. The unit inked one deal with a carmaker, but has nothing more. Last week, its CTO and former director departed.
  • Wealth: Page and Brin, the Alphabet chiefs and paramount shareholders, are richer than they were a year ago.


原文链接:Mercedes-Benz Demonstrates Self-Driving Bus


文中提供了上路测试的视频,测试速度 40Mbh。奔驰认为:未来的公交车将会搭载十几个前置和后置摄像头,不同距离的雷达,并且和交通信号灯进行协调以便控制车速,同时保证行驶安全性。


2016 年,8 家值得关注的日本科技创业公司

原文链接:8 Japanese startups to follow at Tech in Asia Tokyo 2016

TechInAsia 评选出了 8 个日本的高科技创业公司,从 VR 到语言学习,还有一直保持世界先进水平的机器人技术。

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