在《如何记住这些英文成语俚语和谚语(十一)dog and food》里面讲过,英国人对狗的印象,尤其是吃的印象非常不好,所以狗吃的不好就很容易生病,而且病得很严重,于是就有了as sick as a dog的说法。
as sick as a dog
上吐下泻,形容人身体病得厉害。=very ill
例:She was as sick as a dog after eating the stew.而指人精神上抑郁,或者说区别于身体的疾病的时候,英国人用as sick as parrot, 可能源于鹦鹉学舌(psittacosis)会让主人郁闷。
(as) sick as a parrot
=Thoroughly displeased, disappointed, or dejected (about something). Primarily heard in UK. 非常不开心、失望、苦闷、忧伤等
例:Tim was as sick as a parrot when he learned that he had been passed over for the promotion.
I'm delighted that my children have such wonderful opportunities abroad, but I must say I feel sick as a parrot at the thought of being separated from them for so long.
狗见了骨头应该开心啊,有吃的了,英国人他不这么想,那个骨头可能是狗的玩具啊,所以,在英国英语里,like a dog with a bone就是不依不饶,没完没了地想/说。
be like a dog with a bone (british)
=to refuse to stop thinking about or talking about a subject难以释怀
例:On the subject of fathers' rights, he's like a dog with a bone.用狗形容人开心怎么说?狗开心的时候就摇尾巴。
Like a dog with two tails
=very happy
例子:She will be like a dog with two tails once she gets into the team.
*crooked as a barrel of fish hooks
*crooked as a fish hook;
*crooked as a dog's hind leg
挂羊头卖狗肉,不值得信赖/信任=very dishonest. (*Also: as ~.) =unethical, and rather mendacious.
例子Don't play cards with him. He's as crooked as a barrel of fish hooks. Mary says all politicians are crooked as a dog's hind leg.
like a blind dog in a meat market(house)
1.out of control. 失去控制、不能自已
例:The drunk staggered out of the saloon like a blind dog in a meat market, stumbling all over the sidewalk. The kids tore through the museum like a blind dog in a meat market, touching everything they weren't supposed to touch.
2. Aimless漫无目的
3. Incapable/unable to take action手足无措
例:“Don't stand around like a blind dog in a meat market, do something even if you do it wrong”
“Like the dog that caught the bus.”
=When you’ve reached a goal and don’t know what to do next.骑虎难下、不知所措
例:“This girl finally agreed to go out with me after I asked 7 times. But now I feel like the dog that caught the bus.”